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  • in reply to: RATS FOUND A NEW HOME! 🙂 #784418

      And Lokie, no problem! Let me know if you need help finding anything on the interwebs! I can find most anything when I get my fingers to do the walking!

      in reply to: RATS FOUND A NEW HOME! 🙂 #784417

        Aye, I hope everything works out for you and your babies too! I understand the decision to just make things easier between you and the landlady, and would still suggest sitting down and talking with her about her side of the issue. She may see you as a more valuable tennant that way instead of someone she knows she can get to do something by complaining enough. (hope that made sense) Anyway I wish you all the best and send big hugs!

        in reply to: Happy Birthday the dragon collector – late #784778

          HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!! Hope it was wonderful!

          in reply to: UPDTED w/ LOTS of new WINDSTONES! 1st post! #784272

            CherokeeDR wrote:

            Could you maybe circle the damage I’m not seeing it?

            Ya, I’m not seeing either….maybe a little different coloration in the ears, but other than that I’m not seeing any damage…..

            in reply to: (experiment trade) raffle time Winner is……. #768574

              Unless a better suggestion comes along I think the SPCA would be an awesome choice, I used to know some people who volunteered with them localy and they were always super busy rescuing animals and visiting events to try and get people to adopt. Did you know that The Dave Mathews band regularly has a SPCA booth at their events? I don’t know whether they request to have them there, or the group requests to set up at the venue where the band is playing, but they’ve been at quite a few of the shows of his that I’ve seen if it’s a safe venue to bring the animals to.

              in reply to: Oldies but goodies, where have we all gone? (Now rated MA) #784149

                Lokie wrote:

                Mimi’s alive and kicking. She’s really busy, but once things calm down for her, you might be able to tempt her back (probably only temporarily) with squirrel stuff. 🙂

                I have wondered about a few members, including yourself, Nirvanacat, so It’s quite humorous to see you posting about where everyone else has gone. =P

                Hahahaha Ya I know 😳 Usualy when I’ve taken my leave of absence it’s because I was in school, and before I changed my major was getting so many migraines that I literaly spent about 2/3 to 3/4 of my entire semester in bed with them. So no computer time for me! But I’m still around and I’d still lurk, and lord knows you guys can’t keep me away =P

                in reply to: Panty Poad! PICTURES page 2 #784737

                  LadyFirebird wrote:

                  I can just see it now–panty dragons, panty griffins, panty flap cats, panty unicorns, panty kirins, panty gargoyles–go ahead, add your favorite scuplt. Could have a section in the store to purchase ‘panty’ items. Poor Melody is holding her head in her hands as she laments–‘What have I started?’ XD

                  ROFLMAO They’re going to have to create an “Adults Only” Section of the store! XD XD XD XD XD

                  in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784507

                    Greater Basilisk wrote:

                    I’d love to put some paint on both! And you won’t pay a cent of my shipping either back to the States (or Canada).
                    On the mmloda’s kirin I think everybody paid for their own shipping; however you decide to do it for yours, Cat, I won’t have you help me pay for shipping as I can afford it just fine.

                    That’s ok, I’ll pay you in cookies….I still owe you some from X-mas 🙄 😳 🙄 😳

                    On an aside, PM’d you about shipping stuffs….

                    in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784505

                      I’ve been giving this quite a bit of thought, and I think this is the fairest way for me to do the shipping thing.

                      If you volunteer to do both sculpts, I will pay half the shipping cost. So for instance you actualy get to ship them out together and total cost is $16, I will pay $8. If you have to ship them separately and they each cost $10 to ship for a total of $20, I will pay $10. (numbers are pulled out of my butt like frozen’s bottled spirit farts and are just to illustrate) This would also count for international shipping – GB – who will probably be the first to get ahold of one/both to paint since she’s the farthest away. So I’d take care of shipping to her and if she decided to do both I’d pay half of the shipping back to the US.

                      I hope this is reasonable to everyone, please let me know if there are any problems or flaws with my logic!

                      I will draw up sectioned pictures of each of the sculpts and start taking requests for areas that people want to paint. Also if anyone that is on the list would be willing to start sending me their shipping and contact info that would be awesome so I can start planning out journey routes!!!

                      in reply to: Panty Poad! PICTURES page 2 #784732

                        Melody wrote:

                        Ok I give up. I was saving the panty Poad™ to send to you!
                        She is still sitting here with your name on her. If you order one from the store that is the one you will get!


