we need a name for this dragon

The dragon on the left is a new dragon .
He is about the same size as the the “Young Dragon” (the dragon on the right)
As usual, we don’t know what to call him!
We are looking for a name for the mold, not an individual name for the dragon, like Arthur or Fluffy, and it should be somewhat descriptive, but not too easy to confuse with other molds. I was going to call him the “sitting dragon” ( very imaginative ) but this is kinda confusing, because we have other sitting dragons.
He is a young adult dragon, part of the main dragon family. We also have another younger dragon that we are calling the “Baby dragon” so, can’t use that name.
Any suggestions?

72 thoughts on “we need a name for this dragon”

  1. He looks like a little Keeper to me c.c

    Little Keeper.
    Pre-Keeper. (before he was old enough to be trusted to hold something, haw haw).

    Or mebbe he’s sitting so attentively because he’s in training for how to behave properly as a dragon. A Training Dragon. XD Maybe cause he’s small, he’s also a “trainer” for newbie collectors…lulz. Like training pants for little kids.

  2. This may sound random, but how about calling him the “Companion” dragon?

    I kept thinking about the current production dragons and how they look exactly the way their name suggests… (The Lap dragon looks like she just wants to snuggle into your lap, the Old Warrior looks like he’s proud to have successfully overcome his share of battles, etc) …To me, this new dragon looks like he simply just wants to be your (or another dragon’s) little companion and friend, and that he’s proud to sit by your (or their) side!

    Again, I know it’s a bit random, but it was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw him! 🙂

  3. I agree with Juvenile too as my top choice for the name of the mold. He just screams teenager with that smaller size and confident look; but I think teenager doesn’t quite match the rest of the naming conventions used to date, and while I think adolescent is ok too, that word can be tough to spell/say/use…

  4. Your new draon looks great!! Another new member to look forward to adding to our family. Maybe something related to “Tween” like “Tweenage Dragon” or just Tweenager as a name. He looks a little younger than the Young Dragon to me. We will never be able to thank you enough for all of the wonderful pieces you share with the rest of us!!!!!!

  5. I looked up synonyms for fledgling because he looks quite a bit like a bigger fledge dragon and also different terms for young and baby animals. How about: nestling dragon, novice dragon, whelp dragon, eaglet dragon, nymph dragon, gosling dragon, squeaker dragon, lambkin dragon, snakelet dragon, yearling dragon.

    Any idea of when this lil guy will be in the store?

  6. I’m for yearling. Bigger than a fledgling but smaller than a youngster. I think adolescent implies an age older than the young dragon, personally. Either way, what a beauty! Can’t wait to start seeing this little one in production 😀

  7. Oh my, he’s Cute! :love: I can’t wait for him to be availible and hope he might be availible in some of the retired colours. Need to add to my Peacock army 😉

    How about ‘Brancher’? It’s another name for the fledgling stage of bird development, or ‘Sub-Adult’?
    Otherwise, I like Juvenile, Teenage and Yearling.
    Not a fan of the long ‘Sitting Young Dragon’ type names.

  8. [quote=Amy Jane]I like yearling dragon as well. seems older than a fledgie but younger than the young, lol[/quote]

    Oooooh I want one!!

    I vote for yearling myself =)

  9. I vote for yearling dragon. I needs to be a name that people can easily remember. I like nestling, but I think a nestling would be a younger dragon. Weanling would be another possibility.

  10. He looks so well-groomed and confident, I’d call him the “preening dragon,” if not for the fact that he’s not preening at the moment… 🙂

    Dapper dragon?

  11. The one on the left looks more “girly” than the one on the right. I have always seen the young as a male young.. So like you have a male and mother dragons, you can have female young and male young dragons….

  12. I like Companion Dragon the best. People already get fledgling and young dragons confused, so I would not want to call the new dragon a younger, yearling, junior, juvenile, or other name that is too synonymous with “young”. He also doesn’t look too much like a young dragon to me. UI think he looks more like an adult dragon, just small.

  13. Absolutely a NO to ‘yearling’, he is not a horse type. No offenses to horses just not in dragons. Please no one scold me for this it is just my opinion and I am not attacking those that said it was a good idea, I understand your reasons and not all of them deal with horses but that is my thought. And if it ends up that way it will not stop me from getting one for sure.

    ‘Companion’ or ‘Juvenile’ would work. I do like ‘Gosling’ a lot though.
    Add his position as you which to whichever name you give him.
    Suppose since there is a ‘Scratching’ which does not give any age to the dragon you could just do a ‘sitting’ dragon as well.

  14. I think I would name it the perching or perched dragon…. It looks to me like its perched and building enough courage to take the leap and go for its first flight.

  15. [quote=kitsunelady]He looks like a little Keeper to me c.c

    Little Keeper.
    Pre-Keeper. (before he was old enough to be trusted to hold something, haw haw).

    Or mebbe he’s sitting so attentively because he’s in training for how to behave properly as a dragon. A Training Dragon. XD Maybe cause he’s small, he’s also a “trainer” for newbie collectors…lulz. Like training pants for little kids.[/quote]
    HA HA HA HA!

  16. Perhaps something like Student Dragon. This little one looks to me like he’s paying strict attention to someone or something. Whatever the name I can’t wait to see him in the store!! (I still think something based on him being in between the others, like Tween or Tweenager might work as well.)

  17. I know this probably wasn’t intended, but he looks like a baby or young keeper to me. I also like the “companion dragon” suggestion quite a bit.

    To be honest, I never thought the word “fledgling” fit with the fledgling dragon. He’s cute, but I can’t possibly see how he can fly. He always looked like a baby lap dragon.

  18. Not sure if my post posted, so, posting this again…

    If his head isn’t turned and both paws are on his tail, then…

    Young Symmetrical Sitter


  19. Late reply is late, but!

    I haven’t seen this suggested yet, but someone else’s comment that this little one seemed well-preened, and another commenter noting a feminine air, leads me to suggest “Dainty Dragon” or “Dainty Dragonet”!

    If that’s off the table, I vote for plain old “Juvenile Dragon”. (Honestly, my first choice would be “Fledgling” if it weren’t already taken! I second those who noted that the “Fledgling” looks misleading; I’ve always thought he looked like a Nestling, far too chubby and stub-winged to be flying yet!)

    Anyway! Yes. “Dainty Dragon(et)”, “Juvenile Dragon”, or maybe “Poised Dragon”. Definitely NOT “Sitting Young Dragon” or any variant thereof, because the potential for confusion is limitless: not just for the people who may mis-list something on a website or sales post, but for actual search engines and site searches! Imagine being unable to search for “Windstone Young Dragon” on Ebay without half of what comes up being the wrong sculpt… Oy.

    S/He really is *super* cute! I’m looking forward to eventually acquiring one! (Any chance that certain older colors ~~coughcoughWhitecough~~ will appear in the store?)

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