GB Tanuki show off thread!!!! ‘Plain’ and ‘Fancy’

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags GB Tanuki show off thread!!!! ‘Plain’ and ‘Fancy’

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      Alright, I am excited to get mine and see them all posted here! I went with a plain myself, but I LOVED most of the Fancy ones too. I figured the batch itself was small enough to just stick with one thread. Everyone agree? Or someone can start a ‘Fancy’ thread and I’ll change this one to ‘Plain’.

      Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


        I think one thread is good. I couldn’t afford a fancy one but really hope I get a plain one with pink!

        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


        I think one thread is fine. Did you have trouble with the site crashing? I was on at 5:18 pm PST when they were released the grab bags but then the site crashed before I could order anything. It was 7 pm before I connected again and all the fancy tanukis were in carts. However, I did manage to get a plain one and I was almost completely checked out and the site crashed again! I even called Windstone (and talked to Big John) to try to get my order completed. He couldn’t finish the order (at that point he said only two orders had logged in before the site crashed) over the phone so it was back to refreshing the page until 8 pm when I was finally able get back in. Needless to say, my cart was empty and I had to start from scratch.

        However, I did manage to get my order in this time! I look forward to all the pictures. Thanks for starting this thread 🙂


          I was able to snag a fancy. I prob will end up selling it though unless i get one of the few trilobite ones. i may also consider trading for a rainbow sparkle piece i may be missing as well.


            I was one of those two orders that got thru before the crash! I got my PayPal confirmation but I didn’t get the Windstone confirmation til a few minutes ago. Whew! I loved both batches but went with fancy. Here’s hoping for one I love or one that’s easy to trade!

            Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
            ANY Red Eyed Unis
            ANY Test Paint Bat
            The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
            Male- Snow Leopard TP
            White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
            Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
            Mother: Okapi
            Gothic - Mahogany
            PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
            DRAGONS: Male Coyote


              I can’t believe I was able to get my order done during the brief time the site was back up in between the crashes. Add in bath time for the kiddos, brushing teeth, and good night snuggles, I was surprised I was able to get it said and done! Now the wait from Mr. Postman!

              Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


                So I’m curious as I managed to grab a fancy after almost missing them completely, but Hubby saw me refreshing and finally grabbing one and asked if I wanted him to buy one.

                I know there is a one per limit so feel a bit bad if I tell him yes, but I see others in the forum who’s extended family living under the same roof buys a “one per”.

                Is it frowned upon to have hubby buying one as well?



                  I got one – finally – thanks to sheer stubbornness. I really thought the site was down for the night but kept checking … just in case … and now I’m up past my bedtime!


                    My daughter and I were amused reading the comments on facebook before the site got back up and running again. I couldn’t get it to load at all 2 min. after the email went out. Then when it went back up I managed to at least see the tanukis in the store, tried to put a plain one in my cart and then the site went down again. I managed to finally get one just over an hour ago and then it went down again. I hope everyone was able to get one that tried earlier!


                      So I’m curious as I managed to grab a fancy after almost missing them completely, but Hubby saw me refreshing and finally grabbing one and asked if I wanted him to buy one.

                      I know there is a one per limit so feel a bit bad if I tell him yes, but I see others in the forum who’s extended family living under the same roof buys a “one per”.

                      Is it frowned upon to have hubby buying one as well?


                      I don’t think so as long as he has his own Windstone account. He can’t use yours.


                        As of one minute ago, tanukis were still jumping out of carts. I got a fancy, but I am almost wishing I had gone with plain. Oldest daughter was thinking about trying for a plain, but she is more disciplined than I, she decided to pass and save her money for the GB Cougars. 😉


                          There are a few back in stock now but I know that so many people were trying to get them earlier so I feel like it would be more fair to leave them for other people than have other family members buy more.

                          Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                            There are a few back in stock now but I know that so many people were trying to get them earlier so I feel like it would be more fair to leave them for other people than have other family members buy more.

                            Didn’t you and your Mom each buy one?


                              So I’m curious as I managed to grab a fancy after almost missing them completely, but Hubby saw me refreshing and finally grabbing one and asked if I wanted him to buy one.

                              I know there is a one per limit so feel a bit bad if I tell him yes, but I see others in the forum who’s extended family living under the same roof buys a “one per”.

                              Is it frowned upon to have hubby buying one as well?


                              I wouldn’t have an issue with this. Even though these items are limited, I would feel bad about limiting family and friends when it comes to buying each other gifts. As long as everyone has their own account, it seems fine to me. It’s sweet that he offered! 🙂


                                No, we just got the one. We were trying from two devices when the website went down so the one we got is hers. haha.

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