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  • in reply to: Autumn Secret Keeper #547979

      ddvm wrote:

      There is another thread about a person’s dream Windstone and 4 or 5 of us (I forget how many) out of any Windstone would love an Autumn SK. Is there any chance you would consider doing a few autumn SKs?*tries sad Meerkat eyes*


      in reply to: Next Secret Keeper color? #541325

        purplecat wrote:

        Maybe a black ice color with blue fading to silver on the wings, although if it goes to production I’d love to see it in autumn leaf too.

        Black ice??
        I think the next color will be a Black Rainbow or Black Violet Peacock with the same color pattern as the Black Emerald. I am making an elaborate stencil to try using on them.

        in reply to: Catalogue #547604

          littleironhorse wrote:

          Yes, back to the catalogues again. As I see it there are two problems for me:

          1. The images on the website don’t really lend themselves to a good printing format.
          2. The most recent of those little flyers that you used to publish doesn’t have any of the new color schemes and is even missing some pieces.

          So I’ve been thinking, what about publishing an actual catalogue on the website, in .pdf format, with 8 1/2″X11″ pages, so that we can print them out and take them with us when we are trying convince a store to start carrying Windstones?

          Would that be a possibility?

          Because I have to tell you, it is a bit hard to go to a store owner or manager without anything in hand to show them. And I don’t really like to drag my flegglings around with me because of the risk of damaging them with too much handling. I have, in the past directed them to the website, but who’s to know that they will really visit it?

          Another thing I just though of… Is it possible to get business cards from you, with a contact name and details (I think it would be Susie?) and the website url on it? What I was thinking is that I could print out a few catalogues, staple the business card to it and leave a copy with the owner or manager of a store when I go to talk to them. As a buyer for my office, I can tell you that I am very more likely to contact a supplier that has left me some documentation, especially if I have contact details, than one who only directed me to a website. I might not take the time to go to the website, but if I have a catalogue right in front of my eyes, I will definitely flip through it.Business cards? I remember those things! Ours don’t even have our website on it, they are that old!
          Those are good ideas. In the mean time, perhaps I can find you some more recent catalogues to have. We don’t have very many left, but I might be able to scrounge up one or two.. I’ll see what I can find.

          in reply to: SPOTTY GRIFFIN QUESTION/POLL #547553

            skigod377 wrote:

            Are you thinking about making any spotty griffins for sale? I would love one!!

            I wasn’t planning to, but if you want them, sure!
            I could do small batch. Are purple eyes ok? They are fun to paint. I am worried about giving you folks griffin burn-out however!.. I’ve got alot of griffin colors to do!

            in reply to: Is anyone else head over heels for the Beagle griffin ? #547225

              were dog griffins bred from wolf griffins?


                My two cents, I always tell people that whatever happens, TELL THE HIGHEST RANKING PERSON, the owner or top boss. They should know that a manager is not doing what he was hired to do, namely manage people to run the place smoothly.
                Bosses often don’t notice the crap that is going on between people until things get really awful, because nobody SAYS anything!

                in reply to: serial Number ?? #546568

                  I showed John the pic of the numbers on the emperor, and he doesn’t remember having numbers like that on anything!
                  Jeff, the guy who knows everything around here, will be in on Monday, I’ll ask him.
                  I don’t think those numbers were added later, because the paint covers them, and they appear to of been put into the wet gypsum, not scratched in after it was commpletely set. Mysterious.
                  The casters do put markings on the bottoms, but they are always in a place that the pad will cover them!
                  I just looked at the picture of the emperor from the side, he has had some paint added to him, so it is possible that the numbers were scratched into the bottom and then painted over by the previous owner, who obviously was a good painter.It could be a ss number.
                  But they don’t look like they were scratched in, to me! They look like they were drawn into a wet material.

                  in reply to: Griffin question – again! #545261

                    drag0nfeathers wrote:

                    Definately! Now I’m SO GLAD I got the Pearl, or i wonder if that will be direct sales too?

