I just can't believe I will soon have a Brown Emperor……

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      So just happened on eBay yesterday….and what do I see newly listed? A Brown Emperor!! Buy it now!!! I was so afraid someone else was going to beat me to the click…..I have been looking for him forever (just like everyone else!)


      The seller wants to pack him, but I am definitely sending an emperor box for him to be shipped in!! I am walking on air…..


        I’ve looked and looked for pictures of others throughout the forum…but they’re really hard to find. Anyone want to post pictures of theirs here just to whet my appetite a little more???


          I saw him, but luckily for me, it wasn’t available to Canada which saved me from a purchase I absolutely can not afford right now! LOL!

          I’m glad it went to a forum member though!

          Congratulations 😀


            Thank you so much!! I keep checking my eBay purchase history over and over just to make sure it’s really true….lol. Fingers crossed the seller comes through.

            Ohhh…my poor, poor husband…. Now I’m going to have to pretend my emperors mated, too….. and pick up a few more shifts at work!!!!


              Congratultions, I was actually surprised by how long the listing stayed up for


                Congrats on the incoming brown emp! I saw him after the fact, but I’m hoping to someday acquire an old green (horrible timing on the last one that showed up on ebay recently *sigh*). I hope he arrives safely and without issue! If there is an issue, there are several really good windstone doctors here on the forum, but hopefully you will not need to worry about that. 🙂 Please show him off when he arrives! 😀

                I know a few people have posted their old brown emps in the past here on the forum. Not too many, but their pictures have shown up once every now and again, but definitely not too often. The old brown emps are pretty rare, more so than the old greens. 🙂


                  I, too, was tempted on that recent old green. He went for more than I could afford at the time, though, so I wasn’t tempted long!

                  I really hope someone posts photos of theirs…


                    Congrats! Lucky you 🙂

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    Congrats, just wish you hadn’t told me…I have been after one for about 10 years, always before you had to bid on them when they showed up, a BIN is just about unheard of, so you are very lucky. Don’t let him move an inch until that box gets to him.



                      I saw him but I didnt have enough money to buy him (well, I sort of did, but only if I could go a month or two without eating). So I just sat there refreshing the page over and over again until he was gone. *sigh*


                        I didn’t have the money to buy him, either, really…..but I made sure to make it work!!!! I have been looking so long, and they all have gone way out of my price range…so this is like a dream come true…


                        Congrats, I’m jealous! I’m lucky enough to be the proud housekeeper for an old green emp, and have been hunting for a brown forever. The last time I had a shot at one on Ebay was years back, and the listing was suddenly pulled. When I messaged the seller to ask why, they told me it had fallen off of its shelf and broken. I even tried to make an offer for the pieces, heh! But they’d gone into the dumpster by then. What a shame! I hope the big fella finds his way to you safely.

                        Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


                          I saw him but I didnt have enough money to buy him (well, I sort of did, but only if I could go a month or two without eating). So I just sat there refreshing the page over and over again until he was gone. *sigh*

                          The more I picture this the sadder I get…. 🙁 Sorry, Pam.


                            Congrats, I’m jealous! I’m lucky enough to be the proud housekeeper for an old green emp, and have been hunting for a brown forever. The last time I had a shot at one on Ebay was years back, and the listing was suddenly pulled. When I messaged the seller to ask why, they told me it had fallen off of its shelf and broken. I even tried to make an offer for the pieces, heh! But they’d gone into the dumpster by then. What a shame! I hope the big fella finds his way to you safely.

                            I actually have read this thread. The seller said they had no idea anyone would be interested in him broken…if I recall right??

                            I consider myself incredibly, incredibly lucky. Like I said, I can’t really believe it’s true!! The boxes should make it to her on Saturday, so hopefully I will have him (INTACT) sometime next week.


                              I saw him but I didnt have enough money to buy him (well, I sort of did, but only if I could go a month or two without eating). So I just sat there refreshing the page over and over again until he was gone. *sigh*

                              The more I picture this the sadder I get…. 🙁 Sorry, Pam.

                              Oh, dont be. 🙂 I wouldn’t have had enough money even if no one bought him. I wondered if a forum member got him, and I am glad one did. I hope he gets to you safe and sound! He’s not really gone forever, he just has a new home for a while.

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