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  • in reply to: Russet Curls #517976

      Romeodanny wrote:

      I hate to be a pest. I know you have a lot to do. But I was wondering if there are going to be more of the russet curl dragons? I missed them completly while I was at work. I got home just in time to see the PYO wolves. I hope that if you do more that they will be up when I have a day off. I would really like one but, no rush. I just wanted to know if you’ll be painting any more of them.

      Yes, we will do more of the russet ones. The next batch of curls are in Emerald Peacock though. Those will be on this week, maybe, if we get time to put ’em on ebay.

      in reply to: What days are the factory closed for the holidays? #517673


        in reply to: Autumn Leaf anything #517864

          emerald212 wrote:

          I just love the Autumn Leaf colors on the OW on your ebay gallery page. Are you going to make anything else in that color? Maybe as regular production? **crosses fingers and mutters to self “say yes, say yes, say yes”**

          Uh, no, not regular production, I don’t think. TOO HARD TO DO. But I do want to do them somehow…or, maybe we can find ways to simplify the paint.. Now, it takes someting like six coats of different paints, layered on top of each other just right, to get the effect I want.

          in reply to: Miss Melody, I sent some chocolate. #514754

            skigod377 wrote:

            One for you, one for Chessie, and one for Karen. I hope they get to you. No, Im not a phsyco. Promise. 😈

            Thank you! Delicious chockolate!

            in reply to: With the holidays upon us.. #517502

              ruffian wrote:

              Are you going to be waiting to post any new listings on ebay until the new year?

              I really want a large PYO dragon adn dont want to miss them if they go up over christmas. Same goes for the griffin families.No pyo dragons are ready, so that isn’t a problem.. The fem griffs may be in Jan. I’ll wait till the New Year weekend is over, at least. Not much chance I will get anything done before then anyway.
              Did I answer this already? Oh well,this is a slightly different answer.

              in reply to: What days are the factory closed for the holidays? #517671

                Melody wrote:

                CherylKaufman wrote:

                I just wanted to know what days are the factory closed for the holidays? I’m shipping off cookies tomorrow but wanted you to get them before the weekend. Or should I wait until Jan?

                I don’t know.. I was gonna ask somebody. I think we are in session at least until Thurs.

                Word is we will work up till Fri. this week.Cookies??

                in reply to: I know this was asked before #517320

                  ruffian wrote:

                  but I was unsure weather it was decided or not that we would be able to buy bags for those dragons we dont have them for?

                  I asked about bags.. I forget what happened.. I’ll ask about them again.

                  in reply to: With the holidays upon us.. #517499

                    ruffian wrote:

                    Are you going to be waiting to post any new listings on ebay until the new year?

                    I really want a large PYO dragon adn dont want to miss them if they go up over christmas. Same goes for the griffin families.I was hoping to get Fem griffs up before Christmas, but that doesn’t look likely… so they will get up when they get up.This is why I avoid calenders.They give me claustrophobia, all those little boxes you need to be in at the right time.. eeech.

                    in reply to: What days are the factory closed for the holidays? #517670

                      CherylKaufman wrote:

                      I just wanted to know what days are the factory closed for the holidays? I’m shipping off cookies tomorrow but wanted you to get them before the weekend. Or should I wait until Jan?

                      I don’t know.. I was gonna ask somebody. I think we are in session at least until Thurs.

                      in reply to: Yet another question about Spectrals #517451

                        littleironhorse wrote:

                        With the retirement of the Peacock color, comes the side effect that the Spectral Dragon (sitting) is no longer available at all… With that in mind, is there any chance that he will be offered in another color any time soon?

                        Oh, right… Hmmm, I guess we will have to paint him in something. I’m glad we have you guys watching out for us.

                        in reply to: Storage Space #517286

                          SilverArrow wrote:

                          dragonessjade wrote:

                          That would be lots of fun, but imagine all of the security you would have to have to keep it civil. 😆

                          True, or Miss Melody would only have to whip out some new sculpt or color we haven’t seen yet and put it under our noses. Then we would forget all about the stuff we found for a short time – enough time so that Chessie and Vantid could recover all the items we stuffed under our jackets to sneak out. LOL! Why is everybody calling me “Miss Melody”? I think Miss skigod started that.

