Job Search…. update (probably last) pg 9.

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      Sorry Dragon87 that you didn’t get that job. 🙁 I was really hoping you would—so nice to see that someone got 2 job offers!! At least they emailed you and let you know. I interviewed for a job the beginning of this month–sent an after interview letter and even emailed them as to status and nothing! I understand that there are so many people looking but when you’ve met someone face to face and talked with them, I feel at least give them the courtesy of letting them know whether they’re in or not.

      The bright side is that you currently do have a job. What hurts me most with this economy and being laid off is that I can’t help my friends. I can be there for them but I can’t help them in a monetary way. So maybe something else will come your way…something better. People keep telling me this but I have a hard time believing it–but it sure sounds good! 🙂


      ruffian wrote:

      Move here!!

      😆 Ruffian! I need to find out where Colin’s going before I want to attempt a move.

      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      May I ask – was the rejection a form letter or was there a specific reason they decided against you?

      The rejection letter said, “Although you have tremendous qualifications, you are not quite what we are looking for”. So it’s probably that I was willing to quit this job so soon after getting it. Doesn’t bode well. 😕 But if I had tremendous qualifications, I should’ve at least gotten to the interview…. *mutters*.

      But yes, at least I have a job…. however gross and crappy it is. I think I pulled a muscle slipping on some beef blood the other day…. ouch and yick at the same time. :puke: Right now I’m happy I even have an income. Because something is better then nothing. And MAYBE my plan in 3 months will at least partially cover my lantus insulin!!! I can hope for that!

      At least the people at work are starting to accept and trust me now. Maybe they just decided that I wasn’t just gonna up and quit on them (if only they knew…. 😆 )


      You’re good about seeing the silver lining. 😀


        Sorry you didn’t get the job but hopefully another one that is better will come along soon


        Dragon87 wrote:

        ruffian wrote:

        Move here!!

        😆 Ruffian! I need to find out where Colin’s going before I want to attempt a move.

        And what does he do?


        ruffian wrote:

        Dragon87 wrote:

        ruffian wrote:

        Move here!!

        😆 Ruffian! I need to find out where Colin’s going before I want to attempt a move.

        And what does he do?
        He’s finishing his math major in Education in April. Job market’s tough for him, I go where he goes, in this case. So I’m looking in Edmonton to tide me over till then.


          Good luck no matter what you decide

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