2/9/13 Grab Bag Baby Unicorn Picture Thread!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags 2/9/13 Grab Bag Baby Unicorn Picture Thread!

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  • #893672

    I got a winterberry with red eyes. 🙂 I am extremely happy.

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      Ok so here is the pics of mine finally ^.^b He looks like an oak leaf turning for the fall. And is covered in plenty of magic paint. I like that the pattern starts into other leaves on his legs as well.
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        I got mine today! I’ll post pics tomorrow, but he’s the lava lichen one in the middle row right between four and five o’clock to the left of the purple-head rainbow zebra. He’s quite handsome 🙂

        …now time to go dig out the camera…


        I got my first ever grab bag baby this week. Not sold on him though. I would have liked black stripes better

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          Awww….he is so gorgeous….sigh…… 🙂


            Is that your leopard one Leah? That is one I would have liked too. But if anyone gets the really rainbow coloured zebra, I will trade any of my pieces for that one!

            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


             photo cf973bf5-54af-48cc-a618-eacdc6f5ad23.jpg

            Awww….he is so gorgeous….sigh…… 🙂

            Wow…is he ever! That might be my favorite of the safari unis…and he isn’t even a safari. LOL


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              Swoon! Look at those colors and that pattern! What a pretty.


                I got a winterberry with red eyes. 🙂 I am extremely happy.

                 photo 310d4602-402c-4f44-9797-5da6a492e303.jpg

                 photo cf973bf5-54af-48cc-a618-eacdc6f5ad23.jpg

                Yay…..you got a winter berry unicorn and that leopard one is stunning! As much as I love tigers that leopard one is beautiful! He would look great with my tiger collecting! LOL
                I’m hoping mine will be arriving soon!



                  Amber says thank you.She likes it so I doubt it will be going anywhere for awhile.
                  I was considering trading mine until I set it with my AL Poad[still waiting on a baby to find it’s way to me]and they looked great together.If only it’s eyes were green too but the orange are cool.
                  Image and video hosting by TinyPic

                  Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                  (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                  Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                    Mine gets here Tues!! *tries to convince herself she has patience* pbbbt! This is going to be a long weekend, lol! Good thing I have projects to keep my mind busy ;p – These have all turned out so pretty, Melody really outdid herself with this batch 🙂


                      I hope my unicorn will be here next week! I look forward to seeing more that people get in as well!

                      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                        I’m not active here near as much as I used to be due to my schedule, but I wanted to pop in and share pics of my GB. I seriously couldn’t have received a more appropriate uni! His colors and pattern remind me of doppler radar, and his forehead design looks like a golden lightning bolt. As many of you know I’m a long-time storm chaser and weather enthusiast (see also weather nerd!), so when I opened my package to find this little guy I got such a huge smile on my face! I was hoping for either a leaf or lava pattern, but he is such a perfect surprise. I never would have imagined receiving a uni that caters to my obsession with storms and weather data! He has metallic light green eyes, a jonquil jewel, and a coating of magic paint. I have named him Doppler. 🙂 Thank you so much as always for painting these Melody, this GB uni batch was by far my favorite and I am extremely happy with my little Doppler uni! <3

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                        Doppler is an adorable match for you! I love how the bright orange and red appropriately are next to the ‘severe weather’ of the blaze 🙂

                        Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


                        How perfect is that?! Doppler reminds me of some of your fabulous PYO keepers too! It’s good to see you back. 🙂

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