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  • in reply to: Airbrush questions??? #562581

      I use an airbrush for basecoating and will have to use it one or two upcoming pieces for scale smoothness for a main body color before I add detailing. I’ve been using my dad’s old airbrush and, as long as I thin the paints out enough, I’m fine. I just use liquitex and golden brand acrylics and add the airbrush medium (I think my bottle at home is from liquitex) to them to create the proper consistency. It wasn’t too expensive and that’s what it’s for. Applying a paint I want to use in multiple thin coats rather than one thick coat works well too, especially in airbrushing. It’s just a bit hard to see what you have painted sometimes when you are adding white paint to white gypsum πŸ™„

      in reply to: BG Curl arrival #560791

        ooooh, I think something ‘fuzzy’ is involved, considering the message I got from Susie. πŸ˜‰

        in reply to: A Question for Everyone #560144

          drag0nfeathers wrote:

          Anime Boston on the 20th! I’m staying the whole weekend till the 23rd! YAY! It’s the only con I go to EVERY year. It’s like tradition =)

          I’m pretty sure I’m meeting up with siberakh1 there too. It’s going to be awesome. though I only have one costume this year. BAH! I spent all my money on Windstones, LOL!

          Yupyupyup! I’m going! I have my aerobed ready 😈 Still hurriedly putting together costumes 😯 😯 They will get done, it’s just that everything got pulled down to the wire, so it makes it just a wheee stressful to get them done on time, but they will be done πŸ˜› Not sure if I will have all 3 now, but I’ll at least have 2. Btw, there is a Wolf’s Rain group meeting at 2pm on Sat. The only one I don’t know if we have is Tsume.

          Yeah… windstones and costumes definitely empty the wallet *sigh*

          in reply to: BIRTHDAY JOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #559218

            Sweeeeeet! Congrats on all the pretties and the new ‘toy’ 😈 That’s a very nice birthday!

            in reply to: My new baby!!! #558577

              Congrats on the new baby! New cars are nice! πŸ˜€

              in reply to: Native American Tribal Pinto for WaterGazer #559237

                Very nice! A very keen eyed kirin (the circle). This is really nice. I like this one a lot! Watergazer is very lucky πŸ˜€

                in reply to: preorders open!!! EEEK #559046

                  Getting one of each. I’m so bad. My dad keeps looking at all the boxes coming in, but lately, he keeps missing the actually windstone boxes 8) Little windstones inside great big boxes, so he thinks they are all huge! 😯

                  Hehe.. now my griffy chick will have a playmate, besides my ruby fledgling. πŸ˜‰

                  I put “I want one! Love, Fuzzy” in the p.s. πŸ˜†

                  in reply to: any good Rennaissance faires in the pacific north west? #558527

                    laphon1 wrote:

                    Try these two sites for Oregon.



                    Someday I will get to faerieworlds, but FaerieCon is closer to me πŸ˜€ I can see Brian & Wendy Froud!

                    Ren Faires: I mostly go and hang out with the other faire folk I know. I know some of the people who work the dungeon and torture chamber at one of the faires I frequent on the east coast (the best people to make friends with – well armed, and Mom totally rocks!). Too bad that particular faire is having political issues. It’s becoming slowly ‘Disney-fied’ and is too PC and chasing away a lot of good vendors who have been there for years *sadness*). I hope it doesn’t get sold off for condos (been talked about and feared for some time). The atmosphere, some of the food (the giant turkey legs, gurkens and gyros), just the ability to have fun and dress a little differently without getting criticized or odd looks for not looking ‘normal’ (It’s the normal people get picked on at the Ren faires :twisted:). I can buy shiny swords and good leathery things too. And yar… there be dragons there! The different crafts and vendors, the garb (yeah, the bodices do get annoying after 20 hours). Flirting with the mercenaries… good MEAD!!!!! Fun times! πŸ˜‰

                    Hehe… bought my first blade (that isn’t a throwing knife) last year – forged katana with fireheart hilt and scabbard… it’s not wrapped – from the forge my friend, Meg, apprenticed at in Texas. So pretty! The master of the forge made a very convincing sale too (I fainted from combo of not eating/it was hotter than expected/didn’t realize I wasn’t hungry because someone had laced me up too tight – they took care of me and made sure I was ok until my friend came back to the booth). Adventures in sword buying! 8)

                    in reply to: OMG! The New Sun Griffin is STUNNING! #547435

                      Arlla wrote:

                      ddvm wrote:

                      Arlla, is it better or worse he went for so much more than your top bid? Personally, if I loose by $10 or $20 I gnash my teeth for hours that I didn’t bid a little bit higher. But if it goes way over my price range I don’t feel as bad – I guess I figure someone else wanted it waaaayyyy more than I did. Go figure. But I totally understand feeling bad – yes, it is “stuff” but it is absolutely, one of a kind, beautiful, amazing, wonderful “stuff”. *passes Arlla TWO smidgeons”

                      It’s both better AND worse, in a way! It’s kind of funny, because my fiance was trying so hard to cheer me up, and he rebudgeted our whole month and scraped up another hundred for me to bid again – but I turned it down because I really didn’t want us to be that tight on money during this unstable time (we’re moving.) When I saw the ending bid, I was gratified that I still had no chance in hell of getting him with the money I had available…but I’m also terrified that this means I’ll NEVER be able to get one!! I’ll have to save up, hardcore.

