Forum Replies Created
How did I ever miss this thread?! Oh yea- the horse show season had me.
I should DEFINITELY be on the list (as seen in my Wish List post in the list I keep for you guys), for ALL new colors meaning ones to come AND…
I need the Lavender and Blue Pearl ones too.
Can I get my name onto those lists please?
Romeodanny wrote:I missed them by minutes…. I should have checked the store instead of running to the bathroom when I got home from work. 😆
I’ll wait for the next batch. I can’t afford to pay more than they sell in the store.
Do you have a preference of color? I cant swing $200 at a time (I want both BUT I favor the LAVENDER) but perhaps, if Im here at the right time, I can grab my set and then at least one for you if my money holds. If I have more money than expected, I can nab you both if Im here. What do ya think? Remind you of the Old Greens? 😆WOW! Both are stunning in different ways. The griffin looks like something youd see in a museum or gallery with a hefty price tag on it for some reason (thats how I see it). And the Kirin catches my eye cause, as we all know, I LOVE black but added in with the Koi markings makes it just pop and bring in the eye color. It also hits me with a Halloween feeling (orange, black, etc) which for me is a VERY good thing cause it’s my fave holiday. I hope they find wonderful homes and go for what youd like for them. I too am hoarding my money for something else or else Id nab that Kirin in 2 secs.
Hey, they just told me I had too many eggs and decided not to take the one I clicked (orange) as not to over burden myself, just now. Anyone else ever gotten that message?
Granted, I have 4 eggs even if 4 cant fit into my signature but I wanted more color; I need color!
DM, if youre still having trouble, is there a way (if you want) for me to transfer my last 2 eggs (rock hard one and the last green one) to you? Id be willing to do that but I think the only way to do that is abandon them so you can snag them which, in effect, would mean you need to be logged in, right?
If not, let me know cause I’ll give you those 2 eggs.
First, let me say thank you so much DM for adding my 2 eggs that werent part of my signature to the front page! I hadnt even asked you and you were so on the ball, you caught it! Very grateful. Mmm, now, how to get the codes to Kaya for Gaia cause I only post here so my eggs will get very few clicks, relatively speaking and I hope they dont die.
So, if I were to kill one of the eggs, it would hatch immediately and I take my chances on whether it runs away or stays with me? So much to learn; so many cool rules and twists. Now that Ive seen some of the adult dragons- wow, they look so nifty. I have my preferences for some but based on the colors of my eggs, I dont think I’ll get my fave adult dragons if they hatch. It’s so said to see and RIP sign too.
Thanks for info! You can count on me to click on the front page eggs several times a day, now that I know where I can get them all in one place. I was just going through threads and everytime I saw an egg, I just clicked it (that is a lot of egg clicking)!
Romeodanny wrote:I get mostly purple when I breed. So, next time I breed, if I get a purple and you would still like one I’ll try to find a time to abandon it when you can take it.
Take this quote out of context. If someone not familiar with what we are talking about, how funny would this sound to them?! 😆
How many eggs can actually fit in a Windstone signature before it gets too long a code to accept? Technically I have 4 eggs and havent tried to put the newer ones (basically look like the ones in my sig). I put them in posts (except this thread so they dont grow up here), but I havent been able to post much lately. I think at least those may die but Im more attached to the ones in my signature. I really want those to hatch. Plus, Im new to this dragon thing so I want to see for myself what happens when one dies or something. I cant believe there is an option in scroll to KILL one! At least abandon it so it can get adopted! Sheesh!
I say for sure to get mom a BDay Poad™! You already know she likes them. As for discussing them- out of all the Windstones in my house, the Poads™ are always the eventual conversational pieces and topics to talk about longer than anything else. They have caught everyone’s eye and everyone has liked them. Some even ask where they can get one so I give them the store web addy. They get bummed when they see some are sold out but I assure them more are on the way!
Hee hee hee! Im just addicted to grabbing them now but cant keep them all, I know! I want different colors though! Purple would flip my omelette! BTW, the two in my post are different than the 2 in my signature so give them a break and click them all! Wish I could change colors so ppl would know they were different!
Edited to say to DM that I will not post any eggs i responses after this, in this thread. Others- probably but not here cause I understand what you mean. If those in my response here actually hatch, I’ll edit this post and take them out 😀
Oh girlie, Im so very excited for you! You know, my BEST horse ever (the Olympic one that started out as a throw away western horse I got for free… a buckskin! Hence my emails nickname) was a bucky. She was the best angel ever Ive known and out of the thousands of flashy horses Ive ridden over my lifetime, she was still the best. So much so, the Olympic committee approached us to train in 87 and 88 (dad smashed that dream cause I was still a minor; long story; dont get me started here).
But what I really came here to say is that since today is the 4th anniversary month for T… Im thinking that after ALL this time Ive been begging and hoping to get a dragon egg off that Dragon Cave site (see AND click eggs in my siggie), that if they hatch, I would name one after T in memoriam since I acquired the new eggs just today. Tell me again what the full name for T was. If my dragon eggs live to hatch (I pray), I’ll name one for him since the dates match in a way.
Hugs to you and major congrats. Cant wait to see pix really, really soon (no pressure… ::push:: 😀 )
Oh, and they dont have to be a set. If anyone just has one they are willing to sell for store price, thats fine. I favor the lavender but I NEED both 🙂
Best of luck with them on ebay. First off- they will def sell, but I hope you get a rarring good price for them! At first glance (since I didnt know the curls were in the store), I was like, “who the heck repainted curls and is selling them?!”, until I read your description which made me run to the store in vain… and cry.
Oops! Sorry DM. I didnt know we werent allowed to talk. Im new at this so I’ll shut up now <3
Thats true Lam!!! I also just snagged a GREEN one so they could have company. Hopefully at least one will survive. I really want to foster one or more for some reason. Bio clock ticking (though medically, mine was born on snooze). 🙁
But I love my eggs here so I hope everyone clicks.
DM, please put them in the hatchery, whatever that means! Please! Grats 😀