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  • in reply to: First time pyo, questions #1558270

      You don’t need to prime. I usually wet the sculpture with water and a brush before I paint them, though. You don’t have to but I find it makes the gypsum a little more receptive to the acrylic paints, which is what primarily use. I’ve never airbrushed, but I know several on the forum do.

      in reply to: chicken #943981

        I’m really hoping this will end up a pyo. I don’t have the luxury of being able to do grab bags. I can’t afford it, but that’s just me I guess. Regular runs of pebble chickens would be fine too, but again for my own selfish reasons, I know I’d get much more enjoyment out of being able to paint them. But in the end it’s your call, Melody :bigsmile:

        in reply to: Christmas card #938468

          Got mine too. I love it! Thank you so much Melody :bigsmile:

          in reply to: April Raffle? #928528

            I entered 🙂 ! Love the sculpt and I love the flower.

            in reply to: Opal dragons #926016

              I would love to see a line of opal dragons. I in-vision white dragons with a combination of magic sparkle paint and interference paint. Purple, blues and green specifically. I have an first version peacock hatching dragon and his shell has interference greens and blues on it. I suspect it could be over-spray? Maybe it was intentional too. The fact is you don’t see it unless it catches the light just right. It’s nice and subtle. I also think if the dragons were antiqued in very pale blues and/or pinks it would make them stand apart from the regular white dragons. Not sure this is what other people consider “opal”, but this is what I would like to see.

              in reply to: Christmas card #923527

                Thank you so much for the card, I love it! Happy Holidays 🙂

                in reply to: Christmas card #923354

                  I’m anxious to see what the card looks like this year. It’s always a treat to receive it and appreciated 🙂

                  in reply to: Future pebble sculpts? #921297

                    Don’t know if it’s been mentioned, but pangolins curl up…Love to see pangolin sculpture offered anyways, pebble or whatever 😉

                    in reply to: Poads! #918456

                      I agree. I would love to see Poads of all ages done in this scheme. I’m all for blue Poads anyways 😉 .

                      in reply to: Blue Morpho Dragons #914802

                        No 🙁 But I couldn’t afford one right now anyways. Hope they make more, but not too soon…

                        in reply to: Blue Morpho Dragons #914491

                          I won’t be able to afford an OW if they are coming out as soon as next week. With that said, I’m curious how long it takes from start to finish to produce the larger sculpts? I might be able to swing it in a few months.

                          in reply to: Blue Morpho Dragons #914470

                            Oh poo :(…I really want a the coiled momma, but alas, I have no spare funds for her. I hope they make more later. I actually wish I could afford to get all of the dragons in the Blue Morpho, but they seem to be coming out with a new sculpt every other day. No way I can afford to keep up. Please make more of all of them when they run out so us less financially flexible of us have a chance to get all of ones we want. Purty Please! I’ll make you guys cookies ;).


                              Holy crap! I almost missed these. Thank goodness for credit cards, but man, Windstone needs to give me a financial breather lol!

                              in reply to: Blue Morpho Dragons #913900

                                Man, I’m hoping that I can afford and don’t miss when the OWs and Laps when they come out. I so far have been lucky enough to get the Male Griffin, Sitting Spectral and Fledgling. I didn’t have the money for the other ones when they came out. People need to buy more of my stuff lol!

                                in reply to: Blue Morpho Fledgies #913267

                                  I was at work when they hit the store,, but I was fortunately able to buy one on my smart phone…Yay for technology :)!

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