Dragon Hatchery!!

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      eaglefeather831 wrote:

      Did anyone get an email saying they’d won the tree contest?? I didn’t. 🙁

      Alas, no.


        Me neither, even though I spent hours arranging mine 😥 . I knew it **might** stand a chance to win, if voters could see the dragon I patterned out; but would lose terribly if voters either couldn’t figure it out, or didn’t take the time. I saw a few other trees where people used ornaments to shape out a dragon, while I was voting, but I liked mine best 😳 Oh well, it was kind of subtle and I guess not many people could “see” it 😕

        I just hope at some point in the not too distant future, I can snag a prize dragon’s offspring. If I do, I will breed it and give Windstone folks here first dibs! 😀


        Awww….that stinks about having issues to keep you from the computer siberakh1, and Jesrusha, I am curious to see how yours looked like. I have a scrrenshot of mine…let me get it…
        BUT! I have good news! I offered a trade to someone with a third prize dragon, and soooo…even though I am 6th on the list, we can all get a third prize dragon from mine, and then we all have leverage to trade for a second or first prize dragon!!

        Here is mine! Can we all see everyone else’s?

        What do you think?
        (I thought mine was the prettiest of all of the one’s I had seen, so I was dissapointed I didn’t even get an honorable mention) 🙁


        More good news!! Someone who got a first place egg offered me one for free, and so I will breed that for you guys too!! Wow, what luck! I am more than happy to share the luck with you guys1 and it’s not like we have to wait a year as with the holly’s! these can be bred once a week!
        Jerusha-I haven’t forgotten about my sweetling promise!! 🙂
        Edit-I just did my holly list for next year, and there are 7 people on it-all from this forum here. So the game plan for next year, is that I will contact three or four of you (or all) and the first three or four that are able to organize a time to be on at the same time, and then when we are all on, I will breed my holly. HOPEFULLY there will be four dragons produced. I know that if I select one, that the others will be auto-abandoned, however, I know how to see the code without clicking on the eggs, so I will give each one of you a code and then count down from 10 on when I will cause them to be auto-abandoned. Then, hopefully, we can get a couple of you with a holly next year!
        Even with teleport, I believe that this plan might still be possible to do.
        Also, we would meet on the Dragon Cave Chat (i think more than one person can access a room together on our own, so no one else will see)
        This is a year away, but it doesn’t hurt to think about it now. 🙂
        Also, with your prize dragons (if their breeding rates are successful) You could trade for a holly with someone else! 😛 Yay for strategic DC plans!! haha


          That’s awesome eaglefeather and very nice of you! Your tree looks very pretty by the way!

          If I actually get to switch jobs (applied for something that became available elsewhere, but they are notoriously slow to get back to people or move on things… could be months), I might actually have time to try breeding a dragon or two! I manage to get at least one of the ones I like most though I’m still missing a few that look interesting. Just lacking the time to fiddle. *sigh*


            Awesome for you, eaglefeather831! If I were you, I’d take both of them if you can (the egg from 1st prize, AND the egg from 3rd prize – I believe each “place” – 1st, 2nd, 3rd – got a different dragon, tho I’m not sure whether they’re different alts of the same dragon, or completely different dragons). Then if you can get a 2nd prize dragon offspring too, you’d be one of the first to have an entire collection! 😀

            And thanks for remembering the sweetling promise! I forgot to ask – are yours the pink ones, or the black alt ones? Just curious for lineage/collecting purposes 😆

            I’ll post a screen shot of my tree, just as soon as I figure out how to take a screen shot….

            (I do like your tree, eaglefeathers, by the way. I hope they post the winning trees so we can see them.)

