Forum Replies Created
September 24, 2009 at 3:24 pm in reply to: Want to trade or sell bengal oriental(updated w/ pics!) #784469drag0nfeathers wrote:
I’m going to have to beg Melody to make more. There’s no way I can ever afford her now. *sigh*
Awwwww Drag0n…./hugs!
On an aside, I think it’s funny that now that it’s off eBay there is SO much more interest and the bid has gotten so much higher….
Found this on Yahoo news this morning, thought it was relevant and interesting, enjoy!
Greater Basilisk wrote:*whew*
Thanks for the gracious reception, Dragon87. My original swapee gave me free rein, suggesting among other things animal markings. I wanted to paint a wolf with two different eye colors and found the Royal Angelfish to be one of the few critters combining blue and yellow.
And then Amphitrite ended up super gaudy, and I got a shuffled and worried horribly she’d go to someone who preferred natural colors, so thank you for liking her.Well if she DIDN’T like her I know there are plenty of other people who’d gladly take her of her hands! 😆 😆
I know I haven’t posted before, but I’ve been watching and waiting with everyone else, and the excitement is killing me! I have to say that everyone’s pieces have come out just fabulous and there’s not a one that I wouldn’t be happy to give a new home to!! j/k Congrats to everyone here on getting such beautiful and heartfelt pieces!!
Dragons4Life wrote:Actually there is no lease. It’s a 4 apartment building that used to be a house and the landlord just rents them out with no lease. Been that way for years.
I’m not sure what the laws would be in that case.
I am going to do my best to find a good home for them.
Thanks guys for the advice!! I’ll come and post here again in a few weeks if I still have not been able to re-home them.Oh….hmmmm…now that could pose an issue… I don’t really know. Is it like the house from Coraline? Where it’s a big house that has been sectioned off and retrofitted with seperate kitchens and stuff like that? Or is it one building that was actualy built to be 4 separate “appartments”? If it’s the former I think it would fall under private property that is rented out (we have a friend down in Escondido that has converted part of her garage into an appartment and put in a mini kitchen with a fridge, microwave, hot plate etc. and since she owns the property as a private residence it falls under different rules than an appartment building.). If it was actualy built and intended to be rented as seperate appartments then I think by law there has to be a rental contract.
I’m posting some interesting sites that may be of some use: (The shaded paragraph regarding the NJ Truth in Renting is the interesting part)
And here is the NJ Truth in Renting pamphlet: is a good one, see especialy the last sentance I will look this up on a legal website for verification:
This one is interesting for general lease agreements. Note that it talks about written agreements, but not really about oral agreements..
Anyway, hope this helps some!
skigod377 wrote:Mos Def!!
Thank you everyone. We just got home. They kept us an extra 12 hours as a precaution because she was big… something to do with processing blood sugar. They had to make sure she was just big and not big because she was sickly or something. We are all doing well and Irelyn is sleeping right now. Im so glad to be home even though the hospital and staff were both really nice. Labor went well and I did get an epidural. When I pushed it only took three tries so she was ready to come out! Here are the pics!!!
ZOMG!!!!!! I SWEAR I LOOKED LIKE THAT WHEN I WAS BORN!!! I’ll have to get a picture from my mom and scan it in…..I was 10lbs. 6oz. and was all chubby cheeked like that! ZOMG ZOMG GRATS!!!! SOO CUTE!!!
Having read through the thread, the offer/promise of a custom piece is acceptable, as in the case of Ruffian’s quilts, and some people offered to do custom PYOs so your offer of a custom costume to be completed by xx/xx/xxxx etc. is totaly permissable. If you want to word it, say something like “Custom costume up to $500 value” or something like that and work out the details to whoever wins your offer.
September 23, 2009 at 7:41 pm in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784490So far I have for names/prefered piece to paint:
Name —————- Sculpt ——- Area to paintMmloda ————– Both sculpts –
Siberakh ————- Griffin ——-
Leigha ————— Both sculpts – Feathers (Griffin)
LadyFirebird ——— Both sculpts – open
Dragonmedley ——- Kirin ——— Belly scales
Kitsunelady ———- open ———
Dragon87 ———— Both sculpts –
Drag0nfeathers —–
Ruffian ————– open ———
WindstoneCollector – Griffin ——-
GB ——————- Both sculpts – open
Abatos —————
Jen ——————
Tyrrlin ————— open ——– open
KoishiKitty – open – Will be the last one to paint, is doing shinies and interference!I’ll add more as people tell me what they’d like to do! Thank you all!
