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  • in reply to: Show your Windstone Collection-Continued #540579

      I’m hoping to attract the oriole that swings by here every year to stay, but I always miss getting oriole stuff out in time πŸ™

      We get quite the collection of birds here. I like looking for the accidentals that occassionally drop in for a visit for a day or two πŸ˜€

      in reply to: Airbrush + long fur = awesome #557641

        OMG! I LOVE that tail!!!!! I want seriously want one! *reaches to hug through screen* *placlunk* *rubs forehead* πŸ˜† Though I’d probably want one a little bit longer (since snow leopard tails are so long). Would have to add something to the middle of it to bend it out though πŸ˜› I may have to put in a commission/order with you soon πŸ˜€

        in reply to: Who was it that liked Wyverns? #557625

          ooooh, very nice. I’ll have to have a looksie and find a place that has some up in the Montreal area or something (or maybe when I go to Scotland this fall, but Montreal is MUCH closer at 3.5 hours by car/train/bus :P). I don’t think anyone locally sells them here. I really like about 3-4 of them πŸ˜€ I want the wolf, one of the squirrels, and the polar bear. The dolphin and penguin with chick are kind of kewl too!

          Yes, that is the wyvern for the heraldry for Wessex, England and flys on their flag ( and It was the symbol for the Kings of Wessex (Alfred the Great is probably the most recognizable on this side of the pond). Heraldically speaking, it is indeed considered a wyvern.

          Hope this helps!

          in reply to: Photo contest results! #556212

            Mine was the mallard. I was up for a day trip in Berchtesgaden, Bavaria, on a side trip from Salzburg in January 2005 before Epiphany. Berchtesgaden (for those who haven’t heard of it) is a little alpine village best known for Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest (it’s where he used to vacation) and the water is absolutely pure and pristine to drink! The morning had been pretty cloudy and a few of us didn’t feel like taking the boat ride (we were trying to save on money) and opted to wander around. I was trying out some settings on my camera (which I hadn’t had for more than a week or two). I was playing with the water, outdoor, and snow settings. The sun finally came out around 11am or noon and I was trying to take some pictures of the mallards and a few other ducks congregating around a covered foot bridge. This was one of the pictures I managed to snap before this little guy decided to swim off (I didn’t have any food for him). With the water so clean and with the lighting on his feathers, I thought the color came out pretty nicely. It was either this guy, snow leopard I snapped yawning a white wolf from 10 feet away, or a pic of Prague Castle around Sunrise from Karlovy Most (Charles Bridge). My family thought the color on the duck with the water worked best and wasn’t as busy as the others, so I went with this guy.

            Camera is a Canon Powershot A75 zoomed in. I know they have newer ones out.

            Congrats to Nambroth! I was guessing it was either doctored, a filter or one darn lucky shot! Those are the best! πŸ˜€ This was fun!

            in reply to: Art pricing naysayers #556810

              I’m always unsure what to charge for my stuff. Most of what I’ve done art wise I’ve either kept, or given away as gifts (I have about 4 paintings out there in the world – two dragons, a cat and a little monkey). Now that I’m getting back into the art mode again (and will have time starting in May), I’m trying to figure out what is reasonable vs. what is too much/not enough for my taking commissions or to do art stuff.

              I remember someone asking me to buy a tiger I painted once for $100. I’ll never part with it (it’s the one painting I have to keep because of the back story and meaning for me personally… and I adore the eyes – they glow and follow you) for one, but it also cost me about $45 for the framing alone!

              Considering the cost of the fabric, especially some of the speciality faux fur, prices, $40 for a loonakit is pretty reasonable (I have a steiff and priced them here in the states and in Austria. I know!). Handmade stuff always costs more to produce than mass produced stuff made by machines that comes out of a sweatshop factory some place overseas! You also pay for the quality too!

              in reply to: Griffin colors #557168

                I like the natural ones with the little splashes of color, but I also did like the resplendent griffin as well. I think a few in the grey spectrum (and even a black one or two) would be different, add a good mix, and be very kewl πŸ˜€ I’m sure people would love them!

                in reply to: Poad Arrival… #557275

                  Nytetyger wrote:

                  no really, wee tiny hineys.

                  I love it! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† I can’t wait for her to get here!

                  SPark wrote:

                  starbreeze wrote:

                  I already have a ton of those sleeves around anyway from my son’s Pokemon cards πŸ™„

                  *coughs* I have a bunch of those too. From my Pokemon cards.

                  (I went through a period where I played it with my little sister. It was a bonding thing. And they were actually very fun to collect!)

