
4-2015 GB Standing Koi Ki-Rin Show Off thread

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags 4-2015 GB Standing Koi Ki-Rin Show Off thread

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      Here is my koi-rin that just came in along with an albino one. This is a pretty little silver one. I was hoping for one more like my baby sitting koi kirin so this one will be for trade either for one like him or for a fantasy kirin since I most love the colourful, rainbow ones and anything with pink! I may consider a blind trade too for a fantasy one but will likely wait for people to get their fantasy ones in. Message me with offers though. Here is my trade ad: http://windstoneeditions.com/classifieds/trading/pretty-silver-grab-bag-koi-rin-trade-koi-or-fantasy-ki-rin

      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


        That one is very pretty, Kim! Congrats!


          My little guy showed up today..!

          I believe he is a Shushi koi?

          I actually really like him! Might be down for trading too though 🙂


            These are all so, so beautiful! I want them all. XD

            Thank you everyone for sharing pictures, and thank you Melody for taking our suggestions so often! 😀


              My little guy showed up today..!

              I believe he is a Shushi koi?

              I actually really like him! Might be down for trading too though 🙂

              Beautiful! Great grab.


              These are photos of Pdlucich’s koi-rin. Beautiful.

              [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


                ^^^^^ oooooooh, that was one of my favorites. Congrats, Pdlucich


                  I like that silver one too. I was hoping mine would be that one and it was close but I would love one without red if Pdlucich’s might be available to trade.

                  Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                    so many gorgeous babies! Thanks to all who are posting!


                      Here is my new orange spotted baby. I really love her but there were a few I liked more.

                       photo 2015-04-19 13.10.18.jpg

                       photo 2015-04-19 13.09.57.jpg

                       photo 2015-04-19 13.10.24.jpg

                      Aaaand, a glamour shot 😉

                       photo 2015-04-19 13.14.55.jpg

                      I love seeing everyone’s pictures 🙂

                      Puffpastryofdoom-yours is one of my favorites so far! Beautiful!


                        I finally got my koi-rin. This sculpt is even more adorable in person than in pictures. 🙂 My koi-rin looks like she has been wading through chest-deep orange dye. She is very cute (I love her blue eyes and little pink nose), but there are some others I like more, so might end up trading her.


                          I finally got my koi-rin. This sculpt is even more adorable in person than in pictures. 🙂 My koi-rin looks like she has been wading through chest-deep orange dye. She is very cute (I love her blue eyes and little pink nose), but there are some others I like more, so might end up trading her.

                          I really like the saddle on yours! And the little orange cheeks 🙂


                            I finally got my koi-rin. This sculpt is even more adorable in person than in pictures. 🙂 My koi-rin looks like she has been wading through chest-deep orange dye. She is very cute (I love her blue eyes and little pink nose), but there are some others I like more, so might end up trading her.

                            So cheerful! Reminds me of a carousel horse!

                            Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                            ANY Red Eyed Unis
                            ANY Test Paint Bat
                            The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                            Male- Snow Leopard TP
                            White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                            Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                            Mother: Okapi
                            Gothic - Mahogany
                            PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                            DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                            My little koirin family. (I won’t be trading lol)

                             photo Koirin_family_zpsfv9ob8f9.jpg


                              My little koirin family. (I won’t be trading lol)

                               photo Koirin_family_zpsfv9ob8f9.jpg

                              That is so perfect! Were the babies grab bags? Straight from the store? What luck, so pretty, congrats!

                            Viewing 15 posts - 136 through 150 (of 188 total)
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