                    All these griffins: the pearl, the Brown the Black and the Albinos will be “limited production”. That means they aren’t a numbered limited edition, so we will make them occasionally, but they may not be available all the time. Ones like the Albinos, I will just do a small batch of and sell on ebay, others, like maybe the Brown and the Black ones, we will eventually have on the website as a direct sale thing.
                    Please don’t use your rent money for these!

                    in reply to: Poads #546659

                      gryphondreamer wrote:

                      Melody wrote:

                      I planned to self publish , using Windstone as a way to promote it! Hence, the poads, the Lion Kirin and other creatures that I was planning to do.

                      i am pretty sure you can publish book through cafe press. (i know of a person who has her phd for sale there). i wonder if you could publish a comic through there. it might be cheaper and you wouldnt have to have them printed up front. just a thought. I think I’ll use a print-on-demand publisher like “Lulu”. Lulu specialises in comics, and seems like a good company.

                      in reply to: Wolf Colored Griffins #543178

                        ddvm wrote:

                        Melody wrote:

                        HAPPY BIRTHDAY! How old are you?

                        42 – aack! When did that happen? Getting older by the day…. HA! You are all youngsters. Everybody knows I am the oldest one here, (If we are talking in years, not emotional age.)

                        in reply to: Poads #546656

                          WindstoneCollector wrote:

                          So how does one come about getting one of these comic books? Is it the poad that comes with the comic book? I am confused, I actually read the entire thread and I am still lost… 😳
                          I’d really like just one poad…6 would be nice, but just one will do! 😀
                          And, I know the art of the comic would be awesome too. I love your prints Melody!!

                          The poads were intended to be things that I could use to promote the comic.I pictured them sitting on a desk in a comic store and having customers go “What is this??”
                          The poads are now sitting, waiting to be painted, while the comic is in limbo. I don’t have time to do it. I am getting it out, slowly, but the poads want to move on! They can’t wait for me! So maybe poads will go ahead out into the world without me. I was going to sell a poad with a comic, together.

                          in reply to: Poads #546655

                            ladybrooklyn wrote:

                            Melody wrote:

                            gryphondreamer wrote:

                            what is the comic about? besides the poads?

                            Poads aren’t major characters, but play an important part in the story. It’s about..oy, I can’t explain it easily…it’s about siblings, and war and kingdoms, and love, you know, the usual stuff a fifteen year old writes about (that’s when I started it).
                            But the part that I am trying to finish, which includes the poads, is about the doctors who care for demons.

                            So this comic… what were your plans for it? was it to be distributed through comic shops? just available to this group?

                            Is it to be the start of a series? or just a one shot?

                            This is sooo cool! 140 poads and counting! HA HA! TOO cool!!!

                            I can’t wait to hear more Melody! you have me soooo curious about this comic! not just for the poads… but I’m curious about the story!!! I planned to self publish , using Windstone as a way to promote it! Hence, the poads, the Lion Kirin and other creatures that I was planning to do.
                            This comic I am trying to do now is a snippet out of the middle of the story; just the part that involves poads. I am working it out to stand on its own as a story, so it is fairly simple. A young doctor aspiring to fill the now vacant position of his mentor.

                            in reply to: Poads #546651

                              gryphondreamer wrote:

                              what is the comic about? besides the poads?

                              Poads aren’t major characters, but play an important part in the story. It’s about..oy, I can’t explain it easily…it’s about siblings, and war and kingdoms, and love, you know, the usual stuff a fifteen year old writes about (that’s when I started it).
                              But the part that I am trying to finish, which includes the poads, is about the doctors who care for demons.

                              in reply to: Poads #546647

                                CherylKaufman wrote:

                                Watch Melody sell these poads they have cast and as it turns out they are murderous, vengeful, evil creatures in her comic….shifty eyes- but hey, at least we all have one on our night stand!

                                No no, they are nice, and useful.

                                in reply to: Griffin question – again! #545255

                                  dragonmedley wrote:

                                  I can’t remember if you said you wanted to sell the tan and black momma and chicks in stores along with the new color, or if they would be on ebay only or on the direct sales page of the Windstone website.

                                  We are going to sell the Black, and the Tan griffin hen and chicks directly on ebay as BIN’s, and from our website, but not sell them in stores. This is because the Black, and the Tan(Brown) Male Griffins are retired, and it would not be right to sell only the females and chicks in the stores in those colors, without the Males to go with them.

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