                          in reply to: Storage Space #517282

                            littleironhorse wrote:

                            Reading about your storage space problem in another topic has brought this question to mind: Are you done clearing out really old stored items or might we expect some nice surprises on ebay in the future like the black and tan family or the wedding cake family?

                            And about the black and tan family… If the info in the ebay gallery is correct, there is still one family left to sell, besides the one you’re keeping as paint samples. Is that right?
                            We are done clearing out the old warehouses for now. Everything is stuffed into the space we have. There could still be stuff that we haven’t found yet, we don’t know what is boxed. We have lots of boxes and we didn’t go through all of them by any means!.
                            We have two pairs of Black and Tan dragons. I was going to auction one pair and keep the other. I would paint a hatchling to go with them.

                            in reply to: Gold fledgelings #517210

                              SPark wrote:

                              Man, you’re probably sick of hearing me talk about fledgelings.

                              But I love them! And they make it so easy to collect colors!

                              Anyhow… what I’m wondering is, the limited gold lap dragons have come out in two batches, the dark and the light versions. From what I’ve seen of the gold fledgelings though, they were all the darker version. Mine sure is! Have there been any light version ones made? If there are, do you have any left at the factory? If there aren’t, will there be? I’ve seen the newer lighter gold in person now, and I LOVE it, and would like to have a dragon that color too! If I can’t get a feldgeling in it I may eventually save up for something bigger, but I thought I’d ask.

                              (P.S. How come the green fledgelings, and will there ever be violet flame fledgelings?)

                              Thanks! And if you don’t know, that’s okay. I’m just curious, that’s all. Green fledgelings are getting finished. They need to be antiqued and detailed. If we do more fledgelings in gold, I will probably do them in the new gold version, with copper and violet on them, as well as heavier brown. I have no idea if there are more of those old gold fledges in stock.. that is a question for Karen!
                              Maybe there will be violet flame fledgelings someday… Ya never know.

                              in reply to: Production FlapCats? #516278

                                WolfenMachine wrote:

                                Well that means if they’re being shipped, they’re being sold, right? 😀

                                The Birman and I think the blue eyed white cats are for sale from our website directly as “limited production”. We don’t make alot of them at a time, maybe thirty or so, so they don’t take up much room.
                                The production ones would take up a whole forklift pallet space in the shipping dept, so we always need to think about our space limitations!

                                in reply to: Oriental anything….? #516957

                                  WindstoneCollector wrote:

                                  Ok. So there I was checking on Windstones at ebay when suddenly I thought of my Orientals (Dragons and Ki-Rins) and decided to go look at the Foo Lions/Dogs on ebay. I just love those statues that sit outside the Chinese resturants and guard the doors. I really like Oriental things I guess, since I bought alot of little things to put with my dragons and Ki-Rins. Infact my Sun Dragon was who I took with me to work lastnight to show everyone what it is I am always working on there in my spare time (which isn’t much).
                                  So, on to the question…
                                  Melody is there any chance that you won’t retire the Sun Dragon since he looks so much like the Foo’s I have come to love? And if you do is there a possibility of maybe you might make a pair of Foo Lions/dogs perhps in a distant future? Or should maybe I just give in and buy a pair from China and pay to have them shipped here? I was thinking in my own small world how nice it would be for us Oriental lovers (unless I am alone) to have them. I personally think a set of bookends would be a neat idea. 😳
                                  Thanks for your extra time to read this…in advance. 😉

                                  (Knows it is just the ramblings of another collector in the midst of her own mind, but also knows it doesn’t hurt to throw out an idea or two. 😆 ) I haven’t planned to do foo dogs.
                                  Vantid has been a big advocate of them, so I have considered it…A paint your own Foo dog?
                                  But, You don’t need to go to China for them! Gad, they are everywhere around here, in any Chinese import place. They are a little on the crummy side, but there are nice ones too.I bought a pretty nice pair of them for about $16. at an import place.
                                  I often search on Kirins on Ebay, just for images to save for reference if nothing else.I’ll look at foo dogs too, when I get a chance.

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