GB Tanukis 6/22/18 Show Off Thread!

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      I got my two tanukis in today and I feel so lucky I got two favourites, almost exactly what I was hoping for a purple/green one and a rainbowy butterfly one!  I love them both!  I almost want to get a couple more.  I am pretty happy with these but would possibly trade the purple/green one for another favourite maybe with a more purple base or would buy one with a purple base if anyone has one to sell.


        Wow, Kim, I love both of yours!


          [quote quote=1540971]I got my two tanukis in today and I feel so lucky I got two favourites, almost exactly what I was hoping for a purple/green one and a rainbowy butterfly one! I love them both! I almost want to get a couple more. I am pretty happy with these but would possibly trade the purple/green one for another favourite maybe with a more purple base or would buy one with a purple base if anyone has one to sell. [/quote]


          That one on the right is my absolute favorite!  Wish I had one with a purple base to trade.  Great grab!


            Lovely trade, Natasha!  Congrats  She does have an Egyptian look to the pattern.

            Kim, love your gold Tanuki.  Very pretty


              Very nice Kim.The butterfly is too cute.

              Here are Ms.Suzanne-Marie’s.They are in their forever homes.


              Thank you Bodine for posting photos !!
              My green Tanuki has pink, white,blue and lavender flowers, and my copper Tanuki is a rich pink color, but my camera flash washed the colors out a bit; the copper I *think* is the top left in the class photo but I cannot find my green Tanuki in it.
              I was fortunate to get two of my top fav’s; but have a generous ad up for more specific Tanuki’s in Classifieds if anyone is interested??
              Luv everyone’s Tanuki’s; they are all so beautiful; and I luv this sculpt so much too!!
              Congrats to everyone!!!!!
              Warmest☀️ Hugs💙❤️!!
              🍄 Suzanne-Marie🧚‍♀️


                [quote quote=1541026]
                My green Tanuki has pink, white,blue and lavender flowers, and my copper Tanuki is a rich pink color, but my camera flash washed the colors out a bit; the copper I *think* is the top left in the class photo but I cannot find my green Tanuki in it.
                I think it is 4th row from bottom, third from right.


                  I caved in and bought 2 more, and they arrived today. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t bummed and disappointed. 2 more that look too similar to my first. And here I was hoping I’d increase my odds for different colors by getting 2 lol

                  At least I got one that I like the design of a little more. Not as intricate as I had hoped, but it’s growing on me.

                  So here are my 3. The middle one I will probably end up keeping, so the 2 on the ends are up for trading (or flat out sale.. or even a blind trade from the store). I have a few designs I like best, but I’m pretty open at this point lol Show me what you got!


                  Still unable to take photos or even post photos but I received my fancy Tanuki recently.  It is the one in the fourth row from the top, second from the left, in the class photo.  It is a black based Tanuki with a gold/red shifting shawl, patterned with large simple leaves.  She isn’t in anyones’ favorites but I like her and she’s in her forever home.

                  Everyone’s tanukis are beautiful – Melody, as usual, did a fantastic job.  I haven’t seen any that I wouldn’t be happy to have in my collection!


                    Kristy Nelson, I’m blown away by the Tanuki far right in your photo!  What an amazing pattern!  <3  All of them are beautiful, but that one’s exceptional.


                      Kristen, I love your two on the left!  I caved and ordered two more as well as I love the colours and patterns on so many of these!  They should be here this week and I will post them when they get here and then decide what to keep and trade.


                        Finally got a chance to take pics of my tanukis. They are amazing! I am keeping the butterfly and the one in the middle but will have the one on the right up for trade for something different from my other two.


                          Very pretty ones tempest618!  Your butterfly one looks like a sister to mine!


                            They are all so beautiful!Awesome work again Ms.Melody.

                            I want a young unicorn that looks like these do.😍😍😍


                            Thank you GardenNinja; I think you may be right!!

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