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  • in reply to: YIPPIE!! I got my PYO swap today! #567512

      I think a poll might be a good idea. πŸ˜€

      Though I have to say… the farther away from Xmas the better… 😈

      I intend to be better this time around… no more experimenting!!! πŸ˜›

      in reply to: Oh Ski!!! Lookie Loo!!! #601131

        skigod377 wrote:

        Me, too! I cant wait to see the next ones. Esp the champange. I am curious about that. πŸ™‚

        Ok Ski… picture this color…

        I just can’t decide if I’m going to add the “mottling” to her muzzle or not… πŸ˜€

        This guy is the COOLEST guy EVER…

        One day I’ll be brave enough to try reverse dapples…

        in reply to: Oh Ski!!! Lookie Loo!!! #601128

          dragonessjade wrote:

          lol…I know you mean as long as the unicorn cooperates, but I thought it was kinda funny if you meant Romeodanny. πŸ˜†

          πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

          Naw… Romeodanny is awesome! πŸ˜†

          I’ve just been having so many problems with lifting and crap on my PYOs! I dunno why the paint/pastels/basecoat/sealer are lifting… cracking… etc…it’s FRUSTRATING…

          So far I’ve been able to overcome it… but I want it to stop!

          I’m hoping it has… or that my new can of basecoat will help…

          The real test will come with Romeo’s Unicorn! πŸ˜†

          in reply to: unicorn horn? #601115

            I’d agree with Nam…

            I wouldn’t take the horn off unless it was loose… or already broken…

            Once you glue something in a second time it’s never as secure as the first. πŸ™

            in reply to: Oh Ski!!! Lookie Loo!!! #601126

              skigod377 wrote:

              Oh wow! I do love her! I Love the pink in the mane, the white on the face, the shading, the white feet, and the mane and tail are killer! Wonderful job!!! I am quite certain I got the better end of this deal! Thank you so much!

              πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

              No thank you!! I really appreciate it! You helped get me out of a tight spot! ^.^ And I had so much fun doing it!

              Thanks everyone! I’m glad you like her! She was so much fun to paint. ^.^

              I just love it when you’ve been working on them for a few days and suddenly you hit a layer and… BOOM they tell you they’re done. ^.^ Time for details!

              I have two more in the works… Romeodanny in Palomino I think… (as long as she cooperates!) and one in an equine color called Champagne! I think it will fit the Unicorn well! Already she’s looknig nice.

              The Champagne one will be for sale. ^.^ Unless I fall in love… 😈

              Then I’ll move on into a commission (as long as I receive her M/O…) and possible another SPECIAL project! 😈

              in reply to: Oh Ski!!! Lookie Loo!!! #601118

                I think she couldn’t quite decide if she was Silver Dapple or Chestnut… but I still like how she turned out. πŸ˜€

                LMK what you think! Same goes for everyone else!

                I’d post pics of my swap piece… that I FINALLY mailed out the other day… but I shan’t spoil it for my pooor Swapee! I hope she likes my little “package” 😈

                in reply to: Black Opal2 #597993

                  I’ve been gazing at your dragons for a long time… WOW… that’s all I can say…

                  I don’t know why… but dragons are the hardest for me to do… maybe it’s because there is no set way to design them. Maybe because there are so many possibilities… and I’m TERRIBLY indecisive!!

                  At any rate… Kudos to you… they are all GORGEOUS!!!

                  Perhaps one day I could own a dragon by you!!! 😈

                  in reply to: PYO Unicorn in Dapple Rose Grey! ENDS in 3 hrs!!!! #595596

                    ::bumps again::

                    Ends in 3 hrs!!! πŸ˜€ 😈

                    in reply to: Unicorn in Dappled Rose Grey! ^.^ #595612

                      bluepony78 wrote:

                      AWE! Look at all the ponies.. I wanna go to chicoteague someday. I love ponies. Keep telling hubby when he dies, I’m moving either there or to Texas. (he really likes it here *barf*).

                      You sound like Lori!

                      she’s a Native Born Texan… but… I think she might move to Chincoteague if she got the chance. πŸ˜† She’s a Chincoteague pony NUT!!!

                      in reply to: PYO Unicorn in Dapple Rose Grey! ENDS in 3 hrs!!!! #595595

                        Thanks everyone!!! πŸ˜€

                        One day left on this lovely lady!

                        Her auction ends tomorrow!!! WOOT!

                        Good luck all!

                        in reply to: Unicorn in Dappled Rose Grey! ^.^ #595610

                          Actually… the color is one I did on a resin for a friend… that was based off of this horse…

                          His name is Surfer Dude… and he’s a pony on Chincoteague. πŸ˜€

                          Here’s the model I painetd as a portrait of him…

                          I really need to take better pics of that horse… He’s one of my fav paintjobs. πŸ˜€

                          He IS Silver Dapple like Rocky Mountain horses… he’s just faded from being out in the wild. πŸ˜€

                          I LOVE Rocky Mountain horses… their color is always so striking! πŸ˜€

                          in reply to: Unicorn in Dappled Rose Grey! ^.^ #595605

                            dragonessjade wrote:

                            I think Ski’s looks great with that color of horn. Are you gonna leave it that way?

                            Hadn’t planned on it… that’s just the masking fluid with primer and base coat on it. πŸ™‚

                            Though… I have an design idea ready for one… and my design requires that the horn be tri-colored… black, white and red…

                            I’m really torn… do I paint the horn??? Or ignore that part of the design and just leave it gold?

                            I’m just really having a hard time painting over the GOLD! πŸ˜†

                            in reply to: Unicorn in Dappled Rose Grey! ^.^ #595602

                              Glad you like Ski!

                              her mane and tail still need work…

                              I plan on her having a sock on the outside hindleg… a small cornet band on the inner hindleg… adn then maybe a sock showing almost up to the knee on one of her forelegs…

                              Any ideas/preferences for facial marking?

                              Or colors for the beads in her mane and tail? πŸ˜€

                              LMK now… and I can do it! ^.^ I’ve still got a ways on her mane and tail… they still need pastel… πŸ™‚

                              in reply to: Unicorn in Dappled Rose Grey! ^.^ #595600

                                Thanks Pegasi! 😳

                                Ok… I lied Ski… you get a sneak peak for now… she went dark before I thought she would…. and her mane and tail cleaned up well. πŸ˜†

                                More pics soon… πŸ˜‰

                                in reply to: Unicorn in Dappled Rose Grey! ^.^ #595598

                                  Ok… I have been busy painting the last week or so since I returned from NAN… πŸ˜€ And I’m finally showing this lovely lady off!

                                  (She’s on ebay too! πŸ˜†

                                  She was finished in pastels… MAN it was hard to do dapples on a PYO! Hurt my wrist something awful. πŸ˜› I had to do each side separately…. took a fair bit of time. πŸ˜› But I think it was worth it. ^.^

                                  LMK what you think! 😈

                                  PS: Ski… pics of your uni should come this weekend… if she continues to cooperate! πŸ˜€

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