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Viewing 15 posts - 631 through 645 (of 783 total)
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  • in reply to: painting the bottoms…. #541824

      i always paint the bottoms on mine, it looks ALOT neater. as for getting the paint on the side of the piece, i do the bottom AFTER i’ve sealed the rest of the piece, so if i go a hair over, i can catch it with either a paper towel or damp paint brush.:) doesn’t stick too well or quickly to the sealed surface! as for painting the bottom, i paint 1/8 inch to 1/4 inch in from the edge, just to where i think the felt would go to, then leave the rest bare material for maximum stickability for the felt. no good sticking it to a totally painted bottom, as it will only stick as good as the paint sticks to the piece ya know? yank the felt and it will pull off ,bringing the whole painted bottom with it! ha ha! in theory anyway! finishing the bottom in my opinion conveys a more professional, “finished” piece and its nice n tidy. 🙂

      in reply to: Talk about a BIG MOMMA…. #541724

        holy cannolis, she IS big! ha, the OW really helped! i don’t have a griff (yet) so seeing her with the male didn’t help me much. wow! what a woman! lol!

        in reply to: Coupon for Grandio? #541364

          just to let you know ski, astral castle still has the young in rainbow for $80 if you really want him, minus the drama of ebay. 🙂 grandio removed their rainbow mom and young, peacock young and young unicorn- the saw its time to clean house and get updated on what they’re out of and can’t get anymore!!

          in reply to: Coupon for Grandio? #541355

            ya know what ski? i think you got their last rainbow young, cuz i checked out the page, and it was no longer there! they had the mom, but not the young.. so that doubles the goodness of your good deal i think! good timing! hmm if that sale really works i may get a rainbow mom myself, she seems to wear that color very well. i’m torn between rainbow or black gold…

            in reply to: Your Shipping Rates High? #541531

              wow! thats horrific!! well, let me tell you, i shipped a wolf too to the u.k. (possibly the same person) via usps and it went great! i double boxed with plenty of room to spare and it cost only $15 via their global priority, no insurance per buyers’ request and it got there in about a week, a little over with the weekend. it went great she said it arrived just fine and i did a superb job packing. no problems there. they said at the p.o. that i couldn’t put a tracking # on it without insuring it, and that upped the price group a bit, but not terribly. she didn’t want insurance cuz it was a lot of legwork if it was damaged, too much to be worth it, as she said she went thru that before. i also marked it as a gift so she didn’t get taxed when she picked it up. anyhoo, it went really well for me and my buyer, but that was just one time, but i say give it a shot. 🙂

              in reply to: Koi-rin gallore! (one is now up for auction) #541479

                awesome photos too by the way!! really, really nice n reach out and grab clear!

                in reply to: Koi-rin gallore! (one is now up for auction) #541477

                  VERY TOUGH to try to pick a favorite, they are all great! i love the pic of all of them together! weeeeeeeeeeee collect them ALL! that must have been a bugger antiquing the white over that gunmetal dark silver gray… if i tried that i would make the filthiest, stainy, smeary mess! that looks like it was really hard to do and keep clean! super impressive as always!

                  in reply to: Coupon for Grandio? #541340

                    yes, let us know if it did, that would be mighty naughty if it did! hee hee! 25% off is a super deal! i wish i had more $$ at the time, like my tax return- i would have had some fun! i hope you score some JUICY stuff ski!

                    in reply to: TF's new purpley goodness griffin! #538866

                      awww thanks! i am happy too, i owe my parents some money since i haven’t had as many hours at work since its after xmas, but the bills are at their worst this time of year with paying for heating! 200 plus a month just to keep the place at 63 degrees! blah! anyway, i am very grateful that i will be able to start paying them back, so i don’t feel like a deadbeat and gradually get out of debt… i just have to balance that with buying windstones.. thats the hard part! 🙄 plus this gives both them and myself renewed faith that i could still make money using a little of my artistic ability, after going to school for it, paying through the nose for it, etc.! lol! i can’t buy a house painting windstones, but its definitely something coming in, and most of all its FUN painting them!!! a kind of masochistic fun dealing with all the detail, but its great to be doing more art stuff again! hey, its the most one can hope for that they are comfortable with the price their work goes for, i’ve almost always “given” my art away, making a dollar or so an hour for the time i spend, so this is a welcome change.
                      i just hope everyone more or less gets a reasonable amount for pyos they they do a good job on and get attached to yet choose to sell, its sad to see one of your “babies” go for cheap, i would never wish that feeling on anyone! everyone on here has such incredible appreciation and understanding for the hard work everyone puts into painting these- its a beautiful thing!

                      in reply to: PYO SWAP FINISHED PIECES!!! Photos inside! #538352

                        ha! i like using my fingers too! thats my method of choice! it gets a little messy plus you have to watch where you put those dirty fingers afterwards,(no nose picking or eye rubbing, lol) but boy does it yield the most consistent results! paper towels sometimes miss stuff, or take off too much i think, but it works in easy areas.

                        in reply to: TF's new purpley goodness griffin! #538864

                          oh like in person, in the flesh. gosh, i was an idiot that i didn’t really specify that when i wrote that- i just reread it.. that was stupidly vague. ha ha i’m having a blonde day.

                          in reply to: TF's new purpley goodness griffin! #538862

                            on the note of LOL… how often do you say LOL when speaking with someone about something funny? ha! i do that at work when i make a joke to a customer, like a little old lady or something, and they’re like…… what? lol.

                            in reply to: TF's new purpley goodness griffin! #538861

                              nah, you’re not old- though i don’t know how old you are-i’m 27, i can assume though- its maybe a regional thing. “peeps” out here know what peeps means, even those who i don’t keep company with. maybe kinda like how they call pepsi soda or popor soda-pop depending on where u are in the country. i love peeps who call lollipops “suckers” hee hee, hey honey, would you like a sucker? sounds so silly, but for some its totally normal. ya peepin’ peep!

                              in reply to: TF's new purpley goodness griffin! #538859

                                oh phoenix, a peep is a peep! like, i’s a peep, you’s a peep, we’s all peeps!
                                peep = people like comp = computer or puter = computer. i like typing peep cuz its easier to type than people.i put the p before the o all the time. lol. you peep you! lol!

                                in reply to: TF's new purpley goodness griffin! #538858

                                  wow! that shocked me too! lol! i was watching it like, holy cow how did that happen?! there are some master snipers out there! wow! cool! thanks for the congrats! that was a hoot-speed sniping at its finest, lol! no wonder i never win anything i bid on on there! ha ha!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 631 through 645 (of 783 total)