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  • in reply to: Selling my collection on ebay #778410

    minxlette wrote:

    That said – someone just notified me that the ki-rin baby has a small chip on his front hoof that I missed. Sorry – I try sooo hard to fine tooth comb things I put up there and just missed that one. I am now immensely aggravated with myself. :0p

    That would have been me… 😳
    It was not my intention to give you any self-doubt (sorry! >_<), small chips like this are very easily missed (my male Ki-rin got a rather large chip on his front hoof after my move and it took me a long while to see it, although I looked at him nearly every day..). I only saw it because your photo is so good!
    Let´s see if I have any luck with this one after I could not get my hands on last two on ebay…

    in reply to: Which Number Do You Have? #777283

    I have the OOAK “Treasure Chest” PYO Secret Keeper. 😀

    in reply to: Need some advice-Love & Marriage #777141

    Oh wow, there are some really sweet, and even bittersweet story here. So I thought I could add mine, too.

    I´m 29 and in 2 weeks my husband and I will be together for 10 years and married for 2. So we waited nearly 8 years until our wedding and tested our relationships in nearly every way possible.
    With us it definitely wasn´t love at first sight, it grew with time. We met on a group-trip to Japan (which we both very much love). At that time I was very much certain that I must be completely uninteresting for boys because at the age of 19 I had never even got an interested look from any boy and he had the very same problem (22 and no girl who even considered doing anything with him…).
    So we just started talking, realized we had very similar hobbys and attitudes, then somehow ended up doing everything together and being together all the time. It just felt so naturally, although we needed nearly 2 weeks until we were officially together. As it was the first relationship for the both of us we were extremely unsure wether the other really liked us as more than a friend, although he kept sending me unmistakable signs and I interpreted them to bits, wondering if he really meant what I hoped he meant or if it meant something else…
    Back in Germany we decided it would be good if we only saw each other maybe 2 or 3 times a week, because I had heard a lot of stories of couples that split up on their first holiday together, because they could not handle being with their partner all the time and needed their space.
    Well, we managed about 3 weeks of that and realized that it simply wasn´t enough, so we ended up seeing each other every day. One day he would come to my place after his lessons at the university and the other day I would come to his place. My father complained a few times that there wasn´t even space for a sheet of paper between us. 😀
    Everyone around us kept saying they´re just waiting for us to split up, because we suffocate the other and that first relationships never last. I heard that sentence a lot and hated it very much, because in my opinion it doesn´t matter if you had one or 20 relationships. The right person will come when you least expect him and then you must be clever and brave enough to hold onto him instead of always thinking that maybe the grass is greener elsewhere.
    3 years later we got the chance to go to Japan for a whole year and the people around us said “let´s see who of you will come back first, because you can´t handle the stress”. This was one of the best years of my life. We managed all the new situations together and knew we always had each other should there be any problems.
    Back home, we lived in a tiny one-room apartment for over a year with most of our things in boxes in the cellar and everyone was certain that we would never manage to live there without some major fights and an eventual split–up.
    I think with our wedding 2 years ago they finally realized what we knew nearly from the beginning: that this relationship will last.

    My Husband really is the half of me that I missed before. Like a lot of people here already described, he is the one I trust most, the one I go to, if I had a bad day at work or once again some major problems with my family, the one who always tries to make me laugh, the one with whom I can just sit on a couch for an hour without doing anything, just feeling content, the one who helps me solve every problem…
    So I think, to be in love with someone for more than just a short period means you have to have an extremely deep friendship and respect for that person. If you don’t have this it won´t work.

    Of course you have to work on a relationship but there is only so much a person can change on himself. If there are differences, try to find some middleground, each side has to make a step to make it work. If your partner does something you don´t like, talk with him rationally and calm. The absolute killer to every relationship is to just swallow any anger you have. It will just grow and grow and in the end there will be a big explosion with very little left to put the pieces back together, that’s what happend to my parents.
    You should never rush into a marriage because you think other people expect it from you. Take your time, get to know each other, the good and the bad sides and if you can truthfully live with both then you will have something very precious at the end.

    in reply to: Windstones' new eBay auctions thread Aug 27 page 64 #756658

    Ohhhh, the Sky Blue Dragon is so pretty. I already tried to win the last one, but, well, my bid was waaaay beneath the final price 😥

    in reply to: Windstones' new eBay auctions thread Aug 27 page 64 #756594

    ohhhh I very much like the color scheme of the SK. Unfortunately I don´t like the face of the SK Statues 🙁
    Well, this way I won´t be tempted to bid and save myself a lot of money as I´m sure her bidding will get very high… 🙂

    in reply to: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.4 #753853

    He´s here, HE´S HERE!!!!!
    I just got the Treasure Chest Keeper Dragon, that I won on ebay about 2 weeks ago. 😀
    I´m so, so happy right now. This boy is such a beauty! Everytime I look at him I find a new colour somewhere or some little detail I missed before. Just awesome.
    I was so nervous while I waited for him to arrive, hoping he would not be damaged on the way, because the german post and customs are not very gentle with packages, unfortunately. But he was packed so extremely well that there really was no reason for me to be afraid.
    He is my first new windstone figure in a long while, and I think he will be the first of some beautiful new additions to my little collection (hopefully)
    So, my dear fellow Windstonians, take a look 🙂

    in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596768

    Oh this is a nice threat!
    My Kirin-Parents are searching for:
    a Baby-Kirin (preferably with Tag and original box, but I would also take it without)
    I would be willing to pay around 40$. Problem is, I live in Germany and not everyone is willing to ship outside the US…
    Unfortunately I missed the last two on ebay (sold for around 42$ and 45$) because one sellers first agreed to ship to me only to take it back with her next mail 😕 And the other time my internet crashed just as I wanted to bid 🙁

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Welcome Moonbeam! #770263

    Thank you all for the sweet welcome! I´m really happy I finally managed to join this forum.
    Okay what can I tell you about me that won´t bore you out of your mind? I´m from Germany and collecting Windstone figures for about 14 years now. At the moment I “only” own 7 pieces, but I love them all the more and very much hope I can add a lot of new figures, now that I have a job and a decent payment every month 🙂
    Especially my Kirin parents are waiting for a baby for some time now. I very much hope I can give them one soon 😳

    If you want to know anything else about me, just ask 😀

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