            Oh yeah, and for the holly thing… I’m pretty sure the Magi BSA of teleport will be in effect by then, and as far as I know, once that comes into play, the four-character egg codes will no longer be usable once an egg is dropped from a scroll. So even if you give us the codes, the codes are “shed” as soon as the egg is abandoned. There will be no more catching off AP by code, in a nutshell. HOWEVER, I *also* remember reading that Magi will be able to teleport up to 4 eggs at one time. Which makes me wonder… could you teleport all four to one person, and have them teleport three to the next, and so on? Or, if that’s not possible because of holiday scroll limit (2 per scroll) – could you at least teleport 2 to someone who has none, and have them teleport one to someone else? And if we’re all in the same chat room, at least the other hopeful catchers will get forewarning that the hollies are coming, which is a tiny increase in chance to catch them…


              Jerusha wrote:

              And thanks for remembering the sweetling promise! I forgot to ask – are yours the pink ones, or the black alt ones? Just curious for lineage/collecting purposes

              Only people who had and then lost their sweetlings (due to a glitch) will ever have the black alt versions. Even if the black were to breed, if that egg goes to a scroll that never lost the sweetlings they will be pink.

              No tree decorating prize emails for me. Here’s my tree.

              eaglefeather831 wrote:

              I have good news! I offered a trade to someone with a third prize dragon, and soooo…even though I am 6th on the list, we can all get a third prize dragon from mine, and then we all have leverage to trade for a second or first prize dragon!!

              eaglefeather831 wrote:

              More good news!! Someone who got a first place egg offered me one for free, and so I will breed that for you guys too!! Wow, what luck! I am more than happy to share the luck with you guys1 and it’s not like we have to wait a year as with the holly’s! these can be bred once a week!

              Damn I wish I had your luck. I couldn’t even catch a leetle tree myself. I had to get a catcher to nab one for me. Still haven’t managed to summon a Guardian of Earth dragon either.


              siberakh1, I wish you so much luck in switching jobs! it sounds like you don’t have as much time as you would like to play. 🙁 If you need help with holiday releases or events, feel free to ask, or if you want me to breed any eggs for you, I can too!! http://dragcave.net/user/eaglefeather831

              Jerusha-I will have to test it out with other eggs I breed, but I am not sure if I could teleport all of the eggs I breed…possibly only the one that I am allowed to keep. Let’s cross our fingers that we can somehow make it work, so that I can gift multiple hollies! And pegasi is right, even if I did have the alternate ones, you couldn’t get one….but i still only have the pink. 🙂

              Very nice tree Pegasi!! I like the simplicity, yet, it is nicely organized. 🙂 I think Leetle trees are still dropping? At least they were a couple days ago. I will check, and if they are, i can try to catch one for you tonight. i would just need a temporary password. Also, I am shocked as to the luck myself! I was looking in the News thread about the winners, and one person announced they had won a third place egg, and so I , VERY politely, offered him a trade after I looked at his scroll to see what he had, and didn’t have. He mentioned that I was the first to offer anything, and that he would accept, i just have to remind him in a few weeks after about 5 or 6 of his friends get one first.
              So then, next day, i just happened on a post about someone winning first place, and so I offered her, again-VERY politely, a trade of a third prize egg for a first prize egg, and she responded with that she didn’t view my PM as begging because I was very nice about it, and then she offered me one for free. I told her that if she wanted to get one from me later, or anything else from my scroll, to let me know, and again, I am to remind her again in a few weeks after she gifts two eggs to other friends first.
              I was very afraid of getting a really crabby response, and they were both very nice! But don’t worry-my luck is your luck now! You guys are always the first people i consider when I get a special egg, because you are all awesome, and it would be selfish of me to not share the love. 🙂


                Ok, I think this will work… so here’s my tree:

                Uploaded with ImageShack.us

                And for the Sweetlings, I’m asking about lineage because I’m shooting for 2nd gen sweetlings where one has a pink parent, and the other has a black parent 😀 It’s all lineage and stuff. (Tho to be sure, it would be absolutely amazing if a person could get 2nd gen Sweetlings from the Chocolate and Rainbow spriter’s alts, wouldn’t it?!?) So eaglefeathers I will gratefully enjoy your Sweetling offspring, and then I’ll try to hunt down someone who’s breeding their black Sweetling with a CB white and try to nab that one too.
                Thank goodness the Valentine ’08 ones are easy – no alts to scramble after there 😉


                  eaglefeather831 wrote:

                  Very nice tree Pegasi!! I like the simplicity, yet, it is nicely organized. 🙂 I think Leetle trees are still dropping? At least they were a couple days ago. I will check, and if they are, i can try to catch one for you tonight. i would just need a temporary password.

