
‘Fantasy’ 9/22/11 Grab Bag Young Unicorn batch discussion/picture thread

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags ‘Fantasy’ 9/22/11 Grab Bag Young Unicorn batch discussion/picture thread

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    http://s1198.photobucket.com/albums/aa454/Rucario43/?start=all <- I got Richter!!! my sis sent him to mee<3. he's also my first windstone peice!!!


      A windstone themed barbeque would be awesome!

      Ricter is really pretty, I love the photos you took of him too! Especially the train tracks one πŸ™‚ Congrats!


        http://s1198.photobucket.com/albums/aa454/Rucario43/?start=all <- I got Richter!!! my sis sent him to mee<3. he's also my first windstone peice!!!

        Wow! I love the pure white mane against the copper body! Gorgeous!


          A windstone themed barbeque would be awesome!

          Ricter is really pretty, I love the photos you took of him too! Especially the train tracks one πŸ™‚ Congrats!

          Getting a bit cold for a barbeque, how about a pot luck?


            A windstone themed barbeque would be awesome!

            Ricter is really pretty, I love the photos you took of him too! Especially the train tracks one πŸ™‚ Congrats!

            Getting a bit cold for a barbeque, how about a pot luck?

            Ok! I can’t cook though, I’ll bring booze xD

            Well I got my unicorn today! The first one, I ordered one from each batch. I was ecstatic that he arrived in one piece, especially since the box he came in was all dented up on the outside (stupid mail.) BUT ANYWAY here is “Violet”.

            I was trying to capture the iridescence in those. Anyway I have wanted a palomino young for ages but this one isn’t really light and yellowy enough. He’s very much a chestnut with a white mane and tail. At first I was kind of “meh”, especially with the name “violet”. But he has lavender eyes and purple crystals and purple iridescence, and then I remember, hey, I have another young unicorn kind of like that already!

            Wisteria and Violet! Both with purple eyes and crystals, both with purple flower names. They make a cute set.

            I also got my first fuzzy ever with this one and then proceeded to go an lose it. I went back to sleep after the mailman came and I think the fuzzy just got left somewhere. Uh oh.

            I’m going to wait and see what my second one is, but it’s likely I will end up trading “Violet”. If anyone is really in love with him feel free to pm me. For trades I’d be looking for a more yellow palomino (doesn’t have to be solid, could be appaloosa, pangare, sabino, pinto), anything appaloosa, one of the silver dapples (dark brown with white hair) or any grulla or buckskinish one. (again doesn’t have to be solid). Or something else even, doesn’t have to be from this batch.



              Here are my very first Young Unicorns!
              Jambolaya and Derek! (These are from the first batch). I took more pictures that I’ll have to upload later since I have to run to work! Booo….


                Those are lovely! I really like Derek!


                  Ohh they’re both gorgeous! I love jambalaya, the blue spots are awesome. Derek I actually love too even though he’s just bay; something about the super dark shiny coat. He’s gorgeous too! Congrats πŸ™‚


                    *sigh* I just got my second one. Looks JUST like Derek, but with lavender eyes and a lavender gem. Named Vintner.

                    I am doomed to LAME unicorns.


                      Awww… You don’t like Vintner? I’m sure there will be plenty of people out there that will love him! – Since Derek is so similar, I absolutely adore his coloration! In person, he’s so incredibly metallic! (I have more photos that show it off better). I’m sure you’ll be able to trade him for another unicorn without a problem! πŸ™‚

                      And Jambolaya is so adorable too! (Although I think there was a slight misprint in his name! I think it was supposed to be “JambAlaya”, but there’s an “o” there instead.) Hehe… It just makes him more unique! πŸ™‚


                        I like Derek. He’s pretty. I bet I’d like him with light eyes too. o.o Let us see Vinter? <3


                          He’s posted in the trade thread.


                          Wampus Dragon

                            I think both Derek and Vintner are lovely.


                              Vintner is GORGEOUS!!!! **swoon**


                                I like derek better with the dark black on his face. But there’s got to be some deep bay lovers out there! πŸ™‚

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