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  • in reply to: Old school Cereals that no longer exist #713273

    my fave as a little kid

    heh, had to wiki it, to see what they had to say. Hmm, Dollar General stores are supposed to be selling some of the classic cereals like King Vitamin and Quisp. Bah, they also say Quisp is identical in flavor to Capn Crunch. What do they know.

    Quisp, the first Internet cereal ??? Ah, sold directly from Quaker over the internet.

    oh, wow. just did a search out of curiosity, on Amazon you can buy the classic cereals, and candy from the 70s, and all kinds of “hometown favorites” and nostalgic faves…

    um, Chick-O-Stick candy, anyone ?

    in reply to: It's Caturday….again! 🙂 #700732

    loldogz want sum lurv too

    in reply to: What Tarot Card are You? #710234

    just stopping by for a moment, to scare you all..




    You are The Devil 😈

    Materiality. Material Force. Material temptation; sometimes obsession

    The Devil is often a great card for business success; hard work and ambition.

    Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the major arcana, the Devil is not really “Satan” at all, but Pan the half-goat nature god and/or Dionysius. These are gods of pleasure and abandon, of wild behavior and unbridled desires. This is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. On the flip side, however, the card can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate or messy or wild – or ambitious. This, too, is a form of enslavement. As a person, the Devil can stand for a man of money or erotic power, aggressive, controlling, or just persuasive. This is not to say a bad man, but certainly a powerful man who is hard to resist. The important thing is to remember that any chain is freely worn. In most cases, you are enslaved only because you allow it.

    (No idea what they base it on, I changed the planet and then it comes up Moon…)

    in reply to: Ladybrooklyn? Where did you go? #633284

    siberakh1 wrote:

    So, I’m sending out a page for Lady Brooklyn again.

    I even PMed Mikki, who replied to this thread as well, but no answer there either.

    eep, sorry, I didn’t know I had any PMs, I usually don’t log in unless I want to post something, since you can read the whole forum as a “guest”. I’m not a very active member here, I guess.

    Sent ya a PM.

    in reply to: Art more important than health. #685835

    well, pain from a dislocated knee wouldn’t inspire much artistic passion in me, but then I’m a wimp when it comes to serious pain 😆 You say it’ll pop in on it’s own, eventually. mmmm, and if it doesn’t ? go see a doctor.

    in reply to: So our names huh? #685699

    just checking in to see who *I* am, probably just mixed up letters 😕

    in reply to: Windstone radio #662254

    ah well, it’s probably someone’s way of trying to tell me to get off the computer and make dinner anyway 😀

    in reply to: Windstone radio #662252

    well, can’t get in at all. I keep getting a message about network error, that I may not be connected. Well, obviously I am if I’m posting this message.


    in reply to: Pet Pics!! just for fun #661229

    enjoying the pics of everyone’s furbabies. Sadly, I haven’t owned any for way too many years. I guess I’m a little too selfish, I like the freedom to just suddenly go for a few days and not have to worry about someone to pet-sit, not have to worry about a dog being left alone at the house for 10+ hours, etc etc.

    For now, I just get to occasionally enjoy the company of my brother’s dog, this is the only pic I have available at the moment, and it’s several years old. I think he was about 2 in the pic, sorry it’s so bad. meet Wyatt aka Wyatt Urp ( so named because he got soooo carsick on the way home when my bro bought him) He’s a Brittany, in case someone doesn’t recognize the breed.

    in reply to: Just curious #660105

    well, I do, sort of. We had a discussion about it, I think consensus was that a previous owner added a bit of gold paint drybrushed over the body.

    in reply to: Peacock Emperor restoration, lots of pics! #658213

    Skigod asks….

    How sturdy are the resculpted parts? Do they crumble pretty easy,

    I’m not Zelda, but I can answer part of this. Any actual parts that she resculpted with Apoxiesculpt are much stronger than the original as long as it was mixed correctly. I don’t know about where they join to the sculpture.

    When Apoxiesculpt finishes “curing” it’s hard as a rock and very durable. You can use it for making outdoor sculptures (weather resistant), and you can even make decorative pottery and use the low-temp pottery glazes because you can heat the stuff to 500 degrees.

    in reply to: Christmas Cheer… or lack of it. #647860

    me, I’d be quite content with skipping from mid-November to February.

    I’ve worked retail (general department-type store) for 20 years, so it’s all the crazy shoppers until Christmas and then it’s all the returns. I stopped enjoying Christmas years ago.

    Then, some years back, my mom died on Dec 14th. That def didn’t make me look forward to the season. The next year my fave aunt died on Thanksgiving.

    I tried to get excited when I bought my own house a couple years ago, “hey, now I can really decorate, nice house, etc…” Well, this week-end I did put some lights outside in the front yard, and hung a wreath on the door. I doubt I’ll do anything else. Bah, humbug.

    I should really try to find a new line of work, maybe I’d eventually enjoy the holidays again.

    in reply to: Pet names you've inflicted on your poor companions… #639372

    nothing too strange here (past and present)

    Max – doberman/lab cross, also called Maximus Stupidicus or Weasel

    Blitzen – Dachshund cross

    Suki – doberman (distemper survivor, runt of the litter) aka Sukiyaki

    Wyatt – Brittany Spaniel aka Wyatt Urp, when my brother bought him as a young pup he had to endure 125 mile drive home, yup, he got sick a few times on the way. Now he loves to go for drives.

    Callie – calico kitty, aka Squeaker

    Speedy Gonzales – desert tortoise rescued from the middle of a construction site many many years ago

    Socrates – white mouse named for the white rat in Willard.

    in reply to: Happy Early Birthday copper83 (11/11) #635903

    Have a wonderful birthday 😀

    in reply to: Happy Birthday mikki (11/9) #635886

    Thank you everyone. It was a pretty good day, didn’t have to go to work which was the best part, had lunch with a friend and kicked back in a park for a while – first nice day we’ve had since…. last April ? Temps finally in the 70s instead of the 90s or 100s. And, I found a store in town that sells Windstones, yay ! Prices aren’t great, but at least I can finally see some of the colors in person. wow, em pea is NOT what I though it was, it’s much nicer. Ooooh, and the Black Gold…me want.

    They don’t have any gold, the boss doesn’t want to order new pieces until the old (retired peacock, rainbow) pieces sell.

    So, what did I bring home ?

    A Grimalkin, he’s such a cool cat, and he actually wasn’t a bad price, $70.25 with sales tax.

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