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  • in reply to: RUSSET DRAGONS ARE UP!!! Aaaand they're gone….. #509805

      Hrm. I was thinking of things like the brown fledgelings, that we’ve seen several batches of.

      I’d thought that at least one of those gryphons in white/pearl/albino/whatever was limited edition? Guess not.

      in reply to: RUSSET DRAGONS ARE UP!!! Aaaand they're gone….. #509796

        It will indeed be released in the future in different colors.

        Heck, it’s “limited production” not limited edition, so there will be at least one more batch of the things in THIS color on ebay some other time, if Windstone’s past behavior is anything to go by.

        in reply to: RUSSET DRAGONS ARE UP!!! Aaaand they're gone….. #509792

          Mwa ha! Got one for me and one for Drag0nfeathers.

          in reply to: Windstone for sale #508943


            Dude, if your unicorn hadn’t been sold, I NEVER would have said this! I knew you’d sold it already though.

            I didn’t think it was polite of me to clutter up the forums with threads for things that would take two messages on a thread that’s already there.

            I’m really sorry, I didn’t think it would upset anybody.

            in reply to: Russet Curl Dragons #509577

              Yeah, but the new dragons are always signed, and sometimes in different colors. They’re better than the store dragons that will come out later.

              A new PS3 is actually very likely to be WORSE than the ones that hit stores in a few months. They were rushed into production for Christmas, or so I hear tell, and Sony is notorious for having a buggy first release. Not to mention the little fact that the demo version caught fire at E3 earlier this year.

              in reply to: Windstone for sale #508941

                Ooo…. tempting…

                What the hey. Sure, $60 and a drawing it is. You do character portraits?

                in reply to: Windstone for sale #508939

                  Astral castle says retail is $79, though I’ve a feeling most places charge a bit more.

                  I’d like to get $70, really. Which may be too much to ask for a second hand one, but he is in mint condition.

                  in reply to: Windstone for sale #508937

                    I’m pretty sure it’s sold. But I have one I’ve been thinking of maybe selling. How much were you looking to pay for it?

                    in reply to: Russet Curl Dragons #509559

                      There’s going to be… what, 80 wolves? Four batches of 20 each. I bet there will be some available all day. You might just miss out on an eye color.

                      in reply to: So I learned something new tonight #509677

                        Hey, it could be worse. You don’t have nearly so many posts as some people who will remain nameless on here…

                        in reply to: Greetings to Tieran! #509698

                          I have to post this because I gave her the link here, and I just now saw her name pop up as a new member. So hi! Welcome to the madness!

                          in reply to: So I learned something new tonight #509667

                            Well, part of the point of sniping is that it doesn’t drive up the bid early. I snipe quite a bit, and it does often work for me.

                            in reply to: Flamed!! #509448

                              Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                              dragonessjade wrote:

                              I think he does that because he is immature. I can also see his point tho…. When I am searching for something (like guitars for my bf), one thing that irrates me is when the chinese have their cheap look alike guitars to sell as well. It makes me look at more auctions then I should have to go thru.

                              On that note, when there are all sorts of funky auctions, you may find one that many others have overlooked that is a gem, and you get it for a good deal….plus if you’re a procrastinator like me it’s a good time killer, going through all the auctions~ :mrgreen:

                              It’s like trying to find good dragons. You have to wade through so much crap, but then once in a while you find something really marvelous!

                              in reply to: Brown Young Dragon for trade/sale #509492

                                The only reason I’m not going to bits just now is that I made sure to have a few months rent in my savings account! (Though I wish I had more…)

                                Anyhow, I think this weekend I’ll fix up a few dragons, including this brown mother, and then we can discuss prices and so on for her.

                                in reply to: is anyone here janm6383? #509644

                                  I never really liked this one. The other coiled dragon I love, but this one just doesn’t seem as graceful to me.

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