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  • in reply to: Griffin Chicks Idea? #530344

      oooooh, I will have to see how much they are. Since Melody did say first batch, I may just wait for the second time around. I’ve got a Ruby Sun Dragon to pay for and to pay my mom back for the second half of the cost of my new tires.

      Gives my griffs some time to ‘get acquainted’ They just met Saturday! πŸ˜‰

      in reply to: Windstone Pick up #544588

        Maybe I’ll have to visit when I fly out to Palm Springs in July (if it doesn’t cost me an arm and a leg on top of going to the desert). I’d rather go to the factory than Palm Springs πŸ™‚

        in reply to: cutiest pic ever! #544236

          Awwwwww πŸ™‚

          in reply to: Jewelry making #544363

            AsH wrote:

            I make chainmaille bracelets and earings and the like but I havent figured out how to incorperate stones yet

            hah! I have a chainmail rig a friend made for me (he’s been making chainmail for years and now sells it), but I haven’t had a chance to be able to sit down and actually do much with it as of yet πŸ™ It’s set up to make about 5 different gauges.

            I’ve made 1 necklace with connemara marble and a few other beads, but I need to add the pendant. I have a moonstone shaped like a tear (found it in a tumbled stone bucket at an occult/fantasy store when I was traveling… it totally called to me) and I need to add some sort of wire network around it so I can make a pendant out of it. I’m thinking of naming the stone. I’d like to fiddle with it more, but I need a bit more free time than I have at the moment and to get some needed projects out of the way.

            in reply to: Happy Birthday WindstoneCollector Today Feb 23rd #543035

              Happy belated birthday! 8)

              in reply to: Windstones in Buffy the Vampire Slayer episodes #543547

                pegasi1978 wrote:

                DragonsCavern wrote:

                in that LAST pic, there is the Mother, baby, and the Young…the baby is sat to the left of the young one, can barely make out its head. But enough to KNOW its there.

                I don’t see the baby, but I just looked again and noticed the Gothic Unicorn and I believe the two large grey/stone looking ones are the Unicorn Gargoyle. I may pull the picture back into photoshop and label the ones I see. *runs off to do just that*

                In circle 1: Mother and Young Unicorn
                In circle 2: Unicorn Gargoyle
                In circle 3: Male Unicorn
                In circle 4: Gothic Unicorn
                In circle 5: Unicorn Gargoyle

                Again sorry about the graniness/pixilization of the screen cap. I don’t have the best software to use for making them as “Print Screen” never seems to work for me.

                Behind the Male Unicorn in circle #3 is the black Male Unicorn looking at the camera. To the right of circle # 5 looks like it may be another Mother Unicorn.

                Since they are being used as props and no logos or names are said, I doubt there would be anything to sue over. However, mentioning it on Buffy fan sites or, conversely, on the windstone site (ie. windstones on television! – if this can be done legally), might be the way to go.

                Also, did anyone ever think of creating a Wikipedia document about Windstone editions?

                in reply to: Dang pedigree pulled out all the stops with this one #542271

                  nessiemom wrote:

                  If anyone has any suggestions about dog food, I’d love to hear it… I have a dog that cannot (and I mean CANNOT) have…
                  Chicken, Turkey, Pork, Venison, Barley, Potatoes, Corn and Wheat…
                  Ok, I know that most holistic foods leave out the corn and wheat… whoopee… they usually substitute barley. Try finding something that has none of the above. That has meat as a primary ingredient. I’m to the point I’m at my wits end…

                  I know I forgot to look up recipes for someone on a similar topic *feels bad, wrote it down to ask person* :oops:, but have you considered feeding your dog beef and rice? I know my sheltie had really bad stomach issues and when he couldn’t eat anything, we would feed him rice in batches and mix it in with a little bit of beef or dog food (but he didn’t have any food allergies, so he eventually would go back to his dog food). I know several people who feed their dogs natural food (meat, rice, veggies). The added benefits are they don’t smell as ‘doggy’ as they did when they were on regular dog food and then you know what is going into the food. They had better breath and didn’t fart as much either πŸ˜›

                  Ideas to try:
                  Lamb, rice, beef, veggies. Lamb is considered a very gentle meat (it’s the only one that doesn’t seem to upset one of my cocker’s stomach – it’s very touchy). He is on a food that is lamb and rice based. There might be some dog foods that are based off of them without the other stuff.

                  in reply to: Display cases #542386

                    Wow… I’ll have to try that Earthquake putty, not that it’s a huge problem here in upstate NY… last earthquake totally woke me out of bed, but nothing in my dorm room moved, and I had a lot of little stuff that would tip or move if you breathed wrong. Just depends on the type of wave.

