Forum Replies Created
KoishiiKitty wrote:
it is really strange. it is a bit fast for strep, but can’t rule that out. when we were younger, my sister and I were always coming down with strep throat. you do have to have antibiotics for it.
I think the loss of voice is from the mucus draining down and settling in the throat. I have been drinking a lot of hot tea to take care of that so my voice is rough and strained..but sasha has lost her voice completely.
I used a saline salution rinse because my sinus feels absolutely horrible and I got out so manny big chunks of green stuff! enough to fill up a table spoon…and then i still blew another big piece out my nose. It is not your normal cengestion where you are constantly blowing your seems to stay higher up in the sinus.
Sasha is going to try going to the doctor today, we will see what he says about it… I am off insurance again…so yay.
Sounds like it could be a sinus infection and those are really hard to budge out without antibiotics. I’m still trying to find my herbal notebook; we’ve been in the house since February and still don’t have everything unpacked. I’ll pm you soon as I find it. 😯
Hope you start feeling better and your sis too! 😀
Gosh, Kyrin, you’ve really had a tough week or so. I’m so sorry. Anything I can do to help? Feel free to pm me. Buhl isn’t that far from Soda Springs.
Sure thing! It’ll have to be in the a.m. though (sorry 🙁 ) I gotta get my hubby and twins packed up for snow camping tomorrow. Hub only works 4 days a week and kids only have a 4 day school week. It makes for nice long weekends! 😀
Get a good nights sleep if possible and I’ll pm ya in the morning. As my mum used to say “sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite!”
Blackdesertwind wrote:twindragonsmum wrote:Blackdesertwind wrote:twindragonsmum wrote:Ooo, Ooo, Ooo! *jumps up and down and waves hands in the air* I’m unashamedly begging! Pleeeaase!
Pssst…don’t tell but I’ve begged to often that now I don’t want to be to ovious about it. 😳I’ll be obvious for the both of us! 😀 😀 😀
Then I’m totaly busted! 😆 😆 😆
Yeah, me too 🙁 but it’s a fun way to go broke! (don’t tell my hunny 😈 😈 😈 )
KoishiiKitty wrote:twindragonsmum wrote:Oh, I’m so sorry! That doesn’t sound like any fun 🙁 Can’t say I’ve experienced that one yet but I have had Lyme Disease. Does that count? I’ll dig out my g’ma’s recipe for mulled cider. It got the whole family through the flu one Christmas. Hope you feel better soon!
oh that would be soo nice!
Okay, here it is. There are no measurements 😯 I usually go by the stronger the combined scent the better. Just don’t let the spices overwhelm the scent of the apple cider 😀 Even if you can’t drink it or keep it down somehow the smell and aromatics released by the spices help to calm fever, is soothing and relaxing and brings relief.
G’ma D’s Mulled Cider
Apple Cider
lemon peelCombine all ingredients in a crock pot or in a large pot on the stove. Bring to gentle boil then turn down to a simmer. Best if served hot and frequently. If possible, keep simmering all day adding more cider when necessary. The longer you let it simmer the stronger in taste and scent the spices become.
Hope it helps. If not, I’ll see what else I can dig out from family herbal lore 😀
p.s. if you can’t find fresh lemon peel you can generally find it dried in the spice or baking aisle. also, when you use fresh lemon peel just use the outer yellow part; don’t get any of the inner white part or it’ll be really bitter and nasty!
Thanks for all your help on the paint your own section of the forum. Sounds like you’re having a rough ride and I hope it all smooths out for you soon!
Oh, I’m so sorry! That doesn’t sound like any fun 🙁 Can’t say I’ve experienced that one yet but I have had Lyme Disease. Does that count? I’ll dig out my g’ma’s recipe for mulled cider. It got the whole family through the flu one Christmas. Hope you feel better soon!
Blackdesertwind wrote:twindragonsmum wrote:Ooo, Ooo, Ooo! *jumps up and down and waves hands in the air* I’m unashamedly begging! Pleeeaase!
Pssst…don’t tell but I’ve begged to often that now I don’t want to be to ovious about it. 😳I’ll be obvious for the both of us! 😀 😀 😀
I agree; and black diamonds are just too gorgeous!
Maebnus3 wrote:I’m worried about ruining mine too. I’ve had him for a month or so now and even have a paint scheme in mind… but he’s still nekkid. I should probably get going if I want to finish him in 2 months…. (I’m a procrastinator & a perfectionist. Not a good combo)
That sounds really familiar! 😳 I guess what worries me is the amount of paint that the naked dragon will suck up… and did I mention I’m chicken? which is so weird because I’ve never had problems painting anything before… Thanks for the encouragement. I guess I’ll just have to hold my breath and jump 😯 😯 😯
My man and kids (okay, all three can be kids at times 😯 ) are headed off to camp in the snow this weekend for scouts. Woo Hoo! Everyone can come to my house for a slumber party! 😀 😀 😀 I’ll make treats from our Marshall Family Cook Book and we can watch movies and paint pyos!
Ooo, Ooo, Ooo! *jumps up and down and waves hands in the air* I’m unashamedly begging! Pleeeaase!
Ooo, Ooo, Ooo! *jumps up and down* Me! 😀
Hi all,
My first pyo dragons arrived a couple days ago and I’ve just drooled and drooled over them, but now the time comes to paint the darlings and I’m worried I’ll ruin ’em 😕
Do any of you with experience in painting these use a sealer or base coat of some kind so that if you don’t like what’s happening it’s easier to remove said goof and start over? I’ve poured over everything in the tutorials and don’t remember seeing anything about that.
Thanks in advance,
dragonmedley wrote:The first computer we got, we had to type win.exe in DOS to start up Windows.