A Large Collection Will Be For Sale Over The Coming Months

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      “I haven’t heard of anyone in my area with any cases but it’s always good to take precautions I suppose although I do sort of think some folks are overreacting while there are others who are underreacting.”

      So much this! The toilet paper thing is utterly ridiculous and so selfish I cannot even begin to talk about it. And like you mentioned, Setsuna, people selling cleaning products for a profit? That’s monstrous.

      I’m in NYC and went to the store yesterday to buy food. I had none since I had just come back from a week out of state. The pasta, rice, and bean aisle was EMPTY. Bread almost cleared out and a ton of veggies, too. I got supplies for a week and went home. But aside from the grocery story, it’s been a ghost town. And that is very strange.


        I came to work today (yesterday bottled water and toilet paper was the huge scene, before that Lysol, hand sanitizer, and face masks were sold out a few weeks ago) but anyway, today the big thing apparently is chest freezers. We are literally SOLD OUT of any and all kind of freezer now. People were even arguing to buy the floor models. I guess now we’re stockpiling meat for doomsday? One part of me is like, come on people… this isn’t the freaking end of the world, but another part of me was kind of freaked out. I went on my lunchbreak just to stock up on cat food and ran over to Wal-Mart the aisle was practically empty. They need special food and of course it was all gone. The meats were wiped out, no cleaning products or any sort of canned food, pastas, and other dry goods. It all just seems crazy, like we were just forecast for a new ice age like the day after tomorrow or something and people are going to stay in an underground bunker for 6 months.

        I also feel like corporations are just adding fuel to the fire to insight panic just to increase their sales revenue. I see people on Facebook showing off their grocery store receipts for $500, $800, one for $1013 dollars!? I was like how the hell you gonna eat all that food?! Really? But then the overthinker in me starts wondering… should I be doing more myself? I mean.. I can only eat so much but seems like when I do my normal grocery shopping next week there won’t be any food left except soy milk and anything else people would rather starve then eat.

        I see a future where I’ll be trying to sell toilet paper sheets on the corner like “Yo, yall need to wipe? How many sheets you need dawg? Trade you some of this toilet paper for that package of ground beef.”

        Got a busted Windstone?
        *OPEN for repairs*

        Arc-en-ciel Emperor
        Siphlophis Male Dragon
        Calypso Hatching Empress
        Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
        Tattoo Mother Kirin
        Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
        Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
        Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
        Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
        Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
        Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


          Oh crap.lololol
          I have been without electricity 7weeks in August,deep South.After Hurr.
          Katrina,no Wal-Marts were in business at all for many many miles,no grocery stores.People stood in lines for blocks,for hours,to get what few things they were alloted from what few convenience stores that managed to open and Gov.assistance,Red Cross etc.Thousands of people.People ran out of gas waiting on gas.People showed their worst,hoarding,robbing etc.,and their best,stepping up above and beyond for strangers, but it passed.All things do.We are tougher than this folks.Keep your heads,learn to conserve and it will be ok.Not the end.We will survive.

          Every act matters.No matter how smallđź’ž
          (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
          Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


            That sucks. I did 3 weeks without power in Northern IN during the coldest winter we had had in 20 years. There was an ice storm. Power lines were down everywhere. I had to haul water in from town for the animals. I had a gas wall furnace I used to keep the house at a balmy 49 degrees.

            Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
            Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
            Sun Dragon Koi #3


              We’re ok here. My husband works at Disneyland and they have closed at least through the end of the month. I work in a private home, and am expected to go to work. I have a full freezer and pantry. Food might get boring if we’re stuck in here a long time but we’ll be fed. Just got 40lbs of dog food last week and my pooches are only 15 & 18lbs so that will last them a long time. My husband and parents and grandma are all immune compromised. I guess technically I am too (asthma & sleep apnea) but I am more worried for them. I’m relieved my husband and relatives can stay inside.

              Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
              ANY Red Eyed Unis
              ANY Test Paint Bat
              The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
              Male- Snow Leopard TP
              White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
              Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
              Mother: Okapi
              Gothic - Mahogany
              PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
              DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                It’s been so quiet on here I was wondering if people were going to talk about the coronavirus! My mom and I have always had food storage, enough goods to last a few weeks if anything happened so there was no panic buying on our part. I was annoyed when I tried to get a couple basic things at the store and had to check a few stores to find toilet paper and kleenex and just in the last couple days now a lot of grocery store shelves are bare. I never stood in lines because I got all the food we needed a long time ago. I haven’t been worried about the whole thing myself. My mom and I already survived a bad cold and cough in the fall which might have been the same thing as this and no one panicked then and there was no media coverage for that! The coronavirus is a type of cold virus so this is nothing new to me. I feel like it’s the media’s fault for fear mongering and throwing everyone into panic buying. The recovery percentage for most people is like 98%. Also 80% of people only have mild or no symptoms. The small percentage of people who have more serious symptoms from this are ones who already have underlying health conditions, the elderly or immune compromised but even then the recovery rate for them is still like 95%.

                Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                  “The small percentage of people who have more serious symptoms from this are ones who already have underlying health conditions, the elderly or immune compromised but even then the recovery rate for them is still like 95%.”

