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  • in reply to: WOW! #792702

      Yay! Hearty hoofer lovers that think alike! Look out Melody… our squeaky neighs are coming for ya!

      yea, I’m punchy at present 😛 😳

      “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

      in reply to: Welcome Sway #789714

        Funny, cause I blame it on being a Raisinette!

        OK, even I admit that is a lame stretch! But, W/ev!

        “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

        in reply to: WOW! #792699

          Intense VF is what I thought too… just plain sex-hey! I’m funky and would love to see hoofers like this! Just to break the mold of real life hoofer colors.

          I know, I need help. :sigh:

          “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

          in reply to: Ebay #785804

            Dave- I just sent you a PM with the info you wanted, including the part of the email to us where she said she had permission from you guys to use your artwork/photos.

            As I said to you, I’m saying here- it’s interesting to note she says the white pegasus are signed LP only available from Windstone… well then what was she doing at Astral Castle?!

            Maybe, just maybe (doubt it), she is overly confused about PayPal holds. I doubt it simply because she talked in such circles and double speak when we contacted her. Plus, her auctions hold such out right lies in them. I even thought to give her benefit of doubt when I thought she might believe hang tags were COAs. But we explained that COAs are full pieces of paper (many times a seller will show them in auction as well) and not the hang tags. She would respond, “like you said, they [all] come with their hang tags and are signed.” We’d been discussing the regular run of white pegs and we’d explained to her about the black pegs only fitting the description she had offered. We need a “whoosh” over the head kind of emoticon expressing extreme density!

            “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

            in reply to: Ebay #785802

              Argh! Another victim! And this time to the tune of $200! Negative feedback says seller took the payment and gave buyer no responses and never sent the item! I hate seeing this happen to people! I sincerely hope the people who got robbed here, will have justice. I’m willing to bet this seller never had the items in auction- all her photos were stock photos from Astral Castle (she said she had permission but they were not mentioned in the auction and no link provided) and from here. This seller is all kinds of wrong.

              Up side- I don’t think we are going to be seeing her around ebay anymore. I think this was a one time snatch and grab, given that her score is in the single digits. I hope if anyone who was robbed is a member here, will update us on any action taken to get their money back and the proper person punished.

              “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

              in reply to: ARG!! eBay seller being cagey? RESOLVED #792334

                Paypal had too many problems when they had less rules. Now they add more complicated (bulloxed up) rules where they have to keep funds in holding?! I can just see them losing many transactions and blaming it on seller and buyer to save their butts. Seems to me Ebay and Paypal have become greedy bastards and I can’t wait for a similar company to rival the heck out of them, and have the boom ebay initially did. Really hope something happens that will knock both companies down a peg. They make things too difficult and can’t seem to strike a balance for both buyer and seller, imo.

                Do they only do this kind of fund hold thing in relation to ebay? I don’t think using PayPal through Windstone store causes PayPal to hold our monies going to this company (or others on the web), right? I hope not! What a PITA.

                “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                in reply to: Shiny new crown! #792419

                  I went through your website and you are so wickedly talented! My jaw hit the floor when I saw so many of those pieces, their accuracy (or innovation) and intricacy. I could never do anything like that. I can’t even sew a button 😳

                  Where I use to live, we went to Rocky Horror ever year. I adore that film and always have (always loved Tim Curry and was lucky enough to meet him in very late 80s by chance). I couldn’t get up the guts to perform Columbia when I was asked to participate in a RHPS Halloween event. Too large a crowd.

                  I look at the costume pieces you’ve shared on your site and wish I could afford some. Course, I like the risqué female warrior ones. Where I use to live I could rock those but where I live now is sleepier and more quiet, I’d be hard pressed to find a place (even during Halloween) to wear it.

                  But I just wanted to stop in to express how much I admire such tremendous talent! Amazing, just amazing.

                  “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                  in reply to: Welcome Sway #789712

                    You’re fun… I likes yous! You’re plucky and have a sense of humour which I find endearing. Honest too. You’re the first person, so to speak, that I’ve met on the board (as in had conversations with), which is cool. And you don’t freak when you get your ass kissed a bit… ha! Just joshin’ ya! I’m just friendly and if people can’t handle or understand it, they can stick it 😆 😛

                    I think I may have found my font colour I like to use here. But, knowing me, I’ll tire of it sooner rather than later and play around till I find another favourite!

                    “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                    in reply to: Welcome Sway #789710

                      After 7am here so I’m getting you going early… keeping you on your toes… Clarice XD

                      “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                      in reply to: Griffs, Flaps and Coiled Moms #790487

                        Yabba Dabba Dooooo! Thanks Melody!

                        “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                        in reply to: Welcome Sway #789708

                          Chianti and Farva Beans anyone? Ffff fff fff!

                          did I spell that right? farva? hmmm, whatev!

                          “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                          in reply to: ARG!! eBay seller being cagey? RESOLVED #792325

                            Sorry this is happening to you. Ebay has become such a confusing place. I haven’t used it in so long but hearing all these new rules you are all discussing is disheartening. Makes me want to stay away from the whole thing altogether.

                            Do I understand correctly that even that even id you have delivery confirmation and or tracking, a a seller you still will not receive payment for 21 days as some sort of buyer protection? Seems to me by some of these newer rules, it helps one end of the transaction out but can hurt, at the very least annoy, the other party. Waiting almost a month to see money for a piece you’ve sold. And now it seems you’re forced to use PayPal only- no more checks or money orders.

                            If there were a way for Ebay to discern what sellers have such great feedback (and all the star ratings too), perhaps they could be exempt from that 21 day rule. They didn’t get great feedback for being shady. And if not, rules and notices need to be more clear so that what is happening here doesn’t happen all the time. An honest buyer sending money and the seller not seeing it and then thinking said buyer is pulling one over when that is obviously not the truth. Instead of making things easier, it seems Ebay has made some things more difficult.

                            Hope this works out for you and the headache is soon gone.

                            “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                            in reply to: Welcome Sway #789706

                              Oh good! The caption is legible. I was hoping it would be seen but had it not been, I’d have been fine too. Gravy that it’s visible on a small avatar. The photo in and of itself is beautiful but when playing with it (originally for a card for a friend at one point), I played with the eyes after I got the caption. I kept looking at the leopard and how intense his face was towards the camera and for some reason, I heard Dr. Lecter in my head saying, “Hello Clarice…” 😆 I love that movie and anytime I can throw in favourite movie lines, I do!

                              “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                              in reply to: What the heck is this? #790469

                                Cleaned out the kitty litter… found the auction 😀

                                “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                                in reply to: Welcome Sway #789704

                                  There- changed my avatar to the photo I was trying to find. Leopards are one of my favourite animals, and I find snow leopards particularly intriguing. This was the photo I wanted for my avatar to begin with but only just found it now. Knowing me tho, I’ll change it around a lot 😛

                                  “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                                Viewing 15 posts - 256 through 270 (of 290 total)