                    As for shelves, try looking in antique stores or at garage/estate sales/auctions. My mom has a display case that has been passed down. The entire frame is wood, including the shelves, and the sides and door are inset with large pieces of glass. The door locks with a key. There is no light, but you could easily install a lighting fixture within. I’d use it for my windstones, but it’s my mom’s and she has it filled with her Precious Moments and a couple of small dolls. She does let me keep my swarovski pieces and my bohemian crystal vase from Prague in there though. I don’t need any thundering cockers knocking them over. Some of the swarovski is good sized and retired – hurray for going out of business sales!

                    When I do one day get a place of my own, I’ll be getting something similar, or making my own. I don’t trust tempered glass or a lot of the shelving units I see in stores. They are flimsy. We have tempered glass table covers on top of some of our end tables. We’ve had two just shatter out of no where. No one touched them. My dad walked by one and it just shattered into a bunch of little pieces tottaly out of nowhere. The other one happened when no one was around and nothing had fallen. The only thing on these tables are a single lamp, a small picture frame or two and maybe a pen or two. After having that, I’ll stick to good wooden shelves. The ones in my room are working great and the dogs aren’t allowed in my room (not that they could reach above my door frame anyways).

                    in reply to: Don't let your mommas learn about Windstones #542608

                      My mom has an ebay account, but generally, she has me do it. She says I’m better at it, and I’m good at sniping 😈 Also a lot of stuff tends to go off later in the evening and I’m more willing to stay up weird hours for things if needed. My bank account is through my dad at the same credit union, so just transfers money to me (I have very trustworthy parents in this department). I’m also the one with the paypal account πŸ˜›

                      My mom is good about the windstones. She’s pretty nosey about what I get and has her likes, but we cover each other when packages come in and we don’t want dad to know (he gets all grumbly about spending money on stuff sometimes… he’d live spartanly and wear clothes with big worn holes to work if we let him “… but it’s not worn all the way through yet!” It’s a good mutual agreement. I just don’t always tell her how much something costs *cough female griffin cough*

                      in reply to: PYO SWAP FINISHED PIECES!!! Photos inside! #538399

                        Lady Brooklyn, I got her! She arrived safe and sound!

                        πŸ˜€ *squeeels!* She’s so pretty! She does remind me of a sunset! *does a happy dance* Never been to the desert (I will this summer though), but we get a few deep sunsets like that in the summer here. Well done! My neighbors are generally pretty good. Came to the porch, so it’s enclosed and pretty noticeable if anyone opens the door.

                        I work 4-midnight (guess which website gets through the massive amounts of firewall πŸ˜‰ bwahahaha! Luckily I’m the only one here for most of the shift too, just waiting for things to break, then it gets busy… there is a lot of downtime). She arrived just before I had to go to work, so no pictures yet *sigh* I had just cleared off a new space for my hatchlings, orientals and kirins to go this morning too, so she is sitting with my kirin family πŸ˜€

                        Wednesdays and Thursdays are my super busy days and I may not have any time between playing chauffeur for my brother and work (it’s an hour commute 1 way *ugh*) to take pictures and post. If you have any, go ahead and post. I won’t be able to get mine up until Thursday or Friday.

                        Just read all the posts before… you guys are so silly πŸ˜› Reminds me of a Tim Curry quote 😈

                        “I see you shiver in antici [long pause] pation!” – Frank N. Furter, Rocky Horror Picture Show

                        Just waiting for my PYOs to come from Windstone so I can do my swap this weekend 😯 The paints are ready and waiting! 8)

                        in reply to: Talk about a BIG MOMMA…. #541733

                          Good thing I just bought another storage box for some books. I was going to rearranging my bookshelves and the top of my coffin-I-mean-closet before she comes and my Ruby sun I will be getting. Just sort of pre-planning. Guess I will need the space! 😯

                          in reply to: Announcement #541559

                            Means I have a way of bringing Windstone to work with me πŸ˜€ I don’t trust an actual sculpture here (you just never know), but a mug is very doable!

                            in reply to: Hi From BTwedding #541839

                              Welcome! *waves* πŸ˜€

                              in reply to: BJDs #540056

                                Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                                Ok, Ok, I know I’m a sicko, but the content of this topic was NOT what I thought it was after seeing the thread title……

                                πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                                I found another site for some Korean ball jointed dolls. Soooooo amazing! I do have to agree about how creepy they can look. The Child’s Play movies come to mind 😈 Still, one had an amazing goth/industrial/anime-esque outfit with big stompy boots that I simply adore and plan on replicating as an outfit for either a convention or clubbing or something. m/[/i]

                                in reply to: Kamikaze Tuxedo Updated Photos #537063

                                  Is there green interference on the black?

                                  He looks really sharp! 8)

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