                  I have a bunch of old MTG cards, Rage cards, a single pokemon promo card (Mew!) from when I worked at a gaming store and Pokemon league was BIG, and a bunch of old Changeling: Arcadia cards (kinda hard to find). Maybe I’ll have to get some card sleeves again πŸ˜€

                  in reply to: LAST CALL – Sign up for the 2nd PYO swap #554915

                    I gave lots of ideas of things I’m partial to (and the couple of colors I’m not keen on), but I’m pretty open to just about anything. I’ve enjoyed most of the PYOs that everyone has posted in the gallery and on the forum πŸ˜€ It’s fun getting a surprise windstone as a present in the mail! πŸ˜€

                    in reply to: LAST CALL – Sign up for the 2nd PYO swap #554905

                      I’m in! πŸ˜€

                      in reply to: House Hunt #550189

                        Hahaha! Emus are fun!!! Sounds kinda fishy that the tenant has the same last name as the seller. They may be cousins or in-laws or something. That may be why she isn’t obligated to kick her out. Suspicious. Invite the bikers over and give her the lead on an apartment. Have a biker there when you talk with her to keep her on balance πŸ˜‰ It’s possible she wasn’t paying rent for a while, so she may not be able to afford anything (hence why she is so adament about not getting kicked out). If she causes problems, go for a restraining order and have the staties deal with it. Local cops (if they are like the ones around here) won’t do anything if it involves paperwork, unless they absolutely have to.

                        Good luck!

                        in reply to: Sorta Still Around #556656

                          Your gyno said that?!?!?! Um, I’d be looking for another gyno! Doctor’s like that really burn me up πŸ‘Ώ

                          My brother has been dealing with depression lately and is currently on cymbalta. He went through several different prescriptions until he tried this one, and it’s a HUGE difference. He’s been dealing with his legal issues and not being allowed to work, not to mention his case manager constantly telling him he is a liar because he’s a car salesman, so he’s not to be trusted. EXTREMELY frustrating, and they wonder why he has been depressed lately!

                          I also have dealt with depression when I was living with a ‘friend’ from college. He was bipolar with paranoia and didn’t care about using people (we had started out as great friends.. two peas in a pod). Unfortunately, there was much I didn’t know about him before and people assumed I knew and failed to tell me until after I had left college. Needless to say after a year in that living situation, I left college for home, essentially turned off my livejournal, email, and phone for about 2 months and held up in a little hole feeling very depressed and ’empty’ spiritually inside. I was a wreck. I couldn’t do ANY music or art. I couldn’t even sing. It was hollow sounding. Having minor stage fright didn’t help. I think reading Harry Potter and going to a ren faire that summer was the most creative thing I did. I didn’t really start until at least a year later. I took it at my pace and let things fall into place and allowed for myself to heal (mentally, emotionally, and spiritually). It’s been about 4 years. Some of the scars still bleed, but I know where I’ve been and it wasn’t easy (I still have nightmares and cry about some things past). My really close friends have helped tremendously. Dogs to curl up with do too!

                          I’ve always enjoyed doing my art, because I’ve always used it as a stress relief and it’s something I’ve been blessed to be able to do since I was very small with very little training (though I’ve always sought out other venues for work). However, I’m also a musician and that has been where I’ve found my frustrations. When I first found out I had CFS and was studying flute competitively, I was prepping for college level study (I was still in 9th-10th grade). Getting sick totally brought it to a crashing halt. I couldn’t take the stress from all the tests, all the questioning from people, schoolwork, and the music lessons and I wasn’t getting any fun out of it anymore. I actually contemplated giving up the instrument entirely (mind you I had just forked out for a $2000 instrument the fall before I was sick). I just lost the ambition. I never did, but I dropped private lessons (at the time I couldn’t deal with it anyways) and opted to try voice. It was something different and new. I’ve kept flute as a hobby and concentrated on voice when I did music stuff at college.

                          Your art will always be there should you chose to be inspired to come back to it again. Hang in there *hugs*

                          in reply to: OMG a hydrogen car already!! 0_0 #556143

                            hehe… I remember when Microwaves and VCRs were at least $400-$500 to acquire because they were brand new! 😯 I was only a wee little thing too! I know so many kids that are like, how could you live without one or without a cell?!?! πŸ˜†

                            Hehe… you can even date some movies by looking at what type of cell phone they use (the ones the size of walkie-talkies, or the car ones that looked like home phone handsets). Companies are developing pc screens that are as thin and flexible as a sheet of transparency paper (the kind that teachers use for overheads in school)! You can already use a keyboard with a laser sensor that projects the ‘image’ of keys onto a flat surface in front of the computer, making a desk or table an instant keyboard! Kinda wish cell phones weren’t so attached to the hip/ear though πŸ˜•

                            I just got a new camry last year, but I wouldn’t get a prius because of their cost and if something went wrong with the engine (particularly the battery), I really couldn’t afford to fix it (the battery at least $700, but I think it’s closer to $1000!), because the technology is so new. There are still kinks to work out (works with each new release of a windows operating system or any new model of car!).

                            in reply to: House Hunt #550160

                              Wow! That does sound like an interesting day 😯

                              in reply to: Karma #555878

                                Congrats on the good find! Karma does come around! πŸ˜‰

                                Glad to hear you are working on getting the other store to get them to possibly start selling windstones. Faire people rock… and bodices sometimes really do come in handy! 😈 Can’t wait to get a new one this weekend!

                                in reply to: Happy Birthday to you. (Today) #555794

                                  As my friend would say…

                                  Hippo Birdie Two Ewes! πŸ˜†

                                  Many happy returns of the day! πŸ˜€

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