"I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.3

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  • This topic has 1,491 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years ago by BDW.
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      Here are pictures, as promised! My husband’s Emerald Old Warrior, which he flipped over. The OW is currently in our bedroom, and I made the comment, “The Windstones are slowly creeping in – soon I’ll have you fully converted!” And he pointed at the OW and said, “How could I not be converted by /that/!” 😀

      And here’s my beloved silver emperor, with my peacock griffins for scale. He’s amazing. Terrible, terrible picture and I apologize for that, but I didn’t want to risk carrying him outside.

      I’ll be sitting at my computer and slowly my eyes will drift left until I’m looking at him fully, and even after several days I still say “Wow” every time. 😀


      Congrats on everyones new additions 🙂 and the anniversary’s what better give then windstones?? I sure couldn’t think of much else id rather have… ( other then a horse) 😀

      But yah its so fun to see all the pictures!! Dont stop all! 😛


        Kujacker wrote:

        starbreeze wrote:

        Kujacker wrote:

        GB, is he emerald? He looks amazing 😯 And a lot different from other emeralds (a color I didn’t like at all).

        He’s a spring green that Olimpia did for ebay. Correct me if I have the color wrong, GB. 🙂

        Ah! That would explain it. I forgot about those. Either way, he looks nice.
        I can answer for GB (hope she wont mind) yes that is the Spring Green Gold riser that Olympia did for ebay


          Stephanie, that silver Emperor is just gorgeous.
          Congrats again on getting him! 😀


            Stephanie and I found this Protoceratops on ebay as a hidden auction, and i ended up sniping it from her, but I promised to post photos of it. She was very kind and gracious about my snipy win, thank you Stephanie!

            Since it was a hidden auction, he only went for $15. *happy dino dance*

            he did have some scuffing though. the shell was all good, but he was very dirty and had some scuffed paint. some one also had tried waxing him, which made it look like there was a bit more damage..but the wach brushed off easily and i cleaned off all the dirt and grime and touched up his paint.

            here is what he looked like before:

            and here is after he has been all prettied up:


              Hehe! He looks fabulous – great job fixing him up! And congrats again! 😀


                Stephanie wrote:

                Hehe! He looks fabulous – great job fixing him up! And congrats again! 😀

                thank you verrrry much steph! I really apreciate it ^.^


                  I have 3 new windstones. My Rainbow young arrived (from the post by Jennifer/Nambroth about the collection from the guy who passed away). The wax is almost cleaned off too 🙂 I also got my Mint Garden #1 dragon from Koishii. *Squee!*

                  The third one gets a little bit of a story (suspense… dun dun duhhhhh!). Today, I wandered into the mall (there are about 6 in my area, but only one I regularly go to). There is a store there that has a couple of windstones, that tend to be really marked up. I don’t think they are a dealer, esp. after talking to the guy at the counter. I’ll have to check with Susie to be sure (if they aren’t, I’ll have to see if I can get them to be!). On a whim I went in today just for grins after going to the gym and found 2 more windstones on hand from the last time I went in like 2-3 months ago. One of them was a Red Fire hatchling… with RED eyes! 😯 Only planned on going to drool, but I couldn’t pass him up! A little more than you’d normally see for a price, but they said they hadn’t marked him up yet *whew*! The two males they have are $174 and the fledge they have is $109, to give you and idea.


                  Whoa, what a markup! 😯 Congrats on the red-eyed Hatchling!


                    I’ve got a red fire hatchling with red eyes as well. 😀 I wonder how many of them snuck out of the factory…That makes three that are known to exist, unless you bought the one that was found (but not purchased) earlier…

                    Congrats! 😀


                      Stephanie wrote:

                      I’ve got a red fire hatchling with red eyes as well. 😀 I wonder how many of them snuck out of the factory…That makes three that are known to exist, unless you bought the one that was found (but not purchased) earlier…

                      Congrats! 😀

                      Nope. No one else on the forum lives and shops at this mall that I am aware of (only one other forum member that I know of lives relatively close), so this is a new one.


                        Hubby got me the ruby oriental sun dragon from the flea market post about Melody’s friends collection. I don’t think he was ever taken out of his original box. This is my first oriental and I really wish they would put this sculpt back in regular production. I really like him.


                          Congrats! He’s lovely. 😀


                          Isn’t he beautiful! Congratulations, purpledoggy!


                            Nice Sun dragon! Your husband is awesome to get that for you. 😀

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