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  • #541907

    yeah its like a curse trying to whittle the selection down to just one——and then theres violet flame—-haven’t seen a close up pic of one yet but that color although its gaudy, makes me nuts, and I think I just flat out want one,I wish she’d produce more-


    I’ve been generally sticking to the policy of getting only my favorite color of each sculpt — but there are a few pieces that I have two colors of. Its definitely hard to resist sometimes! Especially when the new griffin color comes out…I think I’ll want a whole family of brown/tan griffins plus a whole family of the new color…


    Yep, it is hard to stick to just one color. Although, I have mananged to collect everything that was made in Emerald (one goal I made for myself). You name it, I have it. I do wish she produced more in some of the limited colors. It can’t hurt to keep on bugging her about it. hehe


      Unrelated question… Is there a particular reason that you have listed the Green Emperor you have for sale on ebay as shipping only to the United States?

      He’s the only one that’s listed that way and I couldn’t see why… Just curious though, not planning to buy 😉


      No, I will ship worldwide, when I first started the store, I was a little leary of shipping out of the country. When I do a relist, sometimes I forget to change it, I will do that now. Thanks

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