"I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.3

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  • This topic has 1,491 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years ago by BDW.
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  • #683042

      GB, I love that Riser!!! Congrats again!!! πŸ˜€


        GB, is he emerald? He looks amazing 😯 And a lot different from other emeralds (a color I didn’t like at all).


          I agree…that riser is a stunner!


            Kujacker wrote:

            GB, is he emerald? He looks amazing 😯 And a lot different from other emeralds (a color I didn’t like at all).

            He’s a spring green that Olimpia did for ebay. Correct me if I have the color wrong, GB. πŸ™‚


              starbreeze wrote:

              Kujacker wrote:

              GB, is he emerald? He looks amazing 😯 And a lot different from other emeralds (a color I didn’t like at all).

              He’s a spring green that Olimpia did for ebay. Correct me if I have the color wrong, GB. πŸ™‚

              Ah! That would explain it. I forgot about those. Either way, he looks nice.


                Kujacker wrote:

                starbreeze wrote:

                Kujacker wrote:

                GB, is he emerald? He looks amazing 😯 And a lot different from other emeralds (a color I didn’t like at all).

                He’s a spring green that Olimpia did for ebay. Correct me if I have the color wrong, GB. πŸ™‚

                Ah! That would explain it. I forgot about those. Either way, he looks nice.
                You are correct my 2nd SK is the same color and it is BEAUTIFUL in person.
                Sorry GB not trying ot step on toes just answering since I knew the answer


                  I got a silver emperor today! He is a gift from my husband for our 1 year anniversary. Our anniversary isn’t until June 2nd, but I freaked when I saw the big box on our porch from Windstone, and he let me open it early. πŸ˜€ (I got him an emerald old warrior that I let him open two days ago, hehe! We have zero patience.)

                  He is absolutely stunning! I’ll get pictures up when I can get more batteries for my camera. When I put him on my desk, I swear my black griffin looked nervous, and my silver male looked irritated that he was no longer my biggest silver. πŸ˜†


                    Congrats!! I want one so bad but I will have to wait. What great anniversary presents for each other! πŸ˜€


                      wolflodge100 wrote:

                      Congrats!! I want one so bad but I will have to wait. What great anniversary presents for each other! πŸ˜€

                      Thanks! We’ll have a very small Windstone budget for quite a while, but it was worth it. πŸ˜€


                        Congrats tasgrs! Its nice to have a green light and Happy Anniversary!!

                        GB, that riser is a stunner. Very nice.

                        Congrats Steph! And another Happy Anniversary! πŸ˜€


                          Congrats to all on the new additions!
                          And Happy Anniversary, Stephanie and tasgrs. πŸ™‚


                            Stephanie wrote:

                            I got a silver emperor today! He is a gift from my husband for our 1 year anniversary. Our anniversary isn’t until June 2nd, but I freaked when I saw the big box on our porch from Windstone, and he let me open it early. πŸ˜€ (I got him an emerald old warrior that I let him open two days ago, hehe! We have zero patience.)

                            He is absolutely stunning! I’ll get pictures up when I can get more batteries for my camera. When I put him on my desk, I swear my black griffin looked nervous, and my silver male looked irritated that he was no longer my biggest silver. πŸ˜†
                            June 2nd is my sisters birthday!! She will be 44 I hope you guys make it that long or longer


                            skigod377 wrote:

                            Congrats tasgrs! Its nice to have a green light and Happy Anniversary!!

                            It *does* beat the alternative, doesn’t it? πŸ˜† And thanks for the anniversary wishes. It will be 22 years on May 31. There are days when I wonder why I let him live this long, and then there are days like yesterday when I’m glad I DID. 😈 πŸ˜†

                            And the Em Pea male and mother did arrive yesterday afternoon. It was like being a kid at Christmas. πŸ˜€
                            All that’s left to wait for now is the Peacock Riser, and the male and mother Sunset griffins. And that will *HAVE* to be it for a while; the bank account is rather stressed at the moment.

                            But I do have to say this: I LOVE THE EM PEA COLOR!!!! I hadn’t seen the bigger pieces in it; just the hatcher and the fledge. When the male and mother arrived, I think I stood there with them in my hands completely enthralled for a long enough time that my husband asked me if there was something wrong with them. πŸ˜‰ So now I need to start saving up for an Emp. πŸ˜‰


                              Congrats everyone on your new Windstones and Anniversaries. I always enjoy looking at everyone’s new treasures πŸ™‚


                                I went to the PO today to pick up my Silver Jade Coiled mother and they were closed 😈

                                Now I have to wait until Monday and I might not even make it then cause my son has tutoring right after I get off work. I want to see it so bad!

                                22 years 😯 Congrats! My hubby and I are going to be 13 years June 1st! My heart still pitter-pats when he comes home at night. He’s such a supportive and wonderful guy. I truely love him. 😳

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