Fantasy Standing Kirin Thread (April 2015)

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags Fantasy Standing Kirin Thread (April 2015)

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      I can’t wait to see what comes. I’d be happy with so many of them.


        Thanks for the luck-wishing guys. I’ve seen the magical “1 in stock” message a couple times, but I guess I’m not fast enough on the draw.


        I thought I’d resigned myself to missing this one. I’ve spent way too much on Windstones lately. All stock was in carts. Still, I sat here refreshing once a minute. Then one appeared! Oh well, it’s only money, right?

        It's not hoarding if it's books!
        Cat hair -- condiment and fashion accessory!


        Such a wide variety of patterns and styles in this batch! I liked the super-bright ones originally but some natural ones are really catching my eye too. My favorites so far are below, but some of these are so detailed I know I’ll fall in love with more as people post larger pictures 🙂
         photo Kirins fantasywanted_zpsfxwcm5ax.jpg
         photo kirins fantasy2 wanted_zpsextqrpr4.jpg
         photo kirins fantasy3wanted_zpsq4ysyahd.jpg

        Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


          Really like the teal/green ones and the blue gold and silver one. Wish i new how pit circles on the picks lol


          I love all but 11 of them lol, mostly the brown and white ones. Brown and green works, brown and white is too plain for me. I would really love a paint puke one…sigh. I should come up with a ritual dance or something to make me feel better about my grab bag luck.


          ^^^ I feel the same way about the brown and white ones. Luckily, there are several people here who prefer the natural colors so it should be okay. 🙂

          And… I managed to snag one! I had been refreshing for a long time when a single kirin finally popped out. I hope I like what I get.

          [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


            The 2 in purple are my top favorites.

             photo GB fantasy  s kirins  green streamers small_zpsgvemfvmi.jpg
             photo gb fantasy s kirins pink spots small_zpstpps4c7u.jpg
             photo GB fantasy  s kirins zeebback_zpsixhhwgxo.jpg


              I am amazed that after 4 1/2 hours, there still appear to be some hopping out of carts.

              @Stormbreeze – I am one of the ones hoping for a brown/bronze/natural. But I really am not too worried about what I get because with all the very different tastes, I don’t think anyone will need to settle for one they really don’t care for. And as much as I like the naturals, looking at the store pic I would be very happy with ANY one of those, with one exception (which shall remain anonymous so as not to hurt its little feelings ;)) I am really surprised at how much I like the black/multi colored one in the very front. If someone described it to me, I think I would go “ewh”, but to actually see it……striking.


              @Aggie83 I get just what you mean with that one in the front of the store picture… ‘striking’ is the perfect way to describe it. And for some reason, the brown/white swirl one to its left also touches my fancy, perhaps because of the violet iridescence. It’s not something I would normally like, but for some reason, I do in this case.

              Melody… I just want to say, you did an amazing job! These are all so beautiful! <3 From what I can tell, there is astounding detail in every piece.

              [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


              After refreshing for the past hour and a half… the “notify when back in stock” button has appeared. Alas, they are all gone… and once again I miss out on buying a GB Kirin 🙁

              But on a positive note, I do believe I will be getting one in a blind trade from an AWESOME forum member, who wants my GB Hippie Poad ! YAH ME !!! Im so glad I decided to post that offer yesterday, just in the nick of time !! Im so excited and so very grateful that things have went this way 🙂


                @Stormbreeze. It is 12:40 here and definitely time for me to go to bed – when I first read your post , I thought you wrote “violent iridescence” – :bigsmile:


                OH NOOOOOO
                I MISSED THEM!!!
                The message came sometime in the middle of the night.
                I wanted one so badly. But this just tops my bad week 🙁

                If any of you thinks about selling theirs, please, please let me know!


                  I agree! Swirls are best.

                  The stripes don’t really work well on scaled bodies, I’m afraid. It looks odd.


                    I feel bad for anyone who missed them but I bet some people will be willing to sell and trade once they get theirs. I once again saw the announcement a couple hours late as I was out biking with a friend but decided to check his phone. They were all in carts but luckily I got one that popped out of a cart after trying a few minutes.

                    I am excited as I love the bright colourful ones! I must have one with pink so please if anyone gets one with pink and wants to trade or sell please let me know! I usually get mine a week or so after everyone else since I am in Canada but don’t want to miss a potential trade. I am also going to post my koi-rin now for a possible trade for a fantasy one. Here are my updated favourites and I most love the ones with stars!

                    Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

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