Grab Bag Cougar Show Off Thread July 2019

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags Grab Bag Cougar Show Off Thread July 2019


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      Mary, that giraffe is a knockout, and I love your marbled bengal too. Such a great collection. I think youā€™ll have no trouble at all finding takers for any cougars you decide to rehome.

      Thanks, Bullsquid. The brown marbled Bengal might be up in a trade ad soon. I’m trying to decide if I want to keep both of the blues as they look real similar in pattern. If I didn’t have two cats that love flying all over the rooms, I’d do a full wall build in shelves like Natasha did.


        Thanks, Natasha

        Thanks, Ann. Trying to decide if I’m going to keep both of the blues or trade one.

        Syn, Bird Bath is stunning!

        Bodancia, love your purple cougar! Lovely


          Congrats Natasha, Jinya, Mary and Syn!!! And congrats to anyone I missed šŸ˜Š

          Bodancia, that pair are stunning together, congrats! I always say it, but I love to see matching sets.


            These are my Fancy Felines. I like them both, but I am willing to look at trades.
            First, my fantasy cougar:



            Then my giraffe:




              Those are really pretty too merrillannwhite!

              Mary mine and my mom’s say they are in transit in the US right now. They haven’t reached LA yet but when they do they usually take a day or two to get to Vancouver and go through customs and then another day or two to get to Calgary. We sometimes get boxes in one week so that would be Mon but they’d have to go through customs first so they may not make it til Tues or Wed unless they get to Canada over the weekend. We will see. So far I haven’t seen many of my favourite leopards or silhouettes so here’s hoping we get a couple we like besides my special tiger.

              Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                Thanks, Zelda. The giraffe was one of my favorites too and looks so much more colorful in person. My pictures were a bit washed out yesterday shooting outside in the sun, so took some more today indoors to see what the difference would be. And, it looks more accurate color wise than the outdoor shots.

                Hereā€™s the group getting to know their new friends;

                Looks as if I might have to do some ā€œthinningā€ on my collection, as I ran out of display space.

                Um, no. You get more display space!

                Looking for...

                Sitting young oriental dragon koi gold and white


                  Sorry for the tiny crappy pic, but I’m so happy! This guy was one of my top choices, so happy to get a rainbow leopard! Definitely keeping him.

                  Because I got one I love by chance, the “Eat Your Pinks Blue Greens” one will probably be for sale or trade.

                  I’ll take better photos of both tomorrow.


                    This is the fantasy silhouette cougar I received today. He’s pretty, but he is much too quiet for me.

                    I am open to trades from both the Fantasy batch and the Fire Cats. I am looking for one of the two Fire Cats with blue eyes but would look at others too. He is also for sale if I don’t find a trade.






                      Ooh congrats dashesndots, you got one of my fav leopards! I really hope I maybe get the more pastel rainbow leopard! I messaged you about your giraffe!

                      Syn I love your silhouette too! If you might want a gb firecat or want to sell I would be interested in yours!

                      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                        Congrats, DashesNDots! Heā€™s a real looker!

                        Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                        ANY Red Eyed Unis
                        ANY Test Paint Bat
                        The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                        Male- Snow Leopard TP
                        White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                        Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                        Mother: Okapi
                        Gothic - Mahogany
                        PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                        DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                          Lisa Z, More display space isn’t an option for me until after I downsize from my 3500 sq. ft house into a smaller home next year hopefully. Maybe then I’ll devote an entire room to my Windstones. Takes me hours to clean each week, and tired of going up & down stairs. Nice small ranch home on a lake, would be my ideal.


                            Dashesndots that cougar is stunning! Congrats


                              Thanks to some help from Susie I was able to get a fantasy cougar after all. I got a silhouette cougar. It’s nice but I was hoping for a something a bit more “Lisa Frank”. I’m open to trades.
                              Windstone Silhouette Cougar by Melody Pena


                                Wow, Syn! He’s spectacular!

                                My Flamey McFlameface arrived yesterday and I am beside myself with how pretty he is! My pictures are nowhere near as good as the store, though. I just keep staring at him. It’s my new mediation.

                                Life is beautiful.


                                  Thanks to some help from Susie I was able to get a fantasy cougar after all. I got a silhouette cougar. Itā€™s nice but I was hoping for a something a bit more ā€œLisa Frankā€. Iā€™m open to trades.

                                  Windstone Silhouette Cougar by Melody Pena

                                  He’s Wonderful Pegasi!
                                  I think he is on a few ‘wanted’ lists, so I’m sure you will get some trade offers you like.

                                  IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                                  Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                                  Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                                  *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                                  *** Come visit me on deviantArt at

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