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  • in reply to: fun size comparison.. #564786

      Lokie wrote:

      tfsculptures wrote:

      he weighs a bloody bloomin ton! you really could hurt someone with him if you wacked somebody in the melon with him!!

      Have someone in mind? 😛

      how about the person that took the lion kirin?! thats a good start! man, i can’t wait for that big winged wolf…… big drooooooooooool!

      in reply to: fun size comparison.. #564785

        are all the dinos this big, or pretty close? even the ones out of their eggs like the steggy? huh huh huh? they are all just so darn cute!! lucky you have a bunch!!!! i bid too wimpily on the velociraptor on ebay the other day, if i knew he was this big i would have fought for him..
        i’m not keeping the empress though, in regards to goodies.. she’ll be ebayed to give everyone fair stab at her, but she has a flea bite on her horn tip that i need to fool with first…

        in reply to: More pet food recalls, what do we do? #564513

          i would say right now until this all blows over ( if you are really concerned) is feed an organic pet food. organix is one of them and petco does sell both dry and canned, for dogs and cats. the criteria for being labeled “organic” is pretty strict and certainly wouldn’t allow use of melamine or any modern or archaic pesticides/fertilizers to contribute to the growth of its ingredients.of course you still could maybe get spoiled grain… if it slips through, which isn’t as likely perhaps as with other classes of food, but no chemicals will be in there, unless by severe accident. i feed natural balance myself, so this last recall really hits home for me.. gulp! we will see what happens as this all comes unraveled as they trace the rest of the bad batches of this rice protein. here is a good link- a statement frtom natural balance on the scoop as of wed. evening..

          in reply to: fun size comparison.. #564781

            he weighs a bloody bloomin ton! you really could hurt someone with him if you wacked somebody in the melon with him!! lol! you can imagine how heavy he is, after the empress being hefty to begin with..

            in reply to: fun size comparison.. #564779

              well heres a pic we took real quick of a partial group shot of a haul my dad found in a shop back home… i know only some people have seen how big the dino eggs are( i’ve been trying to get the protertops (sp) one for myself for a bit..) anyhoo, he found a t-rex and hes freekin massive! wow! and the pegasus is so small! anyway, thought i’d share a size comparison pic, as this was such a surprise. individual photos due no justice- i thought they were small like a little bigger than empresses. guess what, but don’t tell….. my dad is in love with the t rex!! the intention was to ebay him, but my dad is in loooooooooooooove! lol! he loves dinos in general,always has, and he said, “hmmm… i think i might be keeping that one….” sigh and lol! another windstone fan in the most unexpected place!!
              also, the pegasus is totally matter that matte itself, like it never got sealant and it feels chalky. are other peoples like that? all my unis are glossy, as is my baby pegasus. could this one just be really old, as this shop still had a dino, or was it just an accident that it maybe didn’t get sealed? its egg also has alot of texture, pinholes and sanding marks/scratch/scrawl lines, but under the paint, but the paint is original… weird…

              in reply to: Bumper Sticker Ideas (was griffins on stuff) #561677

                i am definitely for “my dragon could eat your honor student!” thats awesome! if i had a car i’d put it on there!

                in reply to: Update – White male coiled, boy cherub on Ebay! #564408

                  i might be able to produce either a ruby or emerald young oriental for you for the white coiled…. do you have a preference on which color? the emerald i know of is mint, possibly with box, not as sure about the ruby… i will confirm this shortly, but i will be at work all day so i won’t be able to get back on here til 6

                  in reply to: Griffin Chick comic… kinda #563757

                    sorry sun! lol! i thought pink would be more tasteful, lol. 😳 i’ll mind my manners.

                    in reply to: Griffin Chick comic… kinda #563754

                      that heiney looks a little about using pink!? a nice perky pink toosh for a cute little chicky! just a little blush of pink back there……

                      in reply to: Starting a Fledgling petition #563373

                        yes! any of the above! bring them on! what fun that would be!!!

                        in reply to: More pics! SO CUTE! #560923

                          wow! thanks folks! lots of input!!!!! lol, bottom line, they all look great in it, get them all! ha! hmm, i’d love to see the black gold scratcher in person live, i love the piece, so i should like it on him. i ‘ve really gotten to liking the male and young in it. sheesh, i didn’t want the “want” list to get any longer! funny, my curl is SUPER shiny, like he got a gloss dip, its really scrumptious, though i know they are supposed to be semi matte! anybody else get a super juicy glossy one? mm i want to eat it!

                          in reply to: More pics! SO CUTE! #560913

                            i bet you’ll have yours waiting for you tonight, i just got mine today finally! the griff does have such a cheeky butt! lol! the curl looks AWESOME in black gold!!! gosh darnit! now i want more pieces in black gold! nooooooooooooo! yes, i did get my surprise too! 😛 what is the next coolest piece in black gold after the lap dragon? i have the lap, and i thought the male and mother wore the color well, oh of course the fledge (i will get him soon), i was undecided on the scratcher though… that one is soooo black, hmm. thoughts/comments on who wears black gold well?

                            in reply to: Anyone in MA Get the Storm Hit? #562723

                              holy cow dragon! glad that didn’t hit your house! i got just shy of 2 inches of water in my basement! i am raisin toed and smelly from bailing it out of my basement all day!! no fun! i really hope that we don’t get any more rain tonight! oh, i caught my kitchen window too, i was in the kitchen heating up some soup.. peeked out the window while i was waiting to ooogle the rain and BOOOOOM! the window comes FLYING at me and i caught it before it hit me or the floor! holy cannolis! i have those old wood framed paneled windows so thats how it blew in, as its grooves it slid in were worn. weeeeee! fun fun!

                              in reply to: LAST CHANCE: Montreal Area Store Liquidation #562439

                                my pleasure! they compare great togther! by the way, the young dragon is a fresh one, just bought nib, so he has a fresh paint job.. i wonder how much that piece varies, old to new? heck if i threw the empress it then it would get crazy with all the dusty purple! lol, its funny how there is so much variance in the peacock color.but they all look great as they are. it would be cool though to see the male and mother dragons in the new peacock like the fledge- that would be pretty snazzy, but i think thats what we need the new emp.pea for! lol!

                                in reply to: LAST CHANCE: Montreal Area Store Liquidation #562436

                                  here are a couple of little peas for reference. sorry about my blurry pic.
                                  however, i have seen some variance in the fledgie paint job… mine is super blue green with very little purple, and almost none on the chest, but recently i saw a fledge on ebay that had tons of that dusty purple on the chest, like the empress and emperor hatchers! weird! so there is variance, perhaps that was what someone was originally referring to?[/img]

                                Viewing 15 posts - 481 through 495 (of 783 total)