Dragon Hatchery!!

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      I want ao holly and the halloween ones my compuyer was too slow to get this year
      what are the snow ones??


        eaglefeather831 wrote:

        I GOT A FRICKING HOLLY!!!!!!! Someone gifted it to me…and guess what??? I am going to gift to you forum members next year! (i wish i could do it this year) But if you are still on by next year, and if i get a multi-clutch-consider one of them yours!!! *SCREEEAAAMMMMSSSS*
        Someone picked me out of random on the DC forum, and that is how i got it!

        WOO! Congrats!!!


          Dragon Master wrote:

          I want ao holly and the halloween ones my compuyer was too slow to get this year
          what are the snow ones??

          This is the snow angel:


          Well, next year, I will breed them and do my darndest to get all of you a holly! I always said I would do that, and so I will stick to it! 🙂


            Awesome, eaglefeathers!!! Congratulations!

            (And I’ll sign up for a holly for next year if I don’t get any this year 😀 )

            Happy hunting and holidays, all!!


              Congrats on the holly eagle!


              Yes, yes, of course! Remind me just in case, but as long as my holly produces some eggs, then it should work out!
              Thank you for the congrats-I almost thought I didn’t get it. the person counted down from 5, and it seemed like an ungodly amount of time before I got it, and i almost stopped refreshing, but something told me to keep going!! My adrenaline sky-rocketed!!


                can someone help me by posting this egg??
                I did not hear back from the person that had been helping me I know life takes over some time


                  Nab your Christmas eggs now! And don’t forget to log on and get your ornaments every day.

                  2010 Christmas catch phrase: This egg shines like a holiday ribbon.


                    Hurray! After trying for a few hours and switching computers, I finally managed to snag some holiday eggs and an extra egg (from the abandoned eggs… not sure which one it is though, but I don’t have one as far as I know)!


                      The blue one is called a Waterhorse dragon. It will grow into this if male or this if female


                      wow, it’s been so long since i’ve been on here i forgot all about these cool little dragons! i managed to log back into it and grab a few eggs…no clue what to do with them! i don’t remember much!

                      My most wanted list: carnelian mouse wizard, copper patina frog wizard, autumn leaf poads, pumpkin spice kitties


                        send me the codes and I will try to post them here but I have been having trouble with it lately and I missed the holiday ones and never knew about the ornaments
                        I worked both jobs Christmas day


                        Did anyone get an email saying they’d won the tree contest?? I didn’t. 🙁


                          Not I. I missed the last day because of family crap and oodles of work issues and couldn’t get back on before everything got stuck in its place on the tree, so I couldn’t go back and adjust anything. 🙁

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