And the piece I painted, received by my swapee: “Rana,” the poison dart frog wolf. It was a fun prompt, never something I would have thought to paint myself.
Wow, I’m also really liking Atlantis on the dragon gargoyle. Those would be a fantastic LP run for the store! There haven’t been any of that sculpt in stock for a while.
Last but not least, Plum (tabby) and Snowball (grey/black). They are painted after the main kitties from a very cute manga series, “Plum Crazy: Tales of a Tiger-Striped Cat.” Fun fact: Snowball gets her name from the little white “snowballs” over her eyes.
Wooow, that is an impressive conga of bantams! And the sand cat is gorgeous “in the wild,” as they say. Hopefully I’ll be able to catch one from the next batch.