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  • in reply to: 2017 eBay Auction Picture Thread #1518931

      I would like to see some griffins, personally. Granted, I haven’t been watching that closely, but it seems a while since there has been one.


      Sunspot Male Kirin
      Sunspot Sitting Baby Kirin

      in reply to: 2017 eBay Auction Picture Thread #1518867

        The scratching dragon went for a song as well. I considered bidding, but I don’t need another blue scratching dragon(I have two, a peacock and the celestial sunset). I just LOVE the secret keeper. I REALLY doubt I will be able to afford that one, even if it goes low.


        Sunspot Male Kirin
        Sunspot Sitting Baby Kirin

        in reply to: 2017 eBay Auction Picture Thread #1518840

          I should have known my connection would go bad when the sunspot kirin was up. I really wanted that one. Oh well, the female is still pretty.


          Sunspot Male Kirin
          Sunspot Sitting Baby Kirin

          in reply to: 2017 eBay Auction Picture Thread #1518675

            If that one went for a song, I don’t want to know what the others went for. Thankfully, the newest isn’t my cup of tea, so it isn’t a temptation I don’t need.


            Sunspot Male Kirin
            Sunspot Sitting Baby Kirin

            in reply to: 2017 eBay Auction Picture Thread #1518527

              I LOVE the pfau myself. In fact I ended up with the curly one.

              I also love the sunspot ki-rin. I have a feeling I won’t be able to afford that one.


              Sunspot Male Kirin
              Sunspot Sitting Baby Kirin

              in reply to: 2016 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #1505190

                Too many I love! I LOVE the CS eastern, I LOVE the black sorcery spectral, as well as the gilded rose. I also like the unicorns and the scrumptious male! I can’t possibly afford all of them, even if some weren’t running simultaneously.


                Sunspot Male Kirin
                Sunspot Sitting Baby Kirin

                in reply to: 2016 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #1503356

                  Ooo, the Etna spectral looks pretty. I’m not into spectrals much, but I will keep an eye out if that color appears anywhere else.


                  Sunspot Male Kirin
                  Sunspot Sitting Baby Kirin

                  in reply to: 2016 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #1502825

                    Awww, the little rock dragon is adorable! It looks like it could be real in those colors.


                    Sunspot Male Kirin
                    Sunspot Sitting Baby Kirin

                    in reply to: 2016 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #1502575

                      Got distracted and missed the monarch hatching emperor, I was hoping for that one.

                      If I haven’t said it, I LOVE the celestial sunset and I am really, REALLY happy I managed to get one!

                      I also really want to see more of those two green colors, I love green.


                      Sunspot Male Kirin
                      Sunspot Sitting Baby Kirin

                      in reply to: 2016 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #1502033

                        *blinks* I won the celestial sunset scratching dragon. I really didn’t think I would get it. It even went for less than the scratching dragons in the store.

                        These next two colors are really interesting. I really like the sorcery one, and I like the gilded rose as well. The platinum blue isn’t my cup of tea, but it is done well.

                        was surprised that Keeper didn’t even go over 1100!

                        Yeah, I was surprised too. I guess the bidding stalled very quickly.


                        Sunspot Male Kirin
                        Sunspot Sitting Baby Kirin

                        in reply to: Ever found a Windstone at a thrift store? #1499718

                          I found an old green male and mother dragon in an antique store. I didn’t recognize the color and it was very beat up, so I didn’t grab it at the time, fearing a knock-off(plus I didn’t know you could repair them and they had a LOT of chips). I later realized that it was simply a very old color. Oh well.

                          I later came back and got a pair of flap-cats for $6.50. Also rather chipped. They still have a wizard there, but the tip of the staff is broken and I am not enough of a fan of the wizards to attempt a repair that major or pay to have someone else repair it.


                          Sunspot Male Kirin
                          Sunspot Sitting Baby Kirin

                          in reply to: 2016 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #1499712

                            Given that it is almost four days until the auction is over and it is already up to over $800 I have a feeling that won’t be a problem.


                            Sunspot Male Kirin
                            Sunspot Sitting Baby Kirin

                            in reply to: 2016 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #1498812

                              I actually managed to get the black hibiscus fledgeling dragon. I didn’t think I had a chance. Spent a bit more than I wanted, but that is ok.

                              I really hope to see the jungle flame, monarch, and celestial sunset come out someday, in limited or production, all of those are just gorgeous.


                              Sunspot Male Kirin
                              Sunspot Sitting Baby Kirin

                            Viewing 13 posts - 76 through 88 (of 88 total)