                  Or, to put it another way, at least 5% of them will die. That mortality rate is much higher than the flu. As someone who has a 97 year-old father and a mother-in-law who just turned 100 … I think that statistic is cause for concern.

                  A lot of the reaction is not people being worried about themselves. They are trying to avoid infecting other people who might be more vulnerable. It’s called being socially responsible.


                    More people die of many other diseases, illnesses, accidents, drugs, etc. every year than the numbers we are getting for this virus. Most other diseases have a much higher mortality rate too. The concerning thing is when no one is talking about these things but 99% of the media is talking about one virus that has mild symptoms for most people. There is an agenda behind it whether to push forced vaccinations or something else. People don’t seem to remember that every few years they come out with a new ‘deadly virus’ that only affects a small percentage of the population but gets all of the media coverage and then everyone forgets about a year later and we never hear of it again.

                    Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                      The very young, elderly, and immune compromised populations are always going to be at risk in these types of situations. It’s our job to make sure that we don’t spread it around, and there has to be some kind of media coverage to help combat a somewhat potentially serious situation.


                        “The small percentage of people who have more serious symptoms from this are ones who already have underlying health conditions, the elderly or immune compromised but even then the recovery rate for them is still like 95%.”

                        Or, to put it another way, at least 5% of them will die. That mortality rate is much higher than the flu. As someone who has a 97 year-old father and a mother-in-law who just turned 100 … I think that statistic is cause for concern.

                        A lot of the reaction is not people being worried about themselves. They are trying to avoid infecting other people who might be more vulnerable. It’s called being socially responsible.

                        100% what Etruscan said!

                        Dismissing people’s concerns for their loved ones who have a chance of falling into that “small percentage” that is seriously affected, is misguided AT BEST. At worst, it’s just mean spirited. Maybe instead of spouting false equivalencies about all the other ways people can die, just take a deep breath, and ask yourself if you’re actually contributing to the conversation. That kind of devil’s advocacy is something I’d expect from a high schooler trying to be edgy, but you’re old enough to know better.

                        When I’m looking for health info on a serious issue, I’m going to look to doctors and health organizations for information. Not a news network, and definitely not some chick on a unicorn forum. Seriously, be nice, or be quiet.

                        Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                        ANY Red Eyed Unis
                        ANY Test Paint Bat
                        The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                        Male- Snow Leopard TP
                        White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                        Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                        Mother: Okapi
                        Gothic - Mahogany
                        PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                        DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                          I agree with etruscan and natasha. Mortality rates are determined at the “end” of the pandemic, etc. To compare mortality rates when the pandemic isn’t over makes no sense along with the severe lack of testing in the first place. And I’m going to stop there because when people think like that,there is a clear lack of knowledge in microbiology, immunology and host-pathogen interactions.


                            been staying inside mostly lately only going to the store or Target when we need something….hubby is immunocompromised due to the fact that his kidneys are failing…we’re doing the living donor transplant on the 25th but we need to try and stay away from people until then and afterward so it’s very scary to us….we did the drive thru today and parked in the parking lot to eat it but going into a busy In and Out is not an option for us…yes, I’m going to probably be fine if I get it but if my husband got it from me or others, it would be very bad even after the transplant because he’s just as vulnerable due to his anti-rejection medications that lower his immune system’s protections so that he won’t reject my future kidney and he will have to take them for the rest of his life…..

                            4 things I'm looking for:
                            1. Mother Meerkat
                            2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                            3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                            4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                              I live very rurally I still haul ALL water that I need for the house, so I can shower, do dishes and laundry and for the farm so I can water critters, plants and trees, I have done this over 30 years of my life and It is not really a big deal if you are used to it. The closest water lines to me are over 7 miles away with no plans for them to ever be brought any closer.
                              I have worked on a ranch where the area I stayed in had no power, phone or water and we literally used an outhouse. It really isn’t as bad as it sounds, personally I loved it although I know that most folks wouldn’t.
                              Its all a matter of finding ways to do what you want to do differently.

                              Here the stores are slowly running low on items but 95% of the people aren’t being idiots about it, they are buying what they need, sometimes double as getting into town is a minimum of a 26 mile drive for a lot of them. The main issues we are having is from people from other areas coming in to buy whats here. Which I suppose is to be expected with the way a lot of people can be.
                              I just wish everyone would take a deep breath and realize that even with a full shutdown, stores will still get supplies in when they have them.
                              I’ve received emails from almost every local store explaining that they may change their store hours so that the employees can disinfect the stores before opening and stay safe themselves but they are all planning on staying open to continue to serve the community. They are making it clear that no one who is showing signs of being sick will be allowed to work.
                              So really other than getting what you need and getting out without standing around chatting to everyone you know, once the initial idiocy blows over I think it will be ok here.

                              Looking for:
                              "COSMIC SHIFT DRAGONS and KI-RINS" and the "OCTOPUS TANUKI TEST PAINT #1"


                                Post contents removed by Admin (Jennifer) for breaking forum rules and being inappropriate. Our forum is not the place for this. There are countless other avenues to post political rants online.


                                  Politics dont really belong here. Empathy for the sick, elderly and immunocompromised does.

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