Fantasy Standing Kirin Thread (April 2015)

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags Fantasy Standing Kirin Thread (April 2015)

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      Got mine today. I will try to post pictures tomorrow. It is the third Kirin from the right on the bottom row in the first group picture. A rose colored body with stripes. Very nice but I was hoping for one with more blue and green coloring. He will be up for trade.



        Anyway, I got mine in today, and he is one of my favorites. I love his blue and teal swirls.
         photo IMG_5310_zpsf91zalsd.jpg
         photo IMG_5309_zpsefkrv9dm.jpg

        This one is super cute!



          I LOVE mine! But I got a major bill and will probably have to sell him 🙁
          I’m trying to work it out but not sure what will happen.
          Anyhow, this is my bright guy. I didn’t think I’d like the bright ones, but the transitions and the sparkle paint are perfect!
          I love the gradation of the green to purple to emerald.
          Thank you Melody!

          Crud.. How do you add pictures???

          Brain freeze… Duh.

           photo a_zpsyrlvqc4u.jpg

           photo aa_zps7mcpzlw3.jpg

           photo aaa_zpszsyffd2q.jpg

          HE’s FABULOUS! One of MY Favorites from this Batch! Congrats on your Grab! Wish I had been able to get one – Sadly, I missed out on both of the GB Standing Ki-Rin batches. 🙁

          Thanks! Sadly he is going to be for sale. Death and taxes 🙁


          I expect mine in the next few days as it shows complete on Windstone’s end. I already blind traded mine though to Chloe for a sweet gb chocolate zorse uni with light jade eyes that I kept staring at on the classified ads! Trading is so much fun! I hope Chloe will get one of the one’s that caught her fancy and share photos!

          Forever seeking: plum, chili pepper, and tattoo oriental dragons and kirins.


            Well, hi little one that caught my eye in the very first picture. I am so happy to welcome you to my family! This little one was probably my top pick from the pictures, I was shocked when I opened the box! Needless to say, I doubt I’m trading, unless that little white and blue one a few posts up needs a new home 😛

            Sorry for the indoor pics, not patient enough to wait until tomorrow 😛

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             photo 6E66C694-6162-4A95-BFBF-51B7B83B942A_zpsjv8aeyfy.jpg
            Look at those little tail spots!
             photo 1D6761D2-BBFC-4D7F-AC80-3B7B44B62238_zps5uw8h8lt.jpg


              Oh my goodness, so many beautiful babies! I love how so many were able to get ones that match other pieces in their collections right off the bat. Congratulations everyone!


                I updated my trade add with both my koi’rin and fantasy ki’rin. really looking forone of these naturals, or pretty much anything without the neon colors.


                  everyone’s looks so good so far. hard to know what i would trade mine for hahaha

                  I have nothing to trade sadly enough. But I wanted to say you got one of my favs. Congratulations! He’s a real pretty piece!


                    Here are the two we received. I think the one is in the class photo in the back. I’m open for trades of any natural or koi ki rins.


                      Here is my gb kirin. She is gorgeous but will be up for trade.

                      <img src=" photo IMG_0891_zps64in6xib.jpg“>

                      <img src=" photo IMG_0890_zpscua1tuoa.jpg“>


                        @ Serendipity You got one of my top picks – congrats. She is even prettier than the class pic hinted at.

                        @Shotzy11 So much prettier than the pic showed – love the pale pink and grey.


                          I got this in the mail yesterday, I like it but not in love with it. I most likely will put it up for trade. If it the one you love PM me. The eye turn out orange but they are red.
                           photo 100_0781_zpssrjfkbhn.jpg photo 100_0780_zpsyqavxdge.jpg


                            OK so I got this other guy in another blind trade (don’t hate me please! I got super lucky with the blinds this time!):

                            I really like him, but there are others that I like MORE – he will be up in the trades for another natural colored kirin 🙂

                            Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                            Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                              Besides the fact I think this one is adorable on its own merit, I just realized another reason I was probably doing a double take – the colors kept making me think of the Stingray Allstars. (And I suspect no one on here has a clue what I’m talking about – just throwing a hook out there for grins.)


                                Received my baby yesterday, and he’s one of my favs! I might be willing to trade, but I’ll more than likely end up keeping him. He’s a perfect match to my Mini Keeper. If you have my #1 in purple, or any of the ki-rins circled in blue below, I’d still love to take a look if you’re wanting to trade!

                                 photo Clipboard01_zpspzgfyrkk.jpg photo GB Fantasy Ki-Rin_zps8ec6w18i.png

                                ↞↞≪∙ FOREVER SEEKING •↟•

                                • ► By Patricia Smith ◄ •
                                ☙ "SKY BRONZE" Emperor Dragon
                                ✾ "RAINBOW ASAGI" Moon Oriental Dragon
                                ✾ "RAINBOW TIGER" Sun Oriental Dragon

                                • ► By Melody ◄ •
                                ☙ "Test Paint #5" GB '15 PUMA
                                ☙ #170 FANTASY GB '22 Young Qi'Lin
                                ☙ #224 KOI GB '22 Young Qi'Lin

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