                  Thank you. I thought about using one of the garlands, but couldn’t figure out where exactly they fit the tree, so I didn’t use them (plus on my own tree there’s no garland). I actually managed to find someone on the DC forum to get me a leetle tree on Jan. 3. First catcher I had, tried for an hour or two with no luck at all. Second one I got logged in, went to the cave and there was a tree. They clicked it and viola! Must have been meant to be. 🙂

                  eaglefeather831 wrote:

                  Also, I am shocked as to the luck myself! I was looking in the News thread about the winners, and one person announced they had won a third place egg, and so I, VERY politely, offered him a trade after I looked at his scroll to see what he had, and didn’t have. He mentioned that I was the first to offer anything, and that he would accept, i just have to remind him in a few weeks after about 5 or 6 of his friends get one first.
                  So then, next day, i just happened on a post about someone winning first place, and so I offered her, again-VERY politely, a trade of a third prize egg for a first prize egg, and she responded with that she didn’t view my PM as begging because I was very nice about it, and then she offered me one for free. I told her that if she wanted to get one from me later, or anything else from my scroll, to let me know, and again, I am to remind her again in a few weeks after she gifts two eggs to other friends first.
                  I was very afraid of getting a really crabby response, and they were both very nice! But don’t worry-my luck is your luck now! You guys are always the first people i consider when I get a special egg, because you are all awesome, and it would be selfish of me to not share the love. 🙂

                  I haven’t really had much time to read through that winners thread. I kind of wish the winning trees were posted for everyone to see.


                  Jerusha wrote:

                  Ok, I think this will work… so here’s my tree:

                  Uploaded with ImageShack.us

                  And for the Sweetlings, I’m asking about lineage because I’m shooting for 2nd gen sweetlings where one has a pink parent, and the other has a black parent 😀 It’s all lineage and stuff. (Tho to be sure, it would be absolutely amazing if a person could get 2nd gen Sweetlings from the Chocolate and Rainbow spriter’s alts, wouldn’t it?!?) So eaglefeathers I will gratefully enjoy your Sweetling offspring, and then I’ll try to hunt down someone who’s breeding their black Sweetling with a CB white and try to nab that one too.
                  Thank goodness the Valentine ’08 ones are easy – no alts to scramble after there 😉

                  I like the effect your trying to go for there! The little clump of ornaments near the top is a little confusing, it looks random, but the rest of it looks very nice!!!
                  My sweetling is a first gen. 🙂 Good luck trying to find a second gen from a rainbow or the chocolate one!!

                  Pegasi-I guess I was under the impression you didn’t get one? Sorry about that! lol That catcher was a great one you chose!! I heard about a lot of catchers not being able to catch leetle trees! (I am sooo happy they came back!!)

                  I also wish the winning trees were posted, but I can see a down side to that because then next year, people might copy the designs..but that is if we have another contest.


                    siberakh1 – you have my best wishes in your job-switching as well! And I am happy to breed and gift whatever you’d like or need also; just let me know what you’re looking for.

                    pegasi1978 – I like your tree too, the spacing of the ornaments is really nice and classy. I saw a lot of trees that crammed every single ornament on, hodge-podge, and they looked crowded and messy. I found myself liking the nicely balanced ones more and more :yes: and I’m glad you were able to get yourself a leetle tree!

                    eaglefeathers – Yeah, that was my concern – that the ornaments (or patches of them anyways) would look random/confusing. I did see a couple other dragon-shape-theme trees, and one of them (the one I liked best) won first place! So I am glad (and a little jealous 😳 ) for that.