You’d have to add up all the prices, but here is what they cost new from the factory:
September 23, 2009 at 7:22 pm in reply to: Want to trade or sell bengal oriental(updated w/ pics!) #784459LadyFirebird wrote:😆 I was wondering how long it would take dragOn to see this! 😆 Ooooo, looks like someone is going to get a much coveted pretty! 😀
Crimson Vision wrote:Can anyone give me an approximate value for the set? I ask only because I might decide to offer one of my custom gown/costumes or even a custom made one of your choice and wouldn’t want to set the value low. 😳
Now THAT I would definitely offer a nice trade up for! I keep forgetting to ask if you make your own corsets too? You look like a busty girl like me and I know I need full/extra support in my garb/corsets (none of those flimsy Fredericks “corsets” for me!!)
September 23, 2009 at 7:10 pm in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784485I know a while back Mmloda had done a unique concept where she mailed out a PYO Kirin and had various people paint a portion of it, take pictures with it in thier locale, and then send it on to the next person in the list. I don’t remember exactly how it worked out, i.e. who payed for shipping, if each person got a commission %/present etc. etc. but if anyone is interested in doing something like this again, I have a couple blank PYO pieces that need some life. Please post here if you would be interested and if anyone who did it last time/Mmloda would contact me and give me specifics of how it worked I’d appreciate it!!
Let me know!!
Edit: P.S. I currently have a griffin, a kirin, and a wolf. The griffin has green eyes already glued in and the other two I don’t think I have eyes for right now so they can be any color. I’m willing to do one, or all three at the same time!
For those of you who don’t know about it Siberakh was kind enough to write me an explanation! Here it is:
“Everything started with dragonmedley doing a PYO Globetrotting Muse (since there are soooo many different places to paint on a muse!). The Kirin came second after the Muse was doing so well. She figured out the ‘Anatomy’ on the Muse, complete with a little chart (I’m sure she probably still has one if you did a Muse), and then asked for takers to fill the number of slots she had (limited by the size and # of feasible places to paint on a pyo, even for the Muse!). Once she had her volunteers, she figured out a good order to send the muse along for ease of shipping. Everyone had a rough time (a week or two) to do their little spot of the Muse. They signed their name on the part of the anatomy chart that they painted (there was a little signature sheet, that or it was on the anatomy chart directly). You had he order and list of addresses. Before sending the little Muse off, we were asked to ‘show him around’ and take pictures of interesting things from your area and include a sticker. Of course, as the Muse traveled more, he picked up more than just stickers from his travels that were included. I made him a little yarn scarf because he was at my house for Christmas and it was rather cold and snowy and ‘Santa’ left him a little shiny dangly. He helped me decorate the christmas tree and enjoyed visiting Santa. When done with your part of the Muse, you packed him up, and sent him to the next address on the list. Eventually, he made his way home to dragonmedley. No one paid any money other than anything people decided to include and the cost to ship him to his next location. He even had a cute little ‘suitcase’ that the muse fit quite nicely into for safe traveling.Though it took some time, both the Muse and the Kirin turned out wonderfully. It was a lot of fun to do!
Ooops…didn’t mean to post twice, my internet went offline and I didn’t know if the first one posted. >.< Oh well, happy reading!
You might want to look at your rent contract and see if your landlord has a specific clause about having “pets” or more specificaly “rodents”. If there isn’t one then she can’t do a damn thing about you having them, especialy if they’re not doing any damage (i.e. stink causing other neighbors to complain, getting out and chewing holes in the walls/electrical cords…from what you said, the only person that has a problem is the landlord). You might also want to look into NJ landlord and rent contract laws. If it’s not in the contract that you can’t have them and she is harassing you or doing things to affect your living conditions because of it, I’m pretty sure she can’t legaly do that. It’s a little thing called the First Ammendment….While talking legal action is the more confrontational approach, I personaly am not willing to give up my rights unless I knowingly sign them away (military), and no one has the right to take them away simply for the fact that “they don’t like it”.
Does she specificaly have a clause in her rent contract that you can’t have “pets” or more specificaly “rodents”? If she doesn’t have either, then she legaly can’t do a damn thing about you having them. You might want to suggest to her that forcing you to get rid of your pets is breach of contract (if it’s not in there that you can’t have them) and see where that goes as a last resort….It’s definitely something to look into. Also look into NJ landlord and rent contract laws. Hope this helps from a legalistic standpoint. I for one am not in the market to give up my rights unless I agree to do so, it’s called the First Ammendment.
I <3!!!!!!!!!!! I save my most favorite ones on my lap top and have them as a slideshow screen saver….It totaly distracts my Accounting 101 teacher when he’s walking around the room! LMAO