Grab Bag Dragon Pics on FB

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    if they do kickstarter, and I can pull together a few dollars, I would pledge. couldn’t give much but every bit helps.

    Recently married to the ever lovable BiPolarBear (little John) |

    As seen on This is Life with Lisa Ling on CNN (2018) !
    Always open for pyo commissions, repairs and fine artwork! Email me for current prices! awier(@)


      If there is a ‘Kickstarter’ for these, would be informed through a post or something?

      Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
      Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

      *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
      *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


        Thank you God my primary jobs boss paid me some of what she owed me today! (hadn’t been paid since the week before Thanksgiving, this was the Christmas that wasn’t thankfully my daughter’s old enough to have understood) Since I didn’t count on having gotten it now, I’m going to move some over to Paypal in hopes of being able to snag one of these beauties so exciting! I wish I knew how much they’d be.
        Kiva indicated they’d announce here when/how they’ll release these- I hope so, since I’m not on Facebook etc.


          I thought the dragons in etruscan’s post (with both hands down and raised wings) were just a new dragon mold, or will they be grab bags too?

          Hopefully I’ll be able to catch/afford the grab bags when they come out, they look great and the little folded wings are adorable.


            Okay so I was looking at the pics again and I noticed that some of the dragons are the wings down and some of them are the wings up version. Is this a Grab Bag of both or 2 different batches?


              Okay so I was looking at the pics again and I noticed that some of the dragons are the wings down and some of them are the wings up version. Is this a Grab Bag of both or 2 different batches?

              I would guess it’s a grab bag batch for each type. The wing up ones are the “horder” dragons and the wing down ones are the mini keepers. Their sizes are very different, so it would probably be hard to sell them as one batch. They’d be hard to price together I would guess.

               photo 299753_544504662256071_2048721172_n_zps83956539.jpg


                They may not all be grab bags – there was no one around to ask about them, so it’s possible one type or the other are just test paints.

                The wing-up dragons were in a different part of the factory and covered, so I wasn’t able to get a good shot of them and didn’t notice they were different than the others. 🙂

                If/when it’s decided what to do with these (part of a Kickstarter? Test paints? Grab bag in the store?) I’m sure it will be announced. 🙂


                  HHHmmmm, me thinks I really like that baby Ki Rin behind the dragons. 😉


                    HHHmmmm, me thinks I really like that baby Ki Rin behind the dragons. 😉

                    And what exactly is that muscular piece behind it?


                      Oooooooooh! I really hope I have the money to participate in this by the time they are ready. GB dragons is a dream come true!!


                      I like both of these new dragon sculpts very much. Hopefully one of them makes it into a GB real soon 🙂


                        Bumping this since the GB dragon is supposed to be out soon.
                        Hopefully not TOO soon though, I don’t have my taxes back yet and my flowershop boss still owes me several hundred. I don’t think the dribble I’ve managed to squirrel into Paypal will do much good.


                          Bumping this since the GB dragon is supposed to be out soon.
                          Hopefully not TOO soon though, I don’t have my taxes back yet and my flowershop boss still owes me several hundred. I don’t think the dribble I’ve managed to squirrel into Paypal will do much good.

                          I too been squirreling away as much as I can in anticipation of these GB Dragons, and for when the new PYO pieces that Melody has been working on hit the store! 🙂

                          IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                          Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                          Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                          *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                          *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                            I just realized I have some money in paypal from a couple of sales so hopefully I have enough for a grab bag dragon. I have no idea how much they will be but they look small to me so hopefully not too much.

                            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                              HHHmmmm, me thinks I really like that baby Ki Rin behind the dragons. 😉

                              And what exactly is that muscular piece behind it?

                              The unfinished thing in the background, that is a carcass of a pyo hippogriff. I have been trying to come up with a way to pose him ( other than lying down) so that he could be cast. I think he will be lying down, if he happens at all.

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