Kaytanas PYO's – New Dragon! Finished! Pg 7

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Kaytanas PYO's – New Dragon! Finished! Pg 7

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      Kay those wings are fabulous!! I wanted to do one in fire/ash but I think you have it going on.Can’t wait to see it.NICE!

      Every act matters.No matter how small💞
      (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
      Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


        Those horns and wings are WICKED!


          Going to do a glossy finish on him or keep him more towards the matte look?

          I think he’s going to have a mix of finish… probably satin and matte.. I like the matte look on the horns/claws and the black on the belly and feet… I dunno though, I’m gonna see what he looks like when he is done, and sorta make up my mind then 🙂

          WAAHHH *grabby hands* GIMMEEHHHHHH

          I just went on a Diablo binge. T_T Need.. sleep..

          Dude, those horns are freaking AMAZING and that wing detailing is fantastic!! I am so excited to see this guy done, you are doing such a ridiculously good job!!

          LOL! Yeah I went on a Diablo binge yesterday XD so much love for that game!
          Thank you! 😀 this dragon is gonna be the end of me, hahahaha! (Nah, I’m actually having a ton of fun with him!)

          ‘n thank you Bodine and Ghostndragon 😀


            Yeah, not to sound redundant or anything, buy my goodness you’ve got talent. I can’t even express to you how much I love the wings, they are so great! LOVE
            And the horns are awesome too. They really look all chunky and cracked. My kingdom for 1/10 of the talent you’ve got. :jawdrop:

            I’m sorry I haven’t messaged you lately. Been meaning too but school has been a pain. I’m on summer vacation after Thursday though, so we can talk lots 😉


              Dude! How did I miss this guy? He’s looking really cool so far. Love the special details you are giving to his claw, horns and wings.


              O wow Kaytana, this Keeper is really cool!
              I have a small dragon I´m painting on and off for over half a year now but he just does not turn out the way I want him to >_<. I planned for him to have the effect you have on the Keeper wings but so far everything I tried looked just totally weird. He is the only PYO piece that takes me so long and resists all my efforts to make him look good.
              Any secret you can share with me how you managed to make it look so good?


              Those horns and wings are amazing! Looking forward to seeing him completed. 🙂


                He is so amazing!!!!! You did such an amazing job!!
                I’ve been playing Diablo like crazy. I made a witch hunter first, then made a demon hunter and so far I lilt it a lot better!


                  Here he is in his current state.. still more to do to him, of course 😉 I’m hoping to finish him very soon though!


                    Yeah, not to sound redundant or anything, buy my goodness you’ve got talent. I can’t even express to you how much I love the wings, they are so great! LOVE
                    And the horns are awesome too. They really look all chunky and cracked. My kingdom for 1/10 of the talent you’ve got. :jawdrop:

                    I’m sorry I haven’t messaged you lately. Been meaning too but school has been a pain. I’m on summer vacation after Thursday though, so we can talk lots 😉

                    haha, thanks! It definitely helps with the PYOs to have my previous painting experience.. though also possibly getting myself into trouble with how much I can detail things XD lol! and no worries, I’ve been stupid busy lately too XD

                    Dude! How did I miss this guy? He’s looking really cool so far. Love the special details you are giving to his claw, horns and wings.

                    I snuck him in! 😉 ‘n thank you 🙂

                    O wow Kaytana, this Keeper is really cool!
                    I have a small dragon I´m painting on and off for over half a year now but he just does not turn out the way I want him to >_<. I planned for him to have the effect you have on the Keeper wings but so far everything I tried looked just totally weird. He is the only PYO piece that takes me so long and resists all my efforts to make him look good.
                    Any secret you can share with me how you managed to make it look so good?

                    Thanks! I sent you a PM about it? I’d be happy to help you with yours 😀

                    He is so amazing!!!!! You did such an amazing job!!
                    I’ve been playing Diablo like crazy. I made a witch hunter first, then made a demon hunter and so far I lilt it a lot better!

                    Thank you so much! <3
                    I've been playing quite a bit too! Though trying to balance my time with painting this guy too XD My Demon Hunter is a lot of fun! but I also really love my Monk!


                      My Kiya he is looking good! So many creative details! The red inside the nose is awesome, looks like he could literally “lite you up” at any second.
                      Too cool!


                        The wings are amazing .


                          the ‘lava’ on his neck/shoulders and the fiery tone in his nostrils will be refined.. a lot.. that is just layer one, I want to add more to him, I just haven’t figured out where yet, so once all the orange-red is laid down, I will detail in the other fiery colors to match his wings 🙂


                          Wow, he is STUNNING! I look forward to seeing what you do with him when you consider him more “finished!”


                            So I can’t make up my mind yet.. so I figure I will ask what people here think? 🙂 I need to work on something other than Hellfire to give myself a fresh look at him (I’ll finish him quicker this way since he is still what I’m mostly concentrating on)

                            I’m torn between doing a white/sandy/tan/possibly blue small dragon (This guy would have a lot of texture to him if he turns out how I’m hoping)… or a small dragon that looks similar to Hellfire? So… basically, total opposites of each other XD haha
                            What would you guys like to see? or any other color combination/inspiration ideas to apply to a small dragon? 🙂

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