                      Though, just because the winner bids more money than you, it doesn’t necessarily mean they want it more – just that they have more money!

                      I totally relate. I tried so hard to get this one gaming book I’d been trying to track down for ages (very small printing, the only book I’d been missing, and EVERYONE else was either looking for it too or it was out of sight price wise). I found a copy and almost got it, but the computer connection started acting up on my laptop and my parent’s pc froze, so someone else managed to get it for like $20 (below cover price). The person who got it tends to just buy up gaming books too and relist them for ridiculous prices (ie. over $100). It hadn’t even been a snipe! Needless to say my hand was hurting later (I punched my hand down on the corner of the piano I was so pissed). I went into a little cussing tirade for a bit. I was a very unhappy little Siberakh1 for a good 15-20 minutes. I’d already been screwed out of two previous copies too, adding insult to injury. I did manage to find a copy a few months later (finally!) that was brand new and reasonably priced on a newly listed BIN.

                      It will happen eventually. You should put that money aside and add to it. Something will come up. Nambroth has more to paint πŸ˜‰

                      in reply to: OMG! The New Sun Griffin is STUNNING! #547432

                        Tyrrlin wrote:

                        ddvm wrote:

                        *passes out Gertrude Hawks peanut butter smidgeons to all the forum members*

                        YOU know about Gertrude Hawk chocolates? The factory is located right by my home-of-record!

                        They make fantastic smidgeons. NOM.

                        I ADORE the raspberry filled dark chocolate smidgeons! πŸ˜€ They are divine! (I spied a big Gertrude Hawk bag in my mom’s room from this weekend. She says she only bought something small for herself and the rest is other easter candy. For the size of the bag, I know there is more than one thing of Gertrude Hawk hiding in the bottom 😈 . Yeah, mom still makes me an Easter basket πŸ˜‰ Keeps me from eating her candy.

                        in reply to: OMG! I won a Calico Flap Cat! #558473

                          ddvm wrote:

                          That’s one advantage of not being married. The cats kind of look at me funny when I get a new piece but they don’t say much! πŸ˜†

                          I’m not married either, but my dad unfortunately looks at me funny when he sees an empty box, because he knows there was something that involved a $ in what it was. Mom and I defend each other on that front (she gets her little things, I get mine). I may just start breaking up the cardboard boxes and taking them to work with me to dispose of somewhere πŸ˜‰ He usually doesn’t see the pieces, but it’s the size of the box that gets him. If it’s a PYO, he doesn’t care though, because he knows that I’m doing them for other people and that I already talked to him about taking on commissions. I guess it’s the income coming in that he doesn’t mind, versus the income going out. *shrug* He’d wear a torn shirt to work if my mom and I didn’t go through and throw them out and replace them with new ones πŸ™„

                          in reply to: House Hunt #550195

                            drag0nfeathers wrote:

                            Inspectin went really well, and the inspector said we are gettin gthe house for a steal! πŸ˜› Closing is May 15th if all goes to plan!

                            Already hit one snag though. They just relisted the house we lost before this one and it was BEAUTIFUL and just got a 30,000 price drop. I’m convinced there is a REASON for that, but sis wants to drop this house and go after the other one now. I’m trying to convince her otherwise. *sigh*
                            She whines worse then I do! If that’s possible! LOL

                            w00t on getting the house for such a deal! I’m with you on the other house. There definitely is a reason. It could just be that they need to sell it sooner for some reason, but you don’t want to lose out on one that you’ve found already for something that you may not get or has something hidden wrong with it.

                            I can help evict too 😈 hehe… I’ll bring my friend Manimal (yes, that really is his nickname).

                            in reply to: Moon Griffin #558315

                              I can’t wait to see what she goes for. She’s even more stunning than the Male Sun Griffin, and he was freaking handsome!! πŸ˜€ I love what you did with the blending of the two interference paints! They really go well with the lilac/lavendar eyes! You’ve really outdone yourself! πŸ˜€

                              I can only imagine what she will go for!

                              ::looks at wallet. no hope of getting enough together before she goes on auction *sighs and eats some chocolate*::

                              ** falls over and swoons at the prettiness **

                              in reply to: OMG! The New Sun Griffin is STUNNING! #547426

                                drag0nfeathers wrote:

                                $3,611 😯

                                😯 😯 😯 😯 😯

                                ::blinky blink blink::

                                HOLY CRAP! Congratulations Nam! You should go out and celebrate! πŸ˜€ That’s absolutely awesome! He is absolutely beautiful. I’m shocked it went so high, but only because I wasn’t expecting it ($2000, yes, but WOW!). It’s definitely well deserved!

                                Now to see what the Moon Griffin will go for! She’s even more stunning! Maybe it is a girl thing πŸ˜‰

                                in reply to: Mysteries #558024

                                  #1 – The maid – no mail delivery on Sunday.
                                  #2 – A mirror.
                                  #3 – Frost only forms on the inside of a window (though I’ve seen exceptions to this).
                                  #4 – Death.

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