How old are Windstone Collectors

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      I only recently became aware of Windstones while searching for “copper patina” in google images. I saw one of the mother dragons in copper patina and went “What is that?!” and just had to investigate. I have now obtained a few dragons. I am 24 and intend to be collecting Windstones and dragons for a very long time.

      That’s cool how you found them! Welcome to the forum! Which dragons have you obtained?

      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


        That’s cool how you found them! Welcome to the forum! Which dragons have you obtained?

        Thanks for the welcome! I have Curled, Hatching, Mother, and Male dragons all in copper patina. Today ordered the Spectral and Rising Spectral in copper patina while looking for a Curled dragon for my mom for Mother’s Day (she is also a dragon enthusiast). I figured I better nab them while still available (and while I have a little play cash)! =)


          Hmmmm….I guess I never posted here. I am 40.

          I have had a fascination with dragons ever since I read The Hobbit in elementary school. After that, I read anything and everything high fantasy. Unfortunately, all the dragon figures I could find looked really cheesy to me…..either cheap looking or way too “evil”. So, I never collected anything.

          Then, when I was 24, my mom and step-dad went on their honeymoon and brought me back the most amazing thing I had ever seen in my life…..a jade oriental dragon. Oh boy, I cannot tell you how much I loved that dragon! I mean LOVED that dragon. I just could look at him for ever and be entertained. My mom told me that she got him in a shop in Las Vegas….and that they had a bunch of other dragons, too!

          Sooooo…..when I got married in 1999 we took our honeymoon in….Las Vegas! And really, I just wanted to go see this dragon store! I found the store, and brought home a brown male and mother.

          I loved these dragons for years and years, but never saw them anywhere else. Ever. In 2009, I had a thought “Hey, the internet exists….I should see if I can find more about my beloved dragons!” Found this site, but more importantly, found out that Melody was painting OOAK pieces for eBay! I was lucky enough to win my first eBay dragon in 2011. I remember when I got him I kept thinking “Melody touched this! She painted this just for ME!” 😀 And….the addiction began!

          I still have my first eBay piece, and the jade oriental, and my browns….but they have been joined by many more pieces….including unicorns! I never thought I would collect unicorns….but when I held my first grab bag baby I was hooked. 🙂


            I’ll be turning 36 in three months. I got my very first dragon, a peacock mother, from my boyfriend’s Mom when I was just 13. Over the years she became my Mum-in-law and was responsible for at least half of my collection. My love has always been the old Peacock family, and I was fortunate enough to receive the final piece I had been missing just this last year from my own Mom. I’ll always cherish these pieces that the two amazing ladies in my life have given me, they are a constant and welcome reminder of two people I miss very much.

            My husband just smiles at me and shakes his head as I do my best to add to my latest addiction. Poads! I have been fortunate enough to purchase two adult ooak and of course my precious grab bag young Poads who proudly sit with my Autumn Leaf adult to keep them safely out of trouble. I think I am creeping up toward the thirty pieces mark so it’s a small but much loved collection.


              I’m 25 and I’ve been collecting dragons since I was 16. I found my first windstone in a “junk” store this last year. It was a male white dragon. He was pretty badly chipped, but I took him anyway. For $20, why not? I didn’t know much about windstone when I bought him, but I liked the style of the dragon. I did a little more research, found this website, and have now acquired a few ruby dragons and a BVP fledgling. I’m really amazed I didn’t find windstone sooner, but given the area I live in, it’s not too surprising on second thought. :p


                29 here, I first found Windstone Editions in a small tourist shop in Monterrey, CA, when I was a kid and was just hooked… but the prices kept me off collecting. My first sculpture was a completely adorable bird-winged flapcat given to me when I was a teen by a cousin of mine. It’s the only one I own currently, though I just love so many of them.

                My housemate has a gorgeous rainbow mother given to him when he turned 16, and a lovely little lady cat he picked up himself later. He’s 26 and we’re both interested in trying some PYOs now!