                    The cluster of ornaments at the top is the head:
                    The big gray ornament with the red streak is the main part of the head. the little white booties are the nose/top jaw, the red tail from the TJ raptor is the bottom jaw, and the two roundish ornaments (one transparent white, the other sort of tarnished gold with a silver dent in the back) are the eyeballs. With a silvery strand of bells as the tongue, licking up at the snowball on the tree top 😉

                    Thanks for the good luck wishes, too… but I expect to get a Sweetling from one of the spriter’s alts the way I expect Melody to fly down here and hand me a Rainbow Secret Keeper, hand-painted by her and signed out to me personally, as a belated birthday present. Know what i mean? XD

                    I’ll be totally happy with a sweetling baby from your pink! squeek*


                    Jerusha wrote:

                    siberakh1 – you have my best wishes in your job-switching as well! And I am happy to breed and gift whatever you’d like or need also; just let me know what you’re looking for.

                    pegasi1978 – I like your tree too, the spacing of the ornaments is really nice and classy. I saw a lot of trees that crammed every single ornament on, hodge-podge, and they looked crowded and messy. I found myself liking the nicely balanced ones more and more :yes: and I’m glad you were able to get yourself a leetle tree!

                    eaglefeathers – Yeah, that was my concern – that the ornaments (or patches of them anyways) would look random/confusing. I did see a couple other dragon-shape-theme trees, and one of them (the one I liked best) won first place! So I am glad (and a little jealous 😳 ) for that.

                    The cluster of ornaments at the top is the head:
                    The big gray ornament with the red streak is the main part of the head. the little white booties are the nose/top jaw, the red tail from the TJ raptor is the bottom jaw, and the two roundish ornaments (one transparent white, the other sort of tarnished gold with a silver dent in the back) are the eyeballs. With a silvery strand of bells as the tongue, licking up at the snowball on the tree top 😉

                    Thanks for the good luck wishes, too… but I expect to get a Sweetling from one of the spriter’s alts the way I expect Melody to fly down here and hand me a Rainbow Secret Keeper, hand-painted by her and signed out to me personally, as a belated birthday present. Know what i mean? XD

                    I’ll be totally happy with a sweetling baby from your pink! squeek*

                    Lol, Melody would do that for you…if you paid her. 😛 haha!
                    But I see the head now! i didn’t get it before. Sorry. 😳


                      Well, I didn’t have quite the luck that you did, eaglefeather, but I *do* have promises from a 1st prize winner and a 3rd prize winner for eggs (I offered to trade, they offered to gift). I’m 2nd on one list (but after they gift friends, keep a few, and breed a few trades… then they’ll start on their gift-drop list) and same situation with the other person except they haven’t made a list yet so I don’t know how far down I am…. it’ll probably be a few months’ wait but it’ll be worth it.

                      And I plan to make pretty even-gen lineages with mine, breed them, and spread the love for free also! Now just gotta go find a 2nd prize winner… *off to hunt*


                      Jerusha wrote:

                      Well, I didn’t have quite the luck that you did, eaglefeather, but I *do* have promises from a 1st prize winner and a 3rd prize winner for eggs (I offered to trade, they offered to gift). I’m 2nd on one list (but after they gift friends, keep a few, and breed a few trades… then they’ll start on their gift-drop list) and same situation with the other person except they haven’t made a list yet so I don’t know how far down I am…. it’ll probably be a few months’ wait but it’ll be worth it.

                      And I plan to make pretty even-gen lineages with mine, breed them, and spread the love for free also! Now just gotta go find a 2nd prize winner… *off to hunt*

                      What do you mean you don’t have the same luck as I do! that is the same luck silly!!! I have a promise for a 3rd and 1st prize egg, but not a second prize one. lol, That is AWESOME!!
                      Two Windstoner’s spreading the love! 😛

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