Job Search…. update (probably last) pg 9.

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    So, as I’ve mentioned a few times on the forum, I’m finishing my chemical technology diploma in December.

    So I’m starting to spam people with resume’s now. One of my dream employers is Dow Chemicals, in Fort Saskatchewan. They have a job posting up! I think, OMG, this is AWESOME! I hope I get it!

    So I go to apply on their website. When I go to upload my resume, I make a mistake and upload my references instead! Which is an unfinished list – and I can’t send people that yet. So I go, okay, I can just upload a different file. When I try to, all I get is my reference list again. It’s bugging up and won’t let me upload again. So I try to exit Chrome and try again. Same problem. πŸ™„

    I try to delete my account and just remake it with the correct file. Nope, a file has been submitted under that email. BUT I DELETED IT!!!! :shout:

    I just want to run away screaming, working at Dow was always my dream job and I think I just blew it.

    I’m going to try faxing tomorrow and explain everything on the cover letter (like, don’t use those references until I tell you to! I haven’t finalized with one person the useage of that reference!!!). Hopefully it’ll get me back in the running but I think my mistake may have already cost me a potentially awesome position. πŸ˜₯

    Sorry if it’s kinda ventish, I’m really upset by this.


    Oh no! I hope it’s not as bad as you describe it; do let us know what happens! If it’s any comfort to you, I generally find that things I’m really really worried about never turn out as terrible as I expect, while things I don’t give a second thought come back to hit me over the head with a vengeance…
    Good luck!


      I always feel that way when something like that happens. Believe me, when I was looking for a job, it happened a couple of times. One of them was when I misspelled the position name in my cover letter…twice! I ended up getting offered the position, though. My qualifications overrode the mistake (if they even noticed it.) I turned it down in favor of a better position. It’ll be alright. If you don’t get the position, it won’t be because of that little mistake. It will be because a million and one applicants applied for it. That’s the state of the economy.


      *sigh* I know, I’m just stressing over nothing.

      Well it turns out that applying for another position actually fixed the error. Or it fixed itself. Not entirely sure. :scratch:

      Computers and online applications make Dragon87 go something something….


        Good luck with your job search I hope you find the job of your dreams and love it.


          Good luck, if you want to work for one of the chemical plants, Sarnia is a good place. It’s population pretty much either works at the plants (Dow, Nova Chemicals, Bayer, Imperial Oil, Shell) or for the casino. Warning though, there is absolutely nothing else to do on the weekends but gamble or drink. πŸ˜€


          Jasmine wrote:

          Good luck, if you want to work for one of the chemical plants, Sarnia is a good place. It’s population pretty much either works at the plants (Dow, Nova Chemicals, Bayer, Imperial Oil, Shell) or for the casino. Warning though, there is absolutely nothing else to do on the weekends but gamble or drink. πŸ˜€

          I’m really trying to stay in Alberta though – Colin’s going in for a teacher, and it’s easier for him that way (there are alot of openings in Toronto on Workopolis though. Tempting.) πŸ˜€

          Hopefully sometime in the next couple of months, you can all be happy with me as I announce my first actual – career! I’m excited but kinda scared about going into the “real world” for the first time.


            Dragon87 wrote:

            Dragon87 makes Computers go something something

            Fixed 😈


            Adraenyse wrote:

            Dragon87 wrote:

            Dragon87 makes Computers go something something

            Fixed 😈

            PBBBBT!!!! πŸ˜›

            I suppose it doesn’t help my case that my computer had a serious meltdown (not the defrag again! I was doing it manually, but I was doing it, damnit!) and I had to replace it. πŸ™„


              How frustrating into trying to give a good impression–figuring out how to post your resume–and having the wrong file upload! Things happen and I’m sure it has happened to the veterans in this field as well. I do look forward in dancing the happy dance with you when you get that job–whatever job. πŸ˜€


              I have an interview on Friday with a small oilfield chemical company out in Nisku (just south of Edmonton, by the International Airport)!

              Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜€


                Lots and lots of luck!!!! πŸ˜‰


                Good luck! Hope it goes well! πŸ˜€


                  Good luck, Dragon! πŸ™‚ <3

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