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  • in reply to: Show your Windstone Collection-Continued #540619

      i think you need to replace those abalone(?) shells on the table with the empea lap now!! woo woo! awesome collection! what fun!

      in reply to: My litany of woe #558297

        Snapdragon wrote:

        Nambroth wrote:

        P.S. Gross!! 😆

        Ew, boy parts, cooties, right? It’s all good when you talk about the girl parts 8)
        hey, i like boy parts! 😀

        in reply to: My litany of woe #558295

          SPark wrote:

          Most girls don’t go around doing that kind of thing with their girl parts though.

          lol! wow! that would be an interesting trick! ewwww! i think that would take a little bit of technique…

          in reply to: My litany of woe #558286

            LOL! WOW! 😆 ha ha! thanks for the link! thats fun! snap, you piggy! im not falling asleep around you! ha ha! my goodness! 😳 for the record, i do not support or practice the activity i mentioned earlier, i merely mentioned it as something i did not know of either originally,that i was horrified to hear about, but i was told, oh everyone knows what that is, which of course isn’t always the case. sorry folks!
            anyhoo, spark are you showing any improvement yet? huh huh? i hope you’re starting to feel better!

            in reply to: My litany of woe #558277

              i have to say i haven’t heard of that term.. sorry… hmm. do i really want to know?…….lol, i was waiting to see if someone else either knew or didn’t, so i didn’t feel like a dip. lol. i was surprised that all the piggy guys at my work didn’t know what “shrimpin’ ” is , but i am definitely not saying what that is! lol! we’re not going there! lol. do tell now papa snap..

              in reply to: OMG! I won a Calico Flap Cat! #558499

                hey look its the flapcat! totally the same closed eyed face with the same odd face markings!

                how about that huh? quite the resemblance! lol! my jaw dropped when i saw this pic! like, WOW!

                in reply to: My litany of woe #558272
                  in reply to: My litany of woe #558271

                    Snapdragon wrote:

                    tfsculptures wrote:

                    no offense taken or made snap- its all good, i’m just busting your chops. 🙂 you’re right, we’re letting it all hang out in the breeze here big picture wise, lol

                    Yep, you all went from cute and cuddly to freak out gross. 😆
                    lol, awwwww i’m sorry snap! ya see, thats part of my charm! i can be awful, but some guys like it as i can be both a galpal and a girlfriend…. but it takes a certain guy to be comfortable with that. i get all the guys going at work with what i blurt out sometimes, me chiming in/kibbitzing on their guy conversation..they’re like “WHOA ……oh.. cooooool! ha ha! ” lol! it is a little wierd, as you lose a little of the feminine mystique….sounds like i lost brownie points for securing a juicy spot on the marriage list! darnit! lol! aww well, just being me. 🙄 i can be an aquired taste, but addictive in time. 🙂

                    in reply to: My litany of woe #558266

                      oh poor you spark! eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! my gosh i remember how awful that was when i got those! that sensation makes you nuts, hard to sleep etc. ohhhhhhhh! well, i hope you feel some improvement in the morning. just drink like crazy and rest as much as you can- the more moving around you do the more you will irritate already irritated tissues. also, try to wait to go to the bathroom til like 20, 30 or 40 minute increments as opposed to every 5- if you can that is- because it lends to a more effective flushing of the system, if you know what i mean. its hard to wait, but just gradually push the time you go back minute by minute and you should see that it helps, but don’t make your self suffer.

                      no offense taken or made snap- its all good, i’m just busting your chops. 🙂 you’re right, we’re letting it all hang out in the breeze here big picture wise, lol…perhaps we need a feminine health page to wrangle all the funky stuff together in one place! lol! it would be better for reference too if someone ever gets in a similar situation or has something helpful to add or doesn’t want to read about yukkies. hmmmmmmmmm…

                      in reply to: My litany of woe #558262

                        lol sorry snap! i could spoken of many worse things… but i know better! hey wait til you get married and have a kid, then you’ll get the TMI !! will you help with the delivery of your child? hee hee!! catch papa snap!!! anyhoo, sorry bout that, but my main concern was for spark, so she doesn’t get worse and quickly finds her way to feeling better. things can go down hill fast and get quite serious with that; i gave the first hand commentary so she knew how awful it can get, and to take getting care seriously. 🙂 yummas! i love pink lemonade!

