Grab Bag Mini Keeper Photo Thread

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags Grab Bag Mini Keeper Photo Thread

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  • #910231

      Kiya, pictures? Pretty please 🙂

      I almost never post photos of my grab bags. 🙂 If I want to trade and get no offers, it makes me sad and if I don’t want to trade and people want my items, I end up giving in and trading and regretting it later.

      So now I just don’t post them mostly. LOL


        Hugs Kiya


          Nothing to worry about from mine – neither of them are on anyone’s wishlist. 🙂

          They are cute, but I definitely think you guys have a shot at getting the best ones!

          You sure ?….lol. theres like 60 I like. I havent boiled it down to the ones id really really want.

          Yeah, pretty sure. 🙂 Unless you like lime green and red eyes!

          You managed to get both lime green ones with red eyes??

          Two lime green ones – but just one with red eyes. The other one has green eyes.


          Ouch, what luck…both lime green >.>


            They are so pretty! Congrats! At least she got one with a -little- bit of blue, right? 😉


              I just got mine and I love them both but Alyssa is upset that she didn’t get a blue one :(. I guess I won’t be buying anymore grab bags for her until she’s older and understands the notion of grab bags. Anyway here are the two I got. The darker one is Alyssa’s so if anyone gets a blue dragon and would like to trade for him let me know……
              Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
              Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

              Alyssa’s dragon
              Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
              Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

              *these are crappy cellphone pics! I will take better ones when I’m not getting ready for work.


                She’s been especially grumpy this week. Idk what’s going on.


                Hey did anyone else spot Spyro on the class photos? ;-P Photo 5, 2nd row, 2nd from the right!

                OK, I’ve got to know – who or what is Spyro?

                Oh I l0ve spyro! To this day, the original first game on the PS1 will always be my favorite game ever! Wish I still had it..

                Recently married to the ever lovable BiPolarBear (little John)

                As seen on This is Life with Lisa Ling on CNN (2018) !
                Always open for pyo commissions, repairs and fine artwork! Email me for current prices! awier(@)


                Recently married to the ever lovable BiPolarBear (little John)

                As seen on This is Life with Lisa Ling on CNN (2018) !
                Always open for pyo commissions, repairs and fine artwork! Email me for current prices! awier(@)


                  Oohhhh, I got so lucky with this grab! A blue/teal pink with gold. Just really lovely. This sculpt is so interesting also with beautiful detail, I love the back. I noticed this one was signed by Melody. I thought Brandi also worked on them. Are some signed by Brandi, just curious.

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                    I just got my two in. They are very nice and quite detailed but just not what I was looking for. I don’t really know what I was looking for. These will go to Ebay starting at cost.

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                    Oooo so exciting when the pictures start rolling in. They’re all beautiful! That brown natural one is amazing, and I usually like bright ones! Robin, they’re both amazing!

                    Picking mine up at the PO later today, can’t wait!


                      This batch of Grab Bag Mini Keepers is signed by Melody, though Brandi worked on all of them too. They both worked on all of them, the end result is a joint effort.


                      Oh, they are all so pretty! :bigsmile: 🙂 I have mine due today and I’m keeping an eye on this thread to see what everyone gets. If I see one I like more, I will be trading but if I don’t, it means that I’m VERY happy with what I got. I’m really into the bright colors and those last two were splendid! I’d keep them with a song in my heart!!!! :love:


                        Oohhhh, I got so lucky with this grab! A blue/teal pink with gold. Just really lovely. This sculpt is so interesting also with beautiful detail, I love the back. I noticed this one was signed by Melody. I thought Brandi also worked on them. Are some signed by Brandi, just curious.

                         photo image_zpsf01e4f2f.jpg

                         photo image_zps50dd4aa3.jpg

                         photo image_zps2fce2118.jpg

                        I signed all the grab bag dragons. Brandi worked on these also.She put the basic colors on them, then I added more colors and details and messed them up.

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