Forum Replies Created
I just wish that someday I might be able to afford a Poad. As it seems right now, it’s an elusive ebay item 🙁 however, the new blue pearl color is lovely, but for a semiproduction color, I’d go with the parakeet colors.
Ditto, I’m just about done…now I’m thinking I should go back and rework some things..but maybe I shouldn’t incase I over work it x_x;;
how much are you looking for, for the Old Warrior dragon? Just curious ^^;
I think the Pale Lavender color would be a good replacement for the pearl color. I think the new color looks more realistic to an ‘albino’ or ‘so old I lost my color’ look 😛
waitwaitwait…the ship date is SEPTEMBER 7TH? not AUGUST 7th??? omgosh…and I thought I was behind ;____; 🙄 🙄 🙄
EDIT: I’m suck a retard…it even says september 7th on the first post…
best thing to do, is to give the case to the news. If youtube is allowing animal cruelty on it’s website, and not listening to the tools provided(as in the flagging and comments) then yes, take it to the media. You have the guys IP, find out where he’s living at, and perhaps call up his local newspaper. LMAO that would be seriously evil..
I clicked the link…it started to play…I tried to flag but don’t have an account…snakes are not that stupid to eat backwards…this was manipulated to do such a thing…ugh…it’s so disturbing from my memory even…
good luck <3
If he doesn’t sell, will you relist him?
I’ve got mine about 1/3 done x_x;; I still haven’t sealed any of my other PYOs…
hopefully the sealing will dry before it’s time to ship o_o;;;;
happy birthday!! awesome pic^
honestly, it was very odd finding this vulture wounded. A few days earlier there were two vultures hanging out around our house, which was neat. Normally we have the ravens, grackles, mockingbirds, and the house finches. I thought it would be neat if we were going to be adding to our daily company. Now I wonder if perhaps it was wounded and the other two were checking on it? All sorts of theories going through my head.
I saw a turkey vulture get hit by a car when I was young. It was rather sad and disturbing that no one checked to see if it survived. So yesterday when I had a chance to help this one out, I was up for the challenge of phone tag.
Glad to share the story 🙂
Well, the vulture made it through the night alright, and is now at our local zoo. While I was there, I also got to see two bobcat kitties come in, but didn’t get any work about the bird. I hope they call me to let me know what happened with it, I’m one of those animal types. 😛
No pictures guys : inless the zoo takes them and sends them to me, this might be the end of the story :
Around 7ish this evening I noticed my cat intently staring out the window. After watching for something in the front yard with him for a few minutes, I relaized he was watching this big black bird pace back and forth in our yard trying to get to the dirt road. I thought it looked like a black ckicken or something, so I let my husband know and we went out to the front porch to take a better look at it. It was a Turkey Vulture. Thus began the phone tag…
Sam with Wild at Heart helped me try to reach two people in Prescott, but I only got their answering machines. So Sam told me to take it to our local zoo in the morning if those two people don’t get back to me.
The poor thing has a broken wing. My husband said it looks to have a brake/fracture in it’s upper and lower arm of the wing. Also, he said it looks like it had been bitten or drug on the ground some distance. It tried to fly away when he used a beach towel to catch it and put it in a box(which has holes for air and a towel on the bottom) so I hope it didn’t damage it’s wing more from the struggle. Here’s hoping it’s a stubborn one and lasts through the night so we can take it in to have it go into rehab. <3
I’ll see about pictures…but I’m not sure they’ll allow me to see it again tomorrow morning :
What a night 😐
so far what I’ve heard, is you get an egg, and then log out of your scroll until the last day(perhaps hour?) then you put it in as many ERs as possible. Oh, and you can only have one egg at that time.
Someone had their egg turn the green color when they put it in ERs at half an hour left, but it died since it didn’t get enough veiws/clicks. So I’m going to bet 1 hour would be long enough to have it change color then hatch ^^ I hope to try it after my latest batch of eggs hatch and grow
Just got the news from the hubby, no money ;_; Might not have enough for fall semester classes 🙄
Goodluck to all who will grab one <3
on Facebook!!!
“The Amethyst is a limited production color for the store, so these OWs will be for the store also.
We are only able to cast small numbers of each type of dragon however, so there will only be very small batches of warriors available now.”
~Melody*stalks store*
EDIT: was put on facebook 3 hours ago