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  • in reply to: And so it begins… um… continues? #679759

      skigod377 wrote:

      Wait till they are old enough for drum sets! 😆

      Khym’s inheriting mine when my Mom finds it and sends it on. OH and just remember in buying all those”Noise Toys” Paybacks a Bitch. ‘Cause guess which toys come to your place when they come over!! Oh and if you later have Kids and they haven’t already passed those exact same toys on, guess which ones you’ll get? One of Khym’s favourite toys is the Piano he inherited from My Uncles 2 boys(Even though they’re still young enough to want to play with it) originally a gift from My Mother and I!!

      in reply to: Okay, I am hereby banned from eBay for at least a month! #679514

        Megani-chan wrote:

        The people in my house seem to be under the misconception that everything I get off eBay is cheap, just because it was from eBay. If only they knew… 😯 😆 It’s the boxes directly from Windstone that earn me the eye roll and the “how many thousand did you blow NOW??”

        *Giggle* So maybe you need to ask them to send them to someone else and get them sent on with out all the “Incriminating evidence”!! 😈 😈

        in reply to: Thoughts and Prayers #676977

          Still sending Positives, but also glad to hear the good news!!

          in reply to: First Robin!!! #677260

            Griffiness wrote:

            Snow? Whats that?

            It’s when God S#!&$ on you!! 😀

            Like he just decided to do to us again!! Well the trees were budding, and the grass greening, but now everything is under a thick Duvet again!!

            in reply to: Windstones' new auctions thread Closed #671841

              skigod377 wrote:

              😆 You got any more to put up? I loved this one.

              😆 😆 😆 Give her time Ski, I think it takes more than 5 minuets for her to paint a dragon!! 😆 😆 (Want to send me one that you did take only 10 minuets on though Jen? 😀 )

              in reply to: Serenitys PYO's New Unicorn Pg 27 #668484

                Serenity wrote:

                Progress picture… Dalmation Dragon! lol 😀 😆

                DALLY!!!!!!!! 😯 😯 😯 😯

                in reply to: Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5 #653799

                  Yeah Thanks Emerald!!
                  $75 for hatcher’s Minimum $125 for Fledge!!

                  Aieieie I’m tired!! 🙁

                  in reply to: Happy Birthday Nakase #679315

                    Happy Be-lated from me as well!!

                    in reply to: The Easter Bunny is expensive! #676760

                      No Prob, Yeah there’s a lot, there’s even been a few “True” “Long Hair’s” but there had been an attempt to breed out the Genetic defects earlier this century, but that got deep sixed hardcore by F3, because, even in that short period of time, they actually ended up losing all the attributes of the Dalmatians, and also inherited all of the Setters problems so the tightly controlled Gene pool got pulled and Fixed!!! 😀 What’s really funny is that in my Complex there’s someone who owns 2 of these setters, and if we can pull it out of our back passages we’ll have our second by this summer. And every keeps thinking that the setters are the Dally and the Dally is the setter!!! 😆 They don’t even bother noticing Hair length, or other structural differences, they just see “White dog Black Spots” 😆

                      in reply to: Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5 #653793

                        kitsunelady wrote:

                        Could also be their mark up is too high? The one store in Toronto is selling the fledge for $100. I can buy that online and possibly get cheaper even with shipping. Especially now that the Canadian dollar is comparable.

                        Not to mention the tax. I paid $80-something for the fledgling I bought at our local store, with tax. He was marked up two dollars over store price, but…hmm. I think our tax is a little above 7 percent or so, and that’s not bad, compared to, say…California. >___>;

                        Mark up would definitely be what kills it here, more than duty/taxes. Again $75 for a Fledge, when I could pay $43 for it on-line, even in US$(When we were only getting 80 cents for a dollar) With shipping, and Duty, I’d probably still pay less. I’m willing to pay over a hundred Dollars for a piece, but something that small (Still talking normal Hatcher here) $75 is a little hard to justify!! (And yet I still have my Curl Army growing 😯 ) Oh and Fledges are at least $125 here.

                        Have to add:
                        And yet I still pay it!! *SIGH* Am I fool or what?

                        in reply to: Repairing Candlelamps #679643

                          Apparently Critters find ’em tasty!! Luckily for me my cat’s too much of a spazz to try and taste, and the dog knows better!! 👿 It’s nice that whatever else she’s ever eaten/chewed on she never ate any of the “Knick Knacks”(This includes everything you’d put on the shelf from Porcelain dolls, to books, to Sculptures, and etc.)

                          in reply to: Show you Windstone Collection Thread 5 #653789

                            Same here, I need them to try and get stores near me to pick up the line. (And maybe get my mom to give the stores back in Labrador another go) But I’m not going to bring my Pretties all over the city with me!! 😯

                            in reply to: Welcome Necron99!! #679334

                              Just thought I’d make sure you also felt like you had been Welcomed here!! 😀 About time you crawled in!! 😀

                              in reply to: The Easter Bunny is expensive! #676758

                                lamortefille wrote:

                                BTW, what is a “Black” Dalmatian? So many spots they have no white?

                                Black Spotted instead of Liver(Brown) Spotted. I believe that Livers used to be far more common, but the Black are far more popular. You can also get ones that can’t actually be registered as their actual colours, because they’re not recognized. Tri-colour, Brindle, and the dilute forms Lemon and Blue. Technically Dally’s are actually solid coloured dogs, and the white is the “Pattern”. And yes they do start life as a “White Rat”

                                But my Jubilee is actually relatively spotless, she could easily have done the job of Oddball in the second Live action Dalmation Movie, and they wouldn’t have had to do much editing out!!!:D(She’s also incredibly small, and puppyish in other unusual traits) Also the amount of white is genetically linked to one of their few genetic Health defects, Kidney stones, the More white the more stones, we so far,(Knock on Wood) have lucked out and at almost 12 years old she hasn’t had a single stone. 😀 And no their “True” deafness is not proven related to white percentage. I think but can’t remember completely(So may not be correctly) that Patched puppies, those who are usually born with a large obvious patch of colour that has not “Spot Definition” may actually have the higher incidences of “True Deafness”. (“True Deaf”=Actually truly hearing impaired vs “Dally Deaf”=Teenager Hearing=Selective hearing)

                                in reply to: anybody got polar bears? #676931

                                  I know where to find a Bear Back, but he alone I believe was upwards of $200. But can’t remember for sure, and where he is they have a lot of broken pieces, whose prices are not really any lower than un-damaged. 😯 😯 😯

                                Viewing 15 posts - 331 through 345 (of 804 total)