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  • in reply to: Grab Bag Lady Cat thread – 8/22/14 #917860

    I can’t pic any favorites, I love them all! This is going to sound silly, but I wish there was a solid black one. Every year around Halloween, I collect something of a black cat. Would of been awesome if this years piece were a Windstone. Still, no matter what color I get I know that I will not be disappointed…:3

    I was going to do some pure white ones and some solid black ones but I thought that if anyone got one without some kind of markings they would feel cheated! If you want them, I can do solid white and solid black as a batch by themselves.
    There aren’t many orange and white spotted cats in this batch because we have already sold that color as a limited production batch. There is one orange and white one one with “van” markings. It is one of my favourites, so I included it in the batch… and there are a few with stencilled orange and white, with a spot on their noses. That makes them totally different.
    There are some twin cats, and the way random stuff works, if you get two cats there IS a possibility that you could end up with twins!

    I understand your reasons for not doing solid colors, most people prefer the more colorful kitties anyway. I would love a solid black Pebble Cat, just not this minute. My funds are very tight, I really shouldn’t of bought a GB Pebble Cat for my trip to Japan is right around the corner. Not sure how soon you would have solids done or how many?

    in reply to: Grab Bag Lady Cat thread – 8/22/14 #917861

    Rodney and I pulled our money together and bought one more, so I’ll be sharing pics of 3 Pebble Kittehs. Rodney says we are going to split the 3rd one down the middle, LOL!! 😀

    Rodney sounds like a sweetheart.

    For the most part, he is. Rodney does have his moments, but we all do…;)

    in reply to: Grab Bag Lady Cat thread – 8/22/14 #917847

    Rodney and I pulled our money together and bought one more, so I’ll be sharing pics of 3 Pebble Kittehs. Rodney says we are going to split the 3rd one down the middle, LOL!! 😀

    in reply to: Grab Bag Lady Cat thread – 8/22/14 #917842

    I can’t pic any favorites, I love them all! This is going to sound silly, but I wish there was a solid black one. Every year around Halloween, I collect something of a black cat. Would of been awesome if this years piece were a Windstone. Still, no matter what color I get I know that I will not be disappointed…:3

    I managed to snag one for both Rodney and I. Yes, I know there is a two cat limit, but I’m lucky I could afford to get one right now and I wanted to be fair to others…;)

    in reply to: How old are Windstone Collectors #917810

    *is 33*

    Though, I have been fascinated with Windstone pieces since I was a kid…;)

    in reply to: Sadly Another RIP on Here for Fluffy #917673

    I’m very sorry for your loss…*hugs*

    in reply to: RIP Shiro ("Bitten") and Talia #917653

    I’m truly sorry for your loss…*hugs*

    in reply to: Awe 🙁 #917387

    I am at a loss of words over the death of Robin Williams. Many of his movies were a big part of my youth while I was growing up. I’ll never forget going to see “Mrs. Doubtfire” with my two best friends or watching “What Dream May Come” with my Mom on opening day. I’m left in a state of shocking over this news, I keep hoping it is a prank but sadly it is all to real. Celebrity deaths don’t really effect me, but this one has left me heartbroken. RIP Robin Williams, you will be missed…

    in reply to: Grey cats or flap cats? #917324

    Or do it like the foxes with a grab bag batch plus some regular colours although I missed the grab bags so would prefer more of a variety of limited production colours if it’s possible to do say 10 each of all the popular cat colours and styles.

    Pam will need to be bribed with chocolate…

    I’d be more then happy to send chocolate Pam’s way if need be…;)

    in reply to: Caturday 2014 #917307

    HAHA! That’s too funny. My cat played with my pokemon too when I played that game XD

    Sounds like we both have awesome cats, LOL!! 😀

    in reply to: COA sketches!! Post yours! #917294

    I need to take a better pic, but for now the first Melody sketch I ever got my paws on:

     photo Windstone3_zps0a631828.jpg

    I actually only own two sketches by Melody, I hope to add more…;)

    in reply to: COA sketches!! Post yours! #917292

    Autumn Leaf Pumpkin #3 Little Rock Dragon:

    Thank you Miss Melody for the wonderful sketches!

    I gave him the wrong kind of wings! oops…

    Doesn’t matter, he is still adorable…:D

    I’d love to see your take on a Basilisk Lizard…:3

    in reply to: Caturday 2014 #917291

    Here is a video I took back in 2012 of my oldest cat’s (Jaden) reaction to a crying kitten online:


    I also have a video of Jaden playing Pokemon Amie earlier this year:


    Sorry for the poor video quality…:

    Jaden only will interact with my Eevee, Vesperus. Even after Vesperus became an Umbreon, Jaden still remembers his friend:

     photo VesperusampJaden_zpsafabeb22.jpg

    in reply to: COA sketches!! Post yours! #917285

    I won Tiger #2 off of eBay on the 4th o’ July. Melody included this lovely doodle:

     photo IMG_6743_zpse4dcd419.jpg

    I have found a frame that will work “purr”-fectly. So once I have little extra money, I plan to buy it and display the COA with my Windstone collection…;)

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