Forum Replies Created
nightcrow wrote:Kujacker wrote:
I’m kind of insulted about the peacock dragon thing. I’m a prime example… I don’t fancy all the gargoyles THAT’S MY TASTES AS OTHERS,
Yes, I find it really funny that he can’t imagine why people would pay more for a peacock dragon than a gargoyle… even though there’s a huge difference in size (that’s a pretty tiny gargoyle), style (carved/rustic vs. highly realistic), and paint job (the paints used on dragons is expensive, pushing up their price).
It’s like demanding to know why people won’t pay $3 a pound for greens, since they pay $3 a pound for cherries. :::rolls eyes:: Some people just have willful blindness down to an art!
I half-sympathize with his complaint about offers, though, because Ebay rules do state “no selling off Ebay” — buyers should report any seller who offers to sell outside of an auction, and sellers shouldn’t accept offers to buy the item outside of an auction.
(Now, if he was emailed and asked to simply change the auction price, that’s different, but the way it was phrased — “I emailed an offer” — doesn’t sound like that’s what happened).
in regards to the “offers”, he ran the dragon previously, as an auction with a buy it now of $150 (i think) or best offer. he WAS looking to take offers. noone but myself made an offer ( i think i offered $85, anticipating shipping on top of that), as it shows on the listing who makes an offer and when, but not the amount. i am not sure of other people made offers to him privately. the listing ended as he did not take my offer (he countered with $125, which i turned down) and he relisted it in the buy it now section, plus his personal comments.
you’re exactly right with the difference in value for the stone finish vs. the painted dragon finish. its infinitely more work and far more expensive paint on the dragons, plus stones and glass eyes, there is simply no comparing. for example, a stone kitten will run you 21-27 bucks, whereas the griffin chick will set you back 52 or more. how about the good cat candlelamp? 58-68 or so, yet a male dragon or male griffin of about the same height will set you back 120 to 144! well more than double for about the same size piece!! big difference!hence i started collecting only the stone pieces for economys’ sake until i couldn’t help myself anymore!squeee! hmmmm well, i’m in the middle of redoing my work room, so i won’t be able to post a mystery pic for days. blah, its a mess in here!! i’ll have to take a rain check on it, so i pass the chance to someone else for now. 🙂
i think that is the secret keeper wing…yeah pretty sure of that… 🙄
awwwwww thanks folks! i really wasn’t sure about him for a long time! i was really waffling about how he looked or moreover just what he looked like…then there was the whole black scale accent thing…. i had it originally on the body scales but it was too intense, so i put on the dark copper instead which really helped.. but in some places having the black underlining on the scales makes me think of a checkered taxicab! lol! i think i’m thinking too much though… but i like to let my pieces sit a week or more after i do them to let them settle and then see if i want to make any changes..
here’s his link just in case…! i’m not particularly offended or worried. he didn’t name me directly or slander my name directly. hes just being a turkey, and that is all he is.. lol. let him not sell it or sell it as his buy it now and let someone not in the forum loop(or someone that doesn’t mind) be happy. and yes a gargoyle uni WILL go for $125 justifiably, as it is one of the biggest windstones you can get and unis in general have a very broad appeal. what he is offering is a very particular piece at a semi-highish price, which will only appeal to certain collectors.. it can take time for it to sell potentially, for the right person to see it and want it badly enough, especially without good pics or box…WHATEVER! ~:> lol. 🙂
well certainly if it was so rare and so desirable i would certainly think maybe just ONE other soul other than myself would have made him an offer when he listed it the first time…even if it was for 5 bucks….. but noone did….. i offered, gosh, i forget what….$85 i think plus shipping it would have come to 100. i can’t exactly remember though, but didn’t think it was offensive..i wasn’t going to go much higher because it is not a huge piece and his pics leave alot to the imagination for flaws n wear….heck laps go for 191, now so me buying a retired one at 125 is a steal, nib too! lol! anyway if he has some brass he can auction it and let collectors tell him its value, heck maybe it will go for more than what he hopes…..sometimes they do…:)
lol! i made that guy an offer when he ran it the first time….lol! thats too funny about this guy.. is he browsing our feedback to see what we buy? not that there is anything wrong with that…but iiiiiiiiiii bought a peacock lap dragon for $125 which is in my feedback… sounds like he is referring to that in part as i had made him an offer, i bet he checked me out……or is he just going by what he sees sells? that is a bit obnoxious that he put that stuff right in his subtitle area! wow! lol! wheeling n dealing doesn’t work too well with these, unfortunately. people like to feel comfy with who they are buying from. boy that is a better price too, esp. with the shipping… if he didn’t put that prodding stuff on there i would maybe go for it as i really want that piece….that makes it feel funny now though…but the pics aren’t too good either, you can’t see if there is any damage.. i’d like to see better pics…you can rarely can trust the sellers word that a piece is not damaged if they arem’t super into them…….
