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  • in reply to: Happy Early Birthday TheRedWriter (12/4) #641777


      Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

      in reply to: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY Scorpiolady! #640870

        WOW! I just checked in with the community section and this is what I get! THANK YOU EVERYONE!!!! I am really touched! 🙂 Thanks to all of you for welcoming me into your community!

        Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

        in reply to: WOW!….. #642988

          He is great! I work a graveyard on Thursday nights into friday so I just sat here and laughed my a** off!!! lol You guys should check out this one on youtube. He will astound you! This is his REAL voice!!! I took 2 years of Opera so I can really appreciate this. It’s all in Russian but hey you HAVE to listin to this. The whole thing!

          GOT TO HEAR THIS!!!!![/img]

          Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

          in reply to: Globe Trotter Muse… is home! Lots of pics p. 24! #632533

            Maripikka wrote:

            Yeah, this definitely is a cool idea, to make some PYO(s) travel the world. I don’t think I’d take part, though… Just to make sure the PYO won’t get killed during the shipping to Finland. It’d be a quite long (and expensive) travel. And dangerous. For the PYO. Yeah.

            Oh come on!!!! You would be the first trip it took as you are the longest distance it would have to travel! LOL 😆 I think I would like to start a dragon one. I dont want to copy Basilisk’s idea…I just think it would be fun…:)

            Basilisk, let me know what you think about it. I DO NOT want you to think that I am tryinng to stake claim on your WONDERFULY BRILIANT IDEA!!!! 😀

            Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

            in reply to: Red fire #643025

              OK I think I will have to start with this new color! I loved the Ruby…but this………well they have just out done themselves this time round! 😯

              ****LLLLOOOOVVVVEEEE>>>>>IIIITTTTTT********** 😆

              Yes I know I’m cool…. 8) …Right 😕 🙄

              Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

              in reply to: Globe Trotter Muse… is home! Lots of pics p. 24! #632531

                I have to say guys this is the best idea for a PYO I think I have ever read of! I wish that I could have been a part of it! Oh well…perhaps we could do a journey for each PYO that Windstone has???? ❓ That could be FUN!!!!!! They could all go around to everyone…that way some people could sign up for a muse..some for a dragon and so on and so forth….how does that sound????

                Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                in reply to: Would you ever consider?????? #643200

                  I guess what I was thinking is that she could sell them like she sells the PYO’s. Or possibly change the mold a bit so that it is not like the production ones…….DAMN here I go again….. 😡 Sorry Melody, I just wish that I could paint a SK. Well here’s to hoping…… 😆

                  Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                  in reply to: Would you ever consider?????? #643198

                    Hi Melody,

                    I was wondering if you would ever consider selling an un-painted SK??? Or any of the regular production dragons?? 😳 I know I asked you about a PYO Dragon set earlier…but why I did not think of this I have no idea. 🙄 Anyway…..just a thought.


                    Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                    in reply to: New Production Color #642666

                      Wait…do my eyes play tricks on me???? Do I see unpainted SK’s in the very back left hand side of that picture???!!! 😯 I think I need a napkin! Here’s to hoping that Melody does some of those in the new red!!!!!!!!!

                      *****PLEASE********* 😆 😀 😆 😀 8)

                      Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                      in reply to: My first PYO is in the mail! #642693

                        OK OK OK!!! I will post pictures! LMAO 😀 Anyway I got him in the mail today and I was so excited to open him. That red crystal with the green eyes looks kinda like Christmas….But know for sure he wont look like Christmas when I am done with him!

                        ***nice to know I am not the only one that gets excited at the possibilities of the PYO sculptures!!!!!***********

                        Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                        in reply to: My first PYO is in the mail! #642681

                          I am so excited to be getting this guy. I got the Young dragon with Green eyes and Light Siam crystal. I also got the PYO wolf for my room mate for Christmas…(she does not know about it yet 😉 ) Anyway I am looking forward to giving this guy some life! I hope that he turns out well and when I am done I will post pics…well I will post pics threw the painting process!

                          ***should I be THIS excited to be getting a PYO dragon??**** LOL

                          Any color ideas to go with the eyes and crystal color?? I was thinking perhaps some softer greens and reds that fade into eachother…then using some more intense coppers or burnt oranges to accent with???

                          Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                          in reply to: Amethyst Mist Emperor – He's on eBay! (photos pg.14) #642123

                            Purple is great but can there be silver accents instead of gold??? We dont want him looking like a Lakers Dragon! 😀 Anyway I think that would be great…you could use some different shades of purple to accent him as well as perhaps a striking intense blue or green??? Green without making him look like Barney! LMAO 😀

                            Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                            in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596505

                              Ok now that I have found the “Wish List” Here we go,

                              I am looking for the follwing:

                              1. The Black Unicorn Family
                              2. The Ruby Dragon Family ( yes all of them) 🙂
                              3. Kirins….ALL OF THEM
                              4. ANY Secret Keeper Dragon ( I know wishful)
                              5. The Peacock Dragon Family, I have the hatchling and the mother.
                              6. Any artist firsts or test paints on Unicorns or Pegasus.

                              See i dont want much like the rest of you. But I would love to have the Ruby Scratching Dragon first…or a SK to start off my collection again.

                              Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                              in reply to: Amethyst Mist Emperor – He's on eBay! (photos pg.14) #642100

                                OK guys, I think that a rich deep bing cherry, with some blacks and deep purples, and a slight touch of emerald green. I do mean a DARK cherry…not like the ruby color but more like Merlot. Also instead of gold accents how about silver??? That would be crazy beautiful. blue eyes to help them pop and not blend with the body. and perhaps a green crystal to help it stand out from the deep colors of the paint. If you had green eyes that would be even better!

                                Ok now here is another question. I am looking for the wish list because my friend is selling off her collection and I want to know what everyone wants. Let me know.

                                Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                                in reply to: Emerald Windstones #640441


                                  I have a friend that is selling her Emerald Scratcher, she is asking 300 for him though. He is mint..with tag and box. Anyway let me know. She also has an emerald fledgling that she is selling too. She wants 150 for him. Let me know ok?

                                  Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 124 total)