
4/9/2013 Natural Grab Bag Baby Unicorn Batch Photo Thread

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags 4/9/2013 Natural Grab Bag Baby Unicorn Batch Photo Thread

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  • #896336

      Oh, Robin, he’s adorable! I have a home for him if he wants to travel. 🙂


        They are definitely siblings!

        Hannah, you can use the photos

        How awesome are they together??!! Congratulations.


        My feller arrived today. He looks like a dark chestnut appy. Brown eyes and a greenish yellow gem. Strangely I can’t seem to find him in the class photo. Hannah, the pics are yours to use as always.

         photo IMG_4182_zpsa1df906f.jpg

        Here he is: you can tell by the spot pattern on his back.

         photo grabbagbabyunicornsnormalcolors42013_zps2c5e63e4.jpg


          Ah yes I see him now. I had to get him out and turn him just right but the spots do line up. You can even make out the dark spot on his right front shoulder. Good eye!


            This is my first unicorn and I really do like him. Not sure if I’ll keep him or not though. There were many others that I liked more. Kinda partial to the dappled ones, but the spotted ones are pretty neat as well. I like this guy’s off center blaze and the couple little stray spots across his rump. His gem is olivine.
             photo DSC01816_zpsd2dc1c1b.jpg photo DSC01817_zps9fb6274e.jpg photo DSC01821_zps8a338157.jpg


               photo DSC01816_zpsd2dc1c1b.jpg<a

              Awwww….I think he’s completely adorable!!!


                Here’s a really pretty appaloosa that hasn’t been posted yet. I’ve been trading like mad! 😀
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                  I got this ‘lil one. What is it? My knowledge of horse markings is, well, you know, very limited 😀

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                  I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    Chestnut paint – can’t tell which type for sure. http://www.texas-paint-horses-for-sale.com/paint-horse-color-patterns.html


                      I’m gonna say a bay pinto due to the black legs.


                        What are fuzzy? And how do you get one?


                          Fuzzies are little strips of fur with two beady eyes. They like chocolate and like to hang out with Windstones, among other characteristics. There is more Fuzzy info in the “Love. Fuzzy” section of the forum (near the bottom of the main page).

                          To get a fuzzy, just put “Love Fuzzy” in the comments/remarks area when ordering a Windstone.



                            Mine arrived! Yesterday, actually, but I didn’t get a chance to upload pictures until just now. I was really hoping for a pinto, or failing that a blanket appy. And look what I got! He’s adorable, and so cute! He has odd colored eyes, too.

                            Here is a group picture of all my darlings. Well, our darlings. The leaf one is Jordan’s… sort of. It’s in my cabinet. 😛

                            Jordan also got his uni today. He isn’t enamoured with the little guy, and even though I really like the dapple effect, I already have a palomino. So this one will be up for sale/trade. We’ll consider *maybe* a candy corn, a safari corn, another normy (dapple?). The only thing that won’t be considered is a normal-color palomino, since I already have one. Or just a sale is good, too.

                            These are for Hannah – I didn’t realize that you didn’t have these ones on your site yet, you can use these pictures, and any others in this post that you want to. The palomino is from the second batch, when melody was using a stencil for the paint/pinto ones. The leaf is from the leaf/lichen. The silver shadow is from the ‘super natural’ group I think, and the tortoiseshell one is also from that group.


                            I love seeing the whole GB family.
                            Congratulations on the new additions!


                              Oh, wow!! Look at all the pretty ponies!! Thanks Kiera 🙂

                              Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                              Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!

                            Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 224 total)
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