i got a real dud dragon off of ebay recently where the piece was described as being well cared for, living its life in a cabinet… but it had substantial chips with mismatched paint cover ups, all the gold details flaking off as they were painted back on… i had gold paint peels all stuck to my hands! plus i got charged double for shipping! i am not sure what to do, i have to email the seller…. but they sold off their collection and i wonder if some of y’all have some coming to you….if you have any nasty surprises in store like me… 😕yeah, he reminds me of something too, i can’t figure it out! closest i could think of is pheasant or turkey neck feathers… ack! i’m still stumped!
ok so this guy is a little funky….. i have painted my personal sculptures for many years in a color pattern i called red gold, (a mix of many different shades of golds and coppers over black) so i just had to put it on a dragon. his body scales gradate from copper to gold, and underlined with a dark tarnished copper, but that gradation is a little hard to see in the pics. its funny how there are all these the “red golds” these days and how different they all look! normally i leave my sculptures in an antiqued state with it, but this dragon seemed to ask for it to be a little more refined. he came out looking like i’m not quite sure what… weather he looks like gaudy italian home decor, a wild turkey’s fancy feathers, or autumn themed…. thoughts? is he funny looking or ugly? i have had him 3/4 done for ever and finally got around to doing the last tweeks on him.
anyhoo, the little bugger is going up on ebay tonight, i need more room on my work desk, its overflowing!… i’ll post a link once i get him up……
[img][/img]hmmmm wolf gargoyles’ left back foot?
lol! i have that pony! boy i loved those when i was a kid! i have a ton of the originals from way back in the day! cherries jubilee, parasol, applejack, lickety split, etc. lol! so cute! i have some cool ones with big, faceted gemstone eyes too, i forgot what those were called…
siberakh1 wrote:I don’t think the huffing and puffing was in reference to you specifically, Purplecat, but people getting upset and blaming windstone.
We’re here for you, in whatever you choose to do! *hugs*
totally! we all know you were very well intended with your repaints! you never had any malice, spiteful or limit pushing attitudes in regards to your painting! i can think of someone else that did though, but definitely not you! i don’t think by any means that windstone will harbor any funny or hard feelings towards you, we all know how super kind and hunky-dory they are! they just needed to get reselling of very similar looking repaints in check i think before it gets too popular and everyone gets doing it. its that much more of an imperative since now they are offering repaints by olimpia and nam, to be sure the minimum amount of confusion is involved. exactly as nirvana said so eloquently, all that needs to happen is the certificate gets misplaced and the felt dampned to where a signatures runs, or the felt is removed and noone will know what they are looking at! funny that the earth dragon was the one that opened the can of worms, as the pinks in my opinion looked soooo clean, natural and authentic!! those looked like real windstones to me!
you still have lots of options! you’ll recover your money by repairing the damaged pieces you have, then do custom repairs for people, and you can still do super paint jobs on pyos. plus melody did state somewhere that she has plans for lots of new pyos, so there should be more pieces to come in time.all will be ok, really. 😀SPark wrote:Keshete… please do not attack Windstone. I’ve been upset at them before, when I didn’t really understand what they were doing, but I can assure you that they aren’t doing this because they love slapping down artists.
You are not a lawyer. Neither am I, but they’ve told us over and over again that they don’t go after artists because they want to, they have to in order to protect their copyright and stay in business.
And once something is sold… it’s out there. No matter how much it says all over the auction that’s it’s a repaint, the first seller can’t guarantee that they buyer will identify it correctly if they sell it, or maybe the next person, or the next. Windstones change hands a lot, and when they look pretty much exactly like factory test paints, well…
There’s nothing wrong with repairs and restorations, so it’s not like all broken Windstones have to be thrown away. Restore them to new, or repaint privately. It’s just repainting for public sales that’s the trouble.
spark i super duper second you here. you can’t control what happens to the piece once it is out of the original hands and they DO get passed around alot!when painted with airbrush just like how windstone does, it is soo easily could be mistaken, once it goes through a couple of uninformed hands that also would like some good money and would see no reason why not to resell it as, in their minds, a special factory limited edition. and yes purple you should feel very flattered that your paint jobs look so close to theirs put that chin up high, their asking you to stop the airbrush jobs is a big compliment! 🙂 just refocus it on making some slammin’ pyos now! you see everyone is waiting to take a stab at one as soon as you have one for sale..
however, i do like the idea of repair service and it would be really cool if that could get worked out. though it would be a ton of extra work and baloney for them. where i used to work, jonas studios, they made pricey museum miniatures and trophies… they offered repair services on their pieces, so if a tail was broken or paint was worn, it could get fixed for a small fee. it was great- it made the collectors so happy and the company got a kick out of seeing old pieces back for a visit. hmmmmm…..keschete wrote:This is just CRAPPY! If they don’t want you doing repairs and repaints on your own….then they should send you a paycheck and let you be the special repair person for broken Windstones.
