Job Search…. update (probably last) pg 9.

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    Best of luck, Dragon. 🙂


    Dragon87 wrote:

    I have an interview on Friday with a small oilfield chemical company out in Nisku (just south of Edmonton, by the International Airport)!

    Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

    Good luck, I used to work at a hotel in Nisku…ummm I dont recommend staying there though 😆 .


    Good luck on your job search!


      Good luck!


      ruffian wrote:

      Dragon87 wrote:

      I have an interview on Friday with a small oilfield chemical company out in Nisku (just south of Edmonton, by the International Airport)!

      Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!! 😀

      Good luck, I used to work at a hotel in Nisku…ummm I dont recommend staying there though 😆 .
      No plans on staying there… just stealing paychecks! 😆 Thanks for the well wishes everyone! I’ll definitely let ya know how it goes! 😀


        fingers crossed!!

        twindragonsmum 🙂



        How’d it go? How’d it go? *bounce*


        Greater Basilisk wrote:

        How’d it go? How’d it go? *bounce*

        You are impatient my dear! I’ll tell you Friday… after I actually have the interview! lol But I got a good feeling about this…. 😀


          Fingers crossed for all looking for jobs–wanna hear good news!


            Me too, Firebird! <3


            Oops! 😳 Haha! 😆 You did say Friday, didn’t you. Ah, me and my skimming over topics…


            If I survive the drive out to Nisku – then updates later!

            It’s just been DUMPING snow outside! What is this? 😮 😮 😮 Couldn’t it wait until tomorrow??? *whine*


            Hmm we are getting little bits of snow, but no dumping, drive careful!!


              Argh, bad timing for the snow! 🙁 Drive safely, Dragon!


              Good luck and drive safely!!! 🙂

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