                  At the time of this posting, 33. I first discovered Windstones from a catalog called ‘Dancing Dragon’ around 1995-96. I saw the mother and male dragons along with some of the little dragons in the original ‘peacock’ color scheme and fell in love. But alas, I never had the disposable income for them and my parents never got me things like that for gifts (my dragon obsession was apparently too strange and statues weren’t considered practical gift purchases). It wasn’t until I visited ‘Boardwalk & Park Place’ in the Greenville Mall, SC (and had a job with a bit of disposable income of my own) around ’08-’09 that I finally got to get a mother dragon in emerald peacock. Since then, all my Windstone purchases have been PYO sculpts to fuel my desire to paint 😉 .

                  Oh and yes, interest is still going strong!


                  Im 41 …. yuppers ! But I still feel 23, and even got asked for ID 3 years ago, once at the liquor store and again at the casino ! … so I dont look my age, never did, LOL !


                  I just bought my very first windstone yesterday, and just a little grab bag tadpoad. But I’m turning 39 next month, and think I’ll be celebrating my birthday by purchasing another windstone! LoL I have always had a love for fantasy creatures, and fantasy lit, but could never find figures that appealed to me as being “real” in appearance, if that makes sense. I wanted creatures that made logical sense, I guess. Being in the veterinary field fuels that perhaps? (No longer in the field due to physical disability.) Anyways, I love every figure (except maybe the PYO Muse) that I have seen thus far! M.Pena’s talent is beyond anything I could ever hope to achieve! My 15 year old daughter is drooling over these, too, so I think Santa is gonna have to buy something extra special for her this year . . .


                    My first windstone was bought for me when I was still in elementary school. Saw it in the Tobacco Shoppe and haaaaad to have it, begged my mom with tears until she gave in. I’d loved dragons and unicorns for FOREVER. I think she was afraid I was going to break it, but it was seriously one of my most treasured possessions and was something I took really good care of. It *did* unfortunately get a spot of chipped paint on the nose, but not until I was much, much older and after several moves.

                    I bought my first one for myself when I rediscovered them in college. Actually bought a couple for myself that year because it was at a convention and I hadn’t seen them in aaaages and wasn’t sure if I’d ever find them again.

                    Now I’m 27 and have only really just in the last couple months started collecting in earnest. The day that I outgrow dragons… I’ll be really surprised if that ever happens.


                      Bump for our new members. 🙂

                      HI GB it’s been a long time since I have heard that name.


                        I’m 34. I wanted Windstones since I was a wee, My Little Pony playing kiddo, but I bought my first ones this year (And I have 4 at the moment).

                        Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                        ANY Red Eyed Unis
                        ANY Test Paint Bat
                        The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                        Male- Snow Leopard TP
                        White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                        Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                        Mother: Okapi
                        Gothic - Mahogany
                        PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                        DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                          This is more of an update from about 7 or 8 years ago – I am now 73 years old (74 in Oct.) and purchased my first Windstones in 1987, a brown male and female, after a friend of mine showed me a brown dragon he had received as a Christmas present. I didn’t really begin collecting until I retired in 1998 and then really went wild after finding the Forum. I now have 217 (mostly dragons) with 2 more on the way. My house has Windstones everywhere and now I can only get the smaller ones because of space problems. Among them I have 10 Emperors and 10 Old Warriors which take up a good amount of space but I love each and every one of them.


                          *is 33*

                          Though, I have been fascinated with Windstone pieces since I was a kid…;)


                            I remember seeing Windstones in a store called Green Earth (which sadly no longer sells them), when I was… maybe 15? Younger? I specifically remember the hatchers, and the Orientals.

                            I had forgotten all about them until my friend (also here on the forum, Kitsunesparkles) showed me her Red Fire mother!

                            That was just months ago. I’m 26!

                            I might have a problem now, as I can be a compulsive buyer sometimes, haha. :p

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