Melody and all of the staff at Windstone…this is silly! I protest! You need to work out an arrangement with purplecat! This is unfair and unreasonable!!!!
I think she is the best artist I have seen besides the artists at Windstone. Please don’t break her spirit, please try to do something that can be a compromise!!!!
Why would someone as talented as Melody turn away a fellow artist? I am bewildered and upset.
Purplecat is there any reason you can’t do specifically requested repaints…like in my case. I want a damaged piece repainted?
Maybe if we all called and complained? Anyone up for that? I have spent a LOT of money in the past few months at Windstone directly…and referred others there as well….I have spent at least $2000 in the last two months on New Windstones.
If the customers all stand up and say something maybe we can get this injustice rectified!!!!!
yow! ok i totally second dragonfeathers in that windstone is totally justified to enforce whatever rules they like in regards to melodys art. that is the purpose of the pyos, so people could get their jollies of painting a windstone, without it being a production piece and interfering on their copyrights and reputation. while we know purples’ intentions are good and she loves and respects windstones, putting them up on ebay and visible to the whole world puts the idea out there that its totally ok for every other person ( like people who don’t care or know as much about windstone as we do) to do it too if they want.
remember the person that had the “custom painted” old warrior a couple weeks ago? that is a perfect example of someone outside of the forum seeing the profits made on repainted windstones and trying to get some for themselves and being wormy about it. how do you draw the line with who is allowed to repaint pieces and who isn’t? wheres the line for the paint jobs themselves? what about a partial repaint like that ow ( never mind her baloney tale about it) ? its too much b.s. for windstone to have to worry about. they are EXTREMELY accomodating to the collectors and we forum folk, putting out all this stuff we squeak for and it is the LEAST we can to do abide by the FEW rules they ask us to abide by. loooooooooooove melody and windstone! 🙂 if you love them, respect them and do as they ask and thats it, not push the limits of what one thinks is do-able. once again, we were given the pyos to appease the desire of repainting production pieces, but it has the potential to open the door for it instead.
again purple does some great repaints i love the pinks myself, they look slammin and it would be mighty cool if something comperable could be production, but i think its planting too much of a seed of something troublesome with them getting broadcasted on ebay, with the oh so similar to windstone airbrush work. it is wicked close, thats in part what makes them so pretty and natural, but one the same hand a little touchy.its a tough situation.people who aren’t super privvy to windstone could get confused on what is what, both original piece wise and rule wise as to what is pc in regards to painting. it is most fair and easiest to not permit it as a whole, rather than try to police it all.that way there is no discriminating, and tons of other baloney.
the last thing was a statement i remember from earlier in the thread.. something to the very loosely to the extent of ” well, if we bought it and own it, we can do what we will with it, its ours”. well on that note, i know how to make a darn good mold, so why don’t i make a mold of my ow, make castings, paint em and sell them as repaints and recasts? i paid good money for him, so i should get be able to do what i want with him. i can label him as a repaint and a casting i did myself, so that should make it ok, right? nosirree! i would DIE if someone did that to my art, even if they made it look better than i could paint, because it would totally confuse people not in the know of my work.
anyhoo, we all know windstone didn’t stop purple to crush her dreams and makes her cry because they are mean people, they are looking out for the work and the company as a whole and this may be the best way for them to control the situation before it has the potential to get crazy with “other” less well intended people doing it too.
perhaps one on one repaints of heavily damaged pieces could be permitted; say you ask her privately to repair/repaint a piece for you.something could get figured out in that regard, as you can’t leave a smashed up piece- which happens often enough by their nature- looking smashed forever! :)that wuldn’t be good and would look silly!
ok i think i’m done! that was my $5 worth (puts bag on head and runs…)yes this IS fun! squee! great idea!! not to stick my beak in, but heres my piggle with a pyo for scale, for those who has never seen one, or just forgot what one looks like.
pic number one looks like a peacock lap dragon wing tip to me, but # 2 stumps me so far… -