                        Miss Melody you and everyone up there are the best!!! I can still remember how much fun it was taunting Ski with her pretty pink surprise!

                        Congrats Leigha!! You’ll have to take LOTS and LOTS of pictures! Maybe put an actual thong or something on the Poad XD

                        Now all we need is a Mother Griffin with a bikini bottom on that buddunka-dunk jeweled behind of hers!! XD

                        in reply to: RATS FOUND A NEW HOME! 🙂 #784412

                          skigod377 wrote:

                          ……., but since there is no lease agreement (a silly move in itself because of situations like this and one that could get a lot worse should said ‘landlord’ decide to kick this girl out) its a moot point. The landlord can do whatever she wants. Should she decide to call the cops and say Dragon is tresspassing and have her removed, she can.

                          Dragon, I do know that if there is no lease, you are not protected by a contract. If its her house and there is no form of written agreement, then she can pretty much dictate what she wants… including no rodents in the house and kicking you out without notice. If you are paying rent, I would ask for a contract, quick, just to protect yourself. Im sorry she wont let you keep the rats. They get a bad rap.

                          That’s not exactly correct from what I understand from the laws I’ve been reading…..If she entered into an oral agreement to pay a monthly fee to live there and has been paying her rent on time for longer than I think 2 months? (I am probably wrong on the time frame) then she is indeed engaged in a legaly binding oral contract, and both tennant and landlord must abide by general tennant/landlord laws in the applicable state. The landlady must abide by the state eviction laws at this point. Also if she has prepaid for any rent, the landlady is going to have a hell of a time evicting her at all, at least untill there is a TON of paperwork filed. But because there is no written contract, then the particulars of the contract are heresay if brought up in court unless both parties agree that a term was indeed stated. Like “you can’t have pets”…”I understand you don’t allow pets” when there is no dispute, then the rule must be abided by.

                          Either way I think that you and she should sit down together and write up a formal contract, there is a sample one provided on one of the sites listed above. That way everything is layed out on the table and there are no more “surprises”.

                          A couple questions for my clarification: Did she know you had pets before you moved in? not neccesarily rodents, but pets in general. Do any of the other tennants have pets? Did she say ANYTHING before you moved in about not having pets, or only alowing certain pets? I’m sure you’ve tried to talk to her about it, but someone had the idea to invite her in for an inspection of the place and show her how they are in a secure environment and not making a mess/nusance and that they’re not the “bad” kind of rats. Also try and get ther side of the story, ask (in a non confrontational tone of course =P) how she came to hate rats with so much of a passion. Some times people just need to have their side of the story heard before they can listen to someone else’s story.

                          I know we’re probably making a bigger deal of this than needs to be made, but I for one find tort and contract law facinating and this has given me an opportunity to do more research and become a much more informed person, both from the research and everyone else’s ideas and suggestions!

                          Again, lots of luck and big hugs to you!!

                          in reply to: It's A Girl!!! #784327

                            skigod377 wrote:

                            Thank you all!! Not doing too bad. The boobies are pretty tender, but its been better than last time. We had our well baby appt today and she is doing well. Lost a little weight because she is breast feeding, but she is normal and healthy!!

                            Cat, I can picture you as a baby!!! Id love to see pics of those cheecks!!!

                            (And yep!! Gotta love PINK!)

                            I’m gonna paint some of my old combat boots bright pink for you and the baby Ski! LMAO

                            in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784502

                              Wow! What a turn out! It looks like there are almost enough people to send out two, each with a seperate group of people. I think idealy there should be 8-9 people on each PYO, so I either need some more peeps, or if anyone wants to volunteer to do some work on both of them? Let me know what you all think! Looking at the list I will probably do a Griffin and a Kirin if I can get things worked out.

                              in reply to: New Kirin Color? #784708

                                Phoenix wrote:


                                YES!!! DOOO EEETTT!!! DOO EEEET NOWWWWWWW!!!!

                                in reply to: Want to trade or sell bengal oriental(updated w/ pics!) #784474

                                  drag0nfeathers wrote:

                                  I don’t think it’s that funny *pouts*

                                  I know I’m a very sore loser, but you know that better then anyone Nirvanacat! 😳

                                  I know, I’m sorry sweetie, didn’t mean it to vex you. =( BIG HUGS!! And Pew Pew that you win the lotto!!

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