                        in reply to: Poads on eBay! #558560

                          jeepers! i didn’t even get a poad yet and peeps are selling theirs! i didn’t have a whole 100 bucks when they were released. 🙁 i’d like a lavendar eyed one i think…

                          in reply to: My litany of woe #558258

                            yes! i agree keep after this infection! a uti can quickly turn to a bladder infection then a kidney infection, like what happened to me! i peed blood with chunks of my bladder walls coming out! nothing quite like peeing chunks of skin, its an interesting sensation! not to scare you, but it can get bad if you neglect it- i didn’t know any better, i was just a kid and scared to tell my parents. the key is nipping it in the bud, drinking like crazy, watching your sugar intake and taking it easy!

                            in reply to: My litany of woe #558255

                              spark!!!!! one this you must AND I MEAN MUST DRINK IS NETTLE TEA!!!!!!! ok cranberry juice is nice, but the sugar in there can irritate things a tiny bit, or prolong it anyway, it does help though, but nothing like nettle tea. nettle tea you can buy at a good health food store or whole foods ( i think) and it is an absolute must! it is very clean tasting like sweet grass, so you need not fear something nasty tasting, but i had super bad chronic UTIs when i was a teen and one nearly killed me- it me with permanently damaged kidneys/ bladder walls. i went to a super homeopathic doctor and NETTLE is the best for it! drink 3- 4 cups a day it feels soooooo good on your kidneys- i can feel it in my back in my kidneys as it goes through, very cleansing. the brand is “alvita” its a white box with blue accents, says “nettle leaf tea bags” on it, its the only thing in the tea and perfectly safe. it costs 4 to 5 bucks so its cheap; you should find it with more of the medicinal teas/ tinctures. it great to have on hand anytime you feel a little “funny” down there have a cup or two and you’ll be right as rain. for your case though, definitely have 4+ cups a day til you’re better! good luck, i feel for you i have soooo been there!

                              in reply to: I look like I had a fight with a griffin #553015

                                i’m not single, i’m engaged!! lol! ha ha ha! hey, i’m not hitched yet! 😉 i am a master spoiler of my men! i should be ashamed, i ruin each guy i get my paws on by spoiling them so with body rubs every night, cleaning up after them and bringing them drinks n snacks in bed. oh its awful, but i can’t help spoil the ones i love, i love to make em happy and feel fussed over! my b.f. is really sweet though, he just gets lazy and doofy.

                                in reply to: I look like I had a fight with a griffin #553004

                                  Snapdragon wrote:

                                  Yeah.. I wear glasses and I’m fat but I can fix cars, build/repair computers, do residential and commerical electrical, fix household appliances, put up vinyl siding, drive a truck with 13 gears and air brakes, milk a cow, run a web hosting company, do general accounting, balance the chequebook 😆 😆 gee what girl wouldn’t want me. 8)

                                  hey, you know what? that IS hot! i love a guy that is great with hands/ knows how to fix a lot of things! those are very different kinds of things you know how to do too, so that speaks tomes of your mental dexterity, you’re not just right brained of left brained! yummm! awwwwwwww i miss guys being able to fix stuff, its so cute and handy! 🙁 thats awesome that you can give yourself nice variety in things you do so you don’t get sick of just one thing you’re good at.
                                  woo hoo! sign me up! lol! yeah over here (-whistles- waves fancy undies and a perfectly roasted chicken) i do great seafood but not everyone likes that)

                                Viewing 15 posts - 511 through 525 (of 783 total)