
Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 421 through 435 (of 464 total)
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  • in reply to: Make me an offer!! #713060

      Welcome Back 😛

      in reply to: Few Retireds for Sale/Trade New Added #762461

        I added an Emerald Wizard Cat but I will ONLY sell him if I get a REALLY GOOD OFFER.
        Does come with box and it is in REALLY GOOD CONDITION. :yes:

        in reply to: Condensed White List #558709

          Thank you travistie it was a real pleasure selling/trading with you! 😀

          in reply to: Few Retireds for Sale/Trade New Added #762460

            PM ed ya both back 😀

            in reply to: OMG! He bought me the Labradorite Lap… #763306

              Does he have a single brother? 😉 😉 😉

              in reply to: Few Retireds for Sale/Trade New Added #762456

                Thank you Darjeb
                SOOOOO many people have been giving me hugs, now I can give you one.

                HUG HUG HUG

                I would of donated a kidney if it would have saved Maxines and Mistys lives 😥

                in reply to: Few Retireds for Sale/Trade New Added #762454

                  Added 🙂

                  in reply to: FEW PIECES FOR SALE..UPDATED FEB 2011…PAGE 10 #729445

                    How much $$$$$$? are you asking for him? :shrug:

                    in reply to: FEW PIECES FOR SALE..UPDATED FEB 2011…PAGE 10 #729443

                      Can you tell me about your Gargolingus? Mint/box/$ ? 😕
                      I may like to give him a new home. :scratch:

                      in reply to: Few Retireds for Sale/Trade New Added #762453

                        I am sooooo glad that your ” children ” will get to stay with you.
                        I am going to try putting some pictures up tomarrow, when I am not so tired.
                        Thank you for the tips. I would post pictures of my items I have listed but again
                        I don’t know how. I only know how to send pictures by email. I even tried to put
                        a picture in for my avatar but it will not work. I don’t know what I am doing wrong.
                        If my life depended on me posting a picture in the forum, I would be dead by now!
                        HA HA XD
                        Good luck on your sales and please do keep me informed about your rainbows.

                        Thanks 8)

                        in reply to: Few Retireds for Sale/Trade New Added #762452

                          If you would like me to keep an eye out for a mate and baby, let me know.
                          I sometimes come across Windstones looking for a good home in my endless search for ones I am trying to find.
                          Take care and have a good night/day! 🙂

                          in reply to: Few Retireds for Sale/Trade New Added #762449

                            Thank you Jackid55!
                            I love the pictures of your ” children “. I also had a kitty cat named Misty but a month before Maxine got ill and had to be put to sleep, Misty’s old age and kidney problems made themselves known and she too had to be put to sleep. She was 16 and I had to put her to sleep the day after my surgery. October/November 2008 was NOT a happy time in my life. The only thing that saved Christmas was my new rescued puppy named Darla.
                            If I knew how to down load pictures like you can, I would love to post one of Misty, Maxine, and Darla!
                            You posted elsewhere that you may be moving overseas. Will you beable to take them with you or will they stay with family, if you don’t mind me asking?
                            I am very interested in buying the rainbow dragons I want but I need to see how my sales/trades go.
                            Thanks 🙂

                            in reply to: Few Retireds for Sale/Trade New Added #762448

                              Thank you Eaglefeather!
                              Hope everything is going well with you! My griffin chicks say hello and thank you for finding them a home. I am really enjoying them. 😆

                              in reply to: Few Retireds for Sale/Trade New Added #762446

                                I will leave them up indefinitely since these are ones I want to trade/sell.
                                I am asking for the offers to be around the AVERAGE price listed in the Windstone
                                sales price database please. Except I’m asking $90 for the Emerald Wizard mouse
                                because that is what I paid. So if anyone would like to meet or make offers around
                                the average price listed, we can make a deal. Otherwise, I will just keep them. I
                                have owned and loved them for this long, that unless I can get what their worth, they
                                will just stay put.
                                Thanks everyone who has shown some interest and thanks for all the hugs regarding
                                Maxine! I really appreciate them.

                                in reply to: Anyone need a box for Gold Male Dragon? #760782

                                  Still available to whom ever wants it! 😕

                                Viewing 15 posts - 